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Member Since 16 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 03 2017 17:25

#898112 Idea for new mount

Posted by HuMoR on 05 November 2014 - 15:38

be jealous..

#896872 Make The Halloween Boxes available to purchase with Treats

Posted by HuMoR on 30 October 2014 - 11:47

sorry to be the odd dude out on this,but from the crap that happened last night if this were to also happen I would want a refund...

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#896612 Achievement memory and search!

Posted by HuMoR on 29 October 2014 - 02:24

Please for the love of all things holy I've suggested this a few times..but now it is rather more annoying when focusing on such things...but please!!!! Implement the ability for achievement remembrance. Nothing more annoying then scrolling through achievements in a section to find your current partial completion of it and then when exiting the achievement pop up and reopening you have to rescroll to find it...I then find myself spending more times searching for it then spending time on my completion. I know you guys are busy and stuffs but grrrrrrrr damn it all lol...and please!!! implement a dang achievement search also.

#896445 U.S serv is zombie tornado madness in EC : can a dev fix this ?

Posted by HuMoR on 27 October 2014 - 17:41

Yea I guess so, I removed it on second thought. This at least brought it to our attention, so no hard feelings.

Well..it is out in the universe now...All i can say is...son of a DFGKJFSDGHGDg

#896309 How do you feel about relics becoming account wide?

Posted by HuMoR on 26 October 2014 - 16:13

(in beta you use to be able to switch em around at one point)

! have some problems with this tbh I feel only normal dungeon relics should have this applied. 
Ascended dungeons are mean't to be a bit more difficult so people are tested on playing their class to get it down,with that being applied to ascended it would let you get your weapons soon as you hit 45. If ascended and future unique relics were seperated from this effect I would agree.

Also I feel valor should be account wide due to the kills/death/etc being account wide,the only thing about pvp not account wide is valor atm.

Tons will argue against this one but w/e IDC-prestige and reputation should be shared between all chars,if the reputation achievements are account wide everything about it should be account wide as you don't get anything special for doing it on multiple chars.

Artisan again,I feel needs to be account wide. They went and changed upcoming patch so fusion is account basically,this needs to happen with artisan as well,I feel skill lvls should be applied to all chars,BUT character levels should not be applied. Why? because at this time you get 0 benefit of raising more then 1 alts skills,and this just causes hassle and time extending situations that need not be there.

#895917 Can you peeps make proper little icons for shops?

Posted by HuMoR on 23 October 2014 - 11:36

I've not got faction icons handy in the right sizes to use on the shop tabs. However I've updated them to light and heavy armor icons to better reflect what's in those tabs. Thanks for pointing it out. :)

Reading this makes me think a few things tbh...

1) light/heavy armor respective tabs 
2) comibining it with the prestige icons like I mentioned...
3) giving each faction multiple vanity sets to reflect on multiple classes..

I bet tons of people would love to see their fabled shield with an arcane sanctum vanity or varuna etc...Or even little eledevin army mage vanity,maybe even some awesome order of life sin vanity with order of life hood similar to sins etc...would be pretty nice to have a bunch of different styles for each one.

#894358 OCD kicking in..

Posted by HuMoR on 14 October 2014 - 14:42

Well...kind of annoying seeing the final 2 gems basically being named the same...so I'm suggesting a different name for either current flawless or current perfect gem..preferably the flawless...If something is flawless then it is perfect if something is perfect it is then flawless...so no need for both of them to be the same..and yes it is just a name..but even that name devalues what gem should be decided upon...Also Im suggesting for a further buff to gems..and an even greater buff to tourma,aquas,shitlitehowlites,and especially sapphires

-the tourms and aquas should have a side effect like...when socketed..it reduces the debuff of regains while in combat by x %....because right now aquas and tourmaline are well....useless...AND this would further bring longer fights into the game as well..while creating a general market for them...and dont make the % shenanigans like reduces 1-12% of regains debuff..more like 3% per tier...you're limited on how many of em you can socket anyways.
-howlites....useless gem at this point,accuracy gem was just a bad idea from the start IMHO this should have a side effect for it being soo bad like x time in combat = increased crit chance over time effect or slight debuff to opponents dodge...
-sapphires...well these are just soo low on the scale of power its healing difference at perfect is just over 3% overall effect....so even with 3 perfects socketed that gives you just under the same effect as a single radiant ruby..-.- facepalm.

#893713 Halloween's Coming...

Posted by HuMoR on 10 October 2014 - 20:13


#892483 please dont overnerf any classes too quickly

Posted by HuMoR on 03 October 2014 - 01:21

For God's Sake don't nerf bleeds. It's only reason I play warsin, pure warrior is trash, after your last 'balancing' patch even warsin in pvp is decent if you take it from us for sure all warsins and sins will leave the game..


"Now this seems to be a big issue for PvP players."


You're right bleeds are issue for ranged classes if we somehow reach them they will receive damage before killing us, that's true issue...

true issue is if you know how to play warsin or sin correctly..you can kill someone in as little as 3 attacks. 

Bad issue is...not many yet have figured out how to,once steam rolls in i see this issue becoming blown up and then changes will certainly be called for.



Nerf everything so there's no differential between classes, lets face it, anyone that calls for nerfs don't call for their own class to be nerfed, only call for other classes to be, maybe if they don't like their class they should respec? :D

I guess I stand out from that crowd because I ask for myself to be nerfed all the time :D

#890401 5 Minute Cooldown on Resurrection

Posted by HuMoR on 20 September 2014 - 23:17

Also I would like to thank you for taking the time to try and explain..I may disagree and argue the point,but it is still appreciated.

#889645 5 Minute Cooldown on Resurrection

Posted by HuMoR on 14 September 2014 - 16:28

1) bosses require constant movements especially in the Ascended dungeons.
2)with how badly this game lags and registers on comps..you will wipe often in these events as it is...so when you dont wipe entirely you have to have someone take the time to bring another back.
3)in the effort of bringing someone back you will probably die..especially in ARG.
4)a sorcery ability..benefits a melee based assassin class more then it benefits the sorcery classes.
5)This was done as a solution to exploiting pvp res,and in the outcome of the release it has actually caused disaster and complete halts on runs,not because of the challenge but because of the nerf to aggro..nerf to mages..and buff to sins while being on a major laggy server its hard to deal with all at once. mages breaking aggro..sins being soo op if played correctly too hard to hold aggro on em and on top of that you cant dodge stuff because as said..its laggy.
6)there was no reason for it...at all. A proper way to have avoided the giant problem would be to value pvp.
-You don't want to change how bad TA is currently..it is crippling the game.
-It has more value and benefit then pvp itself even though it is not actually pvp.

This is not a bash..it is just throwing out clear points that weren't thought out before the release.

#889576 Award Ascended Relics for WB and Rumble Death - extra Glim for WB Helping

Posted by HuMoR on 14 September 2014 - 01:46

I agree with this if it is truly limited to the weekly quest and not per kill.

#888932 >_>

Posted by HuMoR on 09 September 2014 - 15:21

restart the servers
fix memory leaks
do whatever you have to in order to stop this lagging crap that continues to happen. nothing worse then doing a pull and getting kicked out,to get back in to pull again to start clicking moves that aren't working.

#887389 loading screens..

Posted by HuMoR on 25 August 2014 - 19:52

fix them you must. the constant refreshing due to loading screens is a real killer.

  • KeS likes this

#886497 make it so you cant see friends list or who logs in when at trappers atol.

Posted by HuMoR on 19 August 2014 - 21:43

I take it that im still the only person who actually can see the problem that the best portion of skilling shouldn't be blended in with pvp in the first place :)

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