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Member Since 11 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 15 2014 01:22

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Making General Loot Worth Something

14 January 2014 - 00:47

Agree with OP completely. why make loot that's not fun to pick up?

In Topic: One Click Gather instead of 2 click or left+right multiple times.

27 December 2013 - 02:23

hi mom!


For a time, I was having a bit of trouble with my wrists. i switched to using my left hand for using the mouse. No more pain. Takes probably 40 hours to get used to it, then it's second nature, just like the right hand.


Personally, I think one-clicking a resource would feel more boring...though I do sympathize with those with pain.


04 December 2013 - 04:18

They should give new players one of the good sacks with 10 slots, so they see how helpful those are. I was very frustrated with storage when i first started, until I figured out how to use the sacks. Now (with 10 sacks) I could gather for hours and hours without needing to empty.

In Topic: Ctrl + Click items to bank!

04 December 2013 - 04:15

The baskets help to sell some items quickly. You can just sell the whole basket and the basket becomes empty and you can retrieve it. I was nervous when I tried it the first time thinking I might lose my basket.

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