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Member Since 14 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 02 2017 03:46

#847241 Vendor Stalls for Rent

Posted by PXT on 07 February 2014 - 23:02

I would like to see a section of town or maybe a new area with Stalls or shops that players can rent for a few silver coins per day (2-10). The stalls could work with a showcase. The showcase could be modeled on the Back Pack. You can deposit items here for sale. A small showcase would be like a bucket with 9 squares for like 2 coppers per day. A medium showcase would be like a sack for 5 coppers per day. A large showcase would be like a backpack for 20 coppers per day. Amounts are up for debate.


You would drop your items in each showcase that you rent, and arrange them as you wish. You could set the price on each item, so that if another player is looking through your showcase and you are not online, if they wish to buy, they simply accept and the transaction is done. 


Stalls could also have signs as well, maybe for an extra copper coin a day or something like that. Currently shops have signs out front to distinguish them, that should be easy enough to implement.


The idea is to get a marketplace where players can actually participate with actions instead of just throwing stuff in an online auction house and letting it run by itself.


To recap: You would rent a shop, and showcases to display your items for sale. The rent would have to come from your gold deposited at the Bank. No funds would mean you lose your shop and items after a certain time, say 24 hours or so. 

#812518 Composing and potential Upgrades

Posted by PXT on 21 September 2013 - 13:15

I hate the slowness..BUT.. I think it is necessary. Making more than 1 potion at a time is something I would WANT...But already the amount of gear has gone way down, the farmers are doing well. Allowing more than 1 potion will increase demand for gear. Bring in more than 1 pot at a time, and see prices (currently 25k per item) go to 50k or more...High level items are already at 75k each.....consequences people, unintended consequences.


I want more than 1....but I think it would be harmful. Maybe no more than 2 or 3 MAX. 


Players are already running out of frags.

#792235 Composing - In Detail (Revision 1.1)

Posted by PXT on 30 May 2013 - 02:54

Where do arena items fall into this? They are listed as Quest items in their descriptions, but in the auction house they are listed as Legendary Items. Will we be able to break down the arena items for fragments as well?? This may breathe new life into the arena once again if arena items are included in the Legendary Category. But then aren't some quest items listed as unique, rare, and even common?? Have any of these items been thought about? I'm just asking  ;)

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#790245 [Declined] T & H

Posted by PXT on 22 May 2013 - 00:59

I've played a few of those types of games long ago, and didn't stick with them. It's an absolute pain, especially if you're in a dungeon with a pack full of stolen goodies, trying to get out, with a stinking undead rotten horde trying to chase you down and eat your brains. Oh what? I haven't eaten in XXX Hours so now I can't run?? Me no like that.  :(

#788168 Familiar Ideas

Posted by PXT on 03 May 2013 - 00:59


I'm thinking about way down the road, stuff that will not need to be released when the game goes live, unless  HCS team wants to of course!! tongue.png


Idea: Concerning the Familiar. Remember the old arcade game Samurai Shodown? Galford had a husky that was a companion. In His special move he would point and the dog would charge the opponent...  I'm thinking of a move that could be similar, give the familiar a special attack with a chance to stun as a Melee option or maybe even Ranged! 



Idea: Be able to change our familiars at a certain levels? I'm thinking of being able to conjure up something different at the higher levels. 1 point into a different tree of the Talent Tree. Maybe even be able to put a point into each and be able to choose which to conjure. How about a gorilla, phoenix, gryph, or even a swarm of insects? Just ideas here. I personally want a giant, black, irritated, not at all happy rhino that will plow my enemies into the ground!!!  :lol:


Seriously, an insect swarm would be very interesting. There are already the insects in the Barens Map. Maybe shrink them a bit and strap lasers to their bodies?? :huh: Or they could just sting and confuse the enemy. 


Maybe a rideable Dragon that can can be character specific? Say, only the prophet can summon one, it fights for the Prophet, but the Prophet can also use it to transport just like the current Dragon Bus System. Just ideas to kick around.


HCS Team,  you have done an incredible job already. Thank you. This is not stuff to put on your plate right now, but ideas for the future category on the white board,

#787839 Login Failed: Unable to Connect to Server

Posted by PXT on 01 May 2013 - 01:07



LOL Tell em bro!! from the far side O' de planet You say CALM YuORSELFS PEEOPLE !! 

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