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Member Since 09 Feb 2014
Offline Last Active Mar 17 2014 20:43

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In Topic: WASD Review

12 February 2014 - 21:25

I'm having a really hard time moving around with the new WASD controls, making me either run into walls or just running in circles and zig-zags all the time.


Indeed, first attempts to use only WASD result in my character going like drunk, in zig-zag or rounds.  :)


A and D seem tied to moving camera, as mentioned, which is probably suboptimal. They should move the character right or left, without turning it, I think. The behavior of S, also turning the character backwards, is unexpected (but without effects): I expected it will go backwards, facing still front.


I think you have done a great job to integrate WASD though, with click-to-move, to work simultaneously! I'm starting to have a lot of fun, a lot of added flexibility and easiness, in moving my character around, with only W perhaps S and click-to-move, combined as I feel best for the moment.


As for the option to "disable WASD", the only problem I see is when people got used to the keys for another thing, as above; simply adding key bindings to allow customization would solve it.

In Topic: Eldevin Hospital Resurrection bug

12 February 2014 - 11:57

Still happening, as of yesterday.

In Topic: death door - Mytho's - Died from Falfar

12 February 2014 - 10:56

I experience the same problem, for many (any) resurrection points where I did complete the activation quest before. My character always receives Death's Door.

A few of the points where I experienced it: Eldevin hospital, Forest of Adera, Nidaros, probably more. For all, quest was completed.

In Topic: Player shops, feels more roleplay?

09 February 2014 - 15:29

An AH has usually the downside kind of like mentioned above: if they list all merchandise of the world then less people if any probably makes any "business" out of it. If you know too well the "exact" price and can get it in a click there's no much pleasure to AHing. There should be room for surprise, for guesses, for some potential advantage of the player less lazy.


There are ways to do it better: split all the wares for sale by some rule, and make a player able to only access a part from someplace. Example #1 was given by Praetor, add crystal stuff to a prospecting NPC etc. This way the buyer has to go the NPC and access only the wares they have. Example #2, add an AH for each city, different NPCs and different listings. If there are 4 cities with AH, it still means you can be lazy and check only one and buy; if you check more, some less popular city might surprise you with a cheaper item. Also, the game AH interface should help you but not too much; for instance, it could allow you order by price but *not* "remember" the former or average price (then the player that gains the knowledge of average prices can make a deal every now and then); or perhaps the other way around, not show the exact prices but the former/estimated prices.


In both cases (and more), the proposal contains the AH advantage to *not* use your time in-game for running the shop.


Additionally, as much as I'm personally interested to see one day a well implemented player shops feature too (but I never saw it implemented other than as a timesink), I'm wary because in other games player shops take too much space, make lag, too many players staying and afk-ing, etc. I haven't seen an enjoyable implementation.

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