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Member Since 18 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 26 2015 14:09

Topics I've Started

Change in Titan Doubler !!! (bring balance to titan hunting with the doubler)

16 April 2015 - 09:33

As many of the titan hunters like me will agree that the new "Titan Doubler" has almost killed the fun of hunting titans. Now titans are getting killed in less then an hour, if this keeps up soon the AH will be flooded with epics and the price of the Epics will drop far below so to bring back the balance some change need to be done soon. I hope many players are thinking of something so i thought about something my self. it's a simple change

the new titan doubler can work like this - At skill level 50+, 4x Stamina usage in combat against a Titan would kill it twice. At level 100+ 8x, and at level 150+ 16x.

players who does not have time can use more stamina to kill it quickly. those who has time but don't have stamina can take their time and kill it slowly. there should be a opportunity cost.

suggestion for new development "Asking place"

29 January 2015 - 21:02

i need some item but it's not in AH so how will i get it ? i went to few of my friends and none of them have it, how can i let every1 knw that i need it nd i am willing to pay for it, maybe someone also wants to sell the same item but he/she thinks there is no buyer for it or it's worthless so he destroys it... so if there is a place where i can put the things i want to buy and also the price i am willing to pay for it.. the whole process will be easier.


at first there can be 2 asking places for each character but later they will be able to upgrade with fsp like we do in auction house.


I would like the developers to take my suggestions into their consideration and also like know the views of the other players on that suggestion.


Make Frag Stash

26 May 2014 - 19:52

This is a suggestion thread for new development in the game. It will be much easy to make fragment stashes instead of selling fragmentable items on AH or any other way. I was hoping game admins will bring something like making our own fragment stash which we can sell in AH like potions. with few ingredients we make potions, put it in a jar & sell them in AH same thing can be applied here. we will firm for items, will fragment them put them in a "stash" which can be found in special AH or any other shop in world then we can sell them in AH.


I'm sure the community has some great ideas . please share them.


- Yousha

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