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Member Since 18 Feb 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 23 2015 11:28

Topics I've Started

Hybrid Classes Improvment

16 November 2015 - 17:15



I'm here to bring something that i was thinking about.

While planning my playstyle and trying to figuring out how i wanted to play this time, I got really sad when i saw that the talents are not class limited but still there is no room on creating an efficient and diferent playstyle. The talent tree is free but if i want to play i need to stuck at the path of one class and mix a little nothing of a parented class.

My suggestion to a more viable hybrid class are two. The first is the obvious:

- Rearrange the talents and maybe add some new talents to the early tiers (i think at the 4th tier is where hybrid would stay).


- But to get a complete hybrid you will need to give them support through the thing that i think its what we need here: Itemization. Items that have stats req of an hybrid playstyle and max tier weapons that supports all playstyles (xbows,bows,gloves,claws,swords,everything that you can imagine). And at itemization you will bring up a lot of dynamics, cause an item could have an skill cast on hit or have and unique skill imbued at it so you get a new skill while equiped.


Alternative playstyles:

-Unarmed: A glove that give you an bonus to unarmed damage and some of the actual skill adapted to be used in unarmed playstyle. Maybe another glove more powerful that gives the bonus% to unarmed and and hadouken stun skill. (this playstyle would be good with an improved melee haste)


-The Arcane Archer: An playstyle where the ranger dps is based on spell and ranged. It can be a more Healer and BeastMaster, where it buffs and heal its pet and do its dps through some enchanted arrows. Or an ranger that have a really improved elemental techniques and hunter traps.


-The Cleric: An Off Tank Healer/Buffer playstyle. Where its like the templar but with the focus on Buffs and DPS or Off Tanking.


-The Ninja: An different assassin focused on throwing shurikens and claws. With shadow teleporting or something like this.


-The Druid: An playstyle that can involve some diferent roles. An shapeshift item skill for melee dps. Or a nature magic user, so focus on some elemental damage and over time healings. or some like this... this one would need more work, but the shapeshift thing i know its "easier" to apply.


Anyway i think you got it.

If you guys are thinking on making something like this let me know so i can get sometime studying the trees and itens and help you with something that will get more dynamic and good.


bye :)

Disc Animation Bug

16 November 2015 - 16:21


it was an specific bug that happened to me right now.

i was doing the quest "Public Enemy" and there is a part where you have to spy on a guard.

I used the quest item "Spy Telescope" while i was still on my disc and when i start to walk the animation got weird. The disk was still under my feet but the char was running. I dunno if it was a common bug or if it is a realy rare ocasional bug. Nothing annoying and crasher but i tought it was worth a feedback.



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