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Member Since 07 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 12 2014 16:18

Topics I've Started

Ability to Dye Armor

15 December 2013 - 05:16

I would love to see the ability to dye or otherwise change the color of armor pieces. Basic dyes could add a random color and premium dyes could add a set color. In my opinion it would add some variety to the game and give players further options to customize their look. A feature such as this seems to be a big hit in other games I have played, and certain colors were more sought after than others (red, black, white).

Cross server chat

14 December 2013 - 16:14

I know it's been suggested to have a cross-server group queue, but it that wasn't possible simply having a cross-server chat for the purpose of group finding would help any "grouping issues". It seemed common for users to jump servers if they needed a group bad enough. Having an in-game method of communicating with the other servers could help streamline the process without lumping everyone into a single server.

Graphic Settings.

12 December 2013 - 19:31

I haven't been around very long, and I'm not sure if this has been posted before (The search forum option isn't giving me any results on any search) But an option I would love to see is more graphic options, namely to tone them down a bit to improve performance for slower computers. I know at one point runescape had options like this. I love the graphics in Eldevin, they are probably the best of any browser MMO i've tried, but in certain areas so much is going on at once I tend to lag horribly. This is currently the only reservation I have with purchasing a supporter package. 

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