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Suggested PvP tyranny or mastery event

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#1 watagashi



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Posted 29 September 2017 - 23:20

Was gone while the first one happened but im bothered by a medal I cant get so I am making these suggestions for a event the majority of the game may get behind.

It seems to me that it was like the first pvp ladder and the majority of complaints were from players who didnt want to pvp but felt forced to so I am trying to keep that consideration in both suggestions,,

Suggestion #1,, invasion of the body snatchers

The Shroud have found a new entity that can take over player minds! The only way to get rid of them is to knock out affected players!!

This would work like a global event but for pvp hits,, all hits are done on a virtual doppelganger of the players and no real exp or gold loss happens. These attacks do not qualify for bounties. All players are activated and spawn in realms near their actual level. 

There are 2 sets of (suggested) rewards for this event, first is the kills and tiered similar to any other global. Due to the added difficulty and risk involved (perhaps exp loss on a loss is still there) then rewards for this should be a bit better than average. This half of the event gets players into the idea of hitting other players. This should link to Mastery and tyranny medals

The second part is for the pvp itself, there should be a reward tier for winning pvp attacks and rewards for that but also one for DEFENDING attacks. This part especially encourages players to be active, buffed and geared up for pvp as well as keeping on their toes in their attacking. I pondered this a while and think that deflect should be allowed and should count as a defend. The top defenders should get a very nice reward and tiered as well. This above all would get the meta game and non pvp players interested in its aspects and mechanics. You will never get everyone into it but this may just win over some converts. This part should have a new medal an anti tyranny if you will

<EDIT> this needs an event log or people are going to get mad about log spam attacks but there still needs to be a way for those who care to track the attacks and defends.

Suggestion #2 Civil war!

Grim has taken the last of the coffee AGAIN and didnt make more AGAIN,, Hoof has had it and demoted him to office assistant! The office is taking sides and its spilled over into the game!

Players opt in by choosing a side, (or dont opt in,, see below, this idea would be fun even with no pvp) and a global event happens. Little versions of Hoof and Grim are running around and must be defeated! Each side has their own tier and the side that scores higher will be declared the winner! The rewards for this part should be like an average global but with a bit better rewards for the winning side (Grims super strong coffee leveling pot for example) and perhaps some funny consolation prize tiers for the losing side (Hoofs best boss ever cup if Hoofs side wins for an example) 

The other part is a pvp side, attacks on an opposing team count on the global score but also the global pvp score. PvP range is extended to something like current bands It should be made in such a way that players can only be hit one time unless they make an attack,, not sure if it should be opt in or not, I lean tward not but definently make it so nobody has to take more than one hit unless they participate. Bounties should take score and teamates cant clear them. My suggestion is 1 point per stam in pvp attacks, 2 for bounty attacks  (yes 100 stamming a bounty would be a useful way to pack on points!). something not to overpowering but more beneficial than using stam on npcs. 
Another potentially useful idea for this is an opt in system,, if you opt in you cant be bountied for attacks on other opted in players. In this way bounties become the key to protecting those who dont want to participate in this part.

Global pvp score has sets of rewards for both sides but winners get the better stuff as well as mastery and tyranny progress

<Edit> see above,, needs a global log to prevent log spam

Thanks for the time, consideration and any input, id like to see some kind of way to get these medals back in game again


Edited by watagashi, 30 September 2017 - 00:27.

#2 yotwehc



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Posted 29 September 2017 - 23:45

Wow! I really like suggestion #1

Only thing I would suggest is somehow weighing players. Quality kills = more points. Not sure how to determine that.

Edited by yotwehc, 29 September 2017 - 23:48.

#3 watagashi



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Posted 29 September 2017 - 23:57

Wow! I really like suggestion #1

Only thing I would suggest is somehow weighing players. Quality kills = more points. Not sure how to determine that.

I was actually thinking only active players should spawn. You could only hit your level or below and like creatures that would have a level scale. 
One aspect of this idea I didnt add was perhaps making this into some kind of exp event but hitting dopps of players instead of creatures XD

<edit> both suggestions but mostly #1 needs a way to snapshot gear similar to arena so players dont strip to make it easy.

Edited by watagashi, 01 October 2017 - 21:11.

#4 BadPenny



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Posted 30 September 2017 - 00:01

Me likey

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#5 watagashi



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Posted 10 October 2017 - 20:39

As I am sitting through a bounty for doing a daily quest hit another part of this idea came to me,,,

PvP Prestige, +1% XP gain increase per point vs. creatures.

These in potion form would make excellent rewards but b careful,, if the word ever got out that this is the very best leveling buff out there everyone will start hitting one another :P

Edited by watagashi, 10 October 2017 - 20:40.

#6 BadPenny



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Posted 10 October 2017 - 21:28

As I am sitting through a bounty for doing a daily quest hit another part of this idea came to me,,,

PvP Prestige, +1% XP gain increase per point vs. creatures.

These in potion form would make excellent rewards but b careful,, if the word ever got out that this is the very best leveling buff out there everyone will start hitting one another :P

Prestige is as old as the ladder, and the debates just as aged.   I long ago stopped getting prestige from normal PvP outside of DQ's.  Most of my current prestige comes from board clears, and as such like most, I only use it for the biannual 2x XP events.  Until PvP is more readily accepted as part of the game, I really can't see any reason to regularly participate anymore.  Nobody holds gold up here, not much point to it anymore.  Its ceased to be fun, at least for me.

Edited by BadPenny, 10 October 2017 - 21:29.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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