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Member Since 29 May 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 29 2020 06:31

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Guild Buff Market

22 August 2015 - 19:56

This has been suggested a few times before with some variations.  Many players and the cows felt it was too open for abuse and automation.

I am not sure how this would be anymore automated than the regular buff market, it's just a buff market option for a guild with a few tweaks for the most part.

In Topic: PvP Seasons & Bounty Board - Poll Results

12 August 2015 - 23:25

Not sure if this has been addressed anywhere... When it is reverted back (I am understanding GvG is being reverted as well?) what will happen to the current conflicts, will they remain at the increased RP or be decreased?

In Topic: PvP Season Update Completed

24 July 2015 - 23:14

Sure thing. this is the only useful thing there is and come after 3 revisions instead of coming live immediately. People (and me as well) got attacked and lost money/exp for nothing just in order for you COWs to perform your brilliant experiment... 


And by the way, every opt out is a NO vote on your new system so don't be excited about this...

I may be reading from the beginning now but do not presume to speak for everyone please? I for one like the new system, that does not mean my opt-out is a no vote on the new system. I simply do not have the time it would require to actively partake in it so I chose to opt out. Does this mean I think the new system is flawed?


Simply put: No.

In Topic: PvP Seasons / Bounty Preview

17 June 2015 - 14:06

Ok so I may have missed this somewhere in trying to read through all the posts rather quickly.


 So there is something similar to a rating given (ie points to rank up) at the end of a successful combat round.

       Is there going to be something that increases or reduces points based on level gaps between opponents? (IE a 200 vs a 2000)?

In Topic: Update v2.70

13 April 2015 - 20:30

3) TITAN DOUBLER 150+ = 4x Stamina usage in combat against a Titan would kill it FOUR times.


there are some topics here in this forum discussed about titan doubler and as far as I remember there were more players against it than for it !!!

now titans will be killed AT LEAST 4 times faster  !!!

it usually takes 3-4 hours to get a secure, now 1 hour WITHOUT teleport !!!


with TELEPORT might be under 45 min for a secure !!!


shortening the time to titan hunting is bad because:


titan gets killed faster which leads to more titan spawns which leads to more epic items in AH which leads to epic prices dropping which finally leads to a stand-still of some titans because it would not be worth it (stamina-wise) to hunt it for profit


titan drops are EPIC for a reason and they should stay EPIC =>>>> have high value & expensive


again, the more epics we have in the game the more their prices drop until finally the titan is not worth hunting anymore for profit !!!


Why exactly should it be made harder to clear titans so you can profit? Please explain why something that works as a time saver should in turn be taken out so that others can make a profit.

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