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Preventative measures against botting

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#1 CurveS



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Posted 15 January 2014 - 14:48

Fortunately, I've got to enjoy this game almost free of bots since I started Eldevin but every now and again we come across a player who seems to be 'mindlessly' killing monsters and who supposedly doesn't have the courtesy to reply to your friendly greetings. The issue isn't a huge problem like in other mmo's but its quite terrifying to see the player apathy towards the potential epidemic of bots in the future. Currently we "submit a ticket" and hope that the bot gets brought to justice but supposedly by the time that happens, the player on the other side of that bot has created or is willing to create more bots in its place. Not to mention that their botting 'script' may be leaked online if they choose to do so. Recently I reported a 'mining' bot from Othallo mines and was told that there were more mining bots witnessed a few days before. These are the first I've heard of 'gathering' bots that aren't just killing monsters and proof that bots are becoming more sophisticated. The implications of bots with the ability to 'gather' items on the game and economy is huge. Lets not wait until it becomes a noticeable problem, we need preventative action now.


It seems We have NO  anti-botting measure at the moment. Thats scary. Even something simple or temporary while more advanced systems are being developed are essential to stop what's currently happening (and evidently growing) and to prevent future bot attempts. I suggest something easy to develop like a 'captcha' type system while players grind professions/kill monsters would help while more advanced preventative systems are put in place. EDIT - My idea is less important than the need for something  better than what we have now and support from the community that botting is something we all want to prevent. The longer time spent, the worse it will get and I hope anti-botting is a high priority that gets implemented BEFORE botting becomes something that Eldevin must just accept as "too late" like so many other high profile games.


The current anti-bot systems are far below the standards of the rest of the game. I love Eldevin, please stop the bots before they take over. Discuss your ideas :)

Edited by CurveS, 15 January 2014 - 17:59.

#2 Truth



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Posted 15 January 2014 - 15:12

I agree that a anti-bot system should be put in place although I, personally have not seen any bots yet. The only thing I don't like about this suggestion is the Captcha system, I truly despise that system.

#3 Loaf



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Posted 15 January 2014 - 15:16

Captcha? Do you want the game to fail?


The nodes should just move around a bit instead of respawning it static locations.

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Posted 15 January 2014 - 15:19

The other thread was locked due to getting derailed and the flaming and finger pointing going on. The same will probably happen here.

I am totally against a captcha system, it will only serve to persecute someone grinding a skill even further than the harassment they get off of players trying to catch bots out...

If you suspect a bot, report them through the official channels already in place.

Edited by JQuan, 15 January 2014 - 15:20.

#5 HappyDays



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Posted 15 January 2014 - 15:27

Are you sure you are not being overly paranoid about bots.

#6 CurveS



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Posted 15 January 2014 - 15:28

You guys are absolutely right that captcha sucks and is annoying, what I meant is rather a temporary, easy-to-program and implement system in the mean time. J_quan the fact that you haven't seen bots yet and probably don't see the urge for an anti-botting system is the same attitude I feel like too many players and possibly even developers maintain. To 'happydays', I guess the same argument applies to you. We can't wait until you do start seeing bots to start implementing security against them, it must happen now, before the onslaught. The fact remains that there are bots in the game, and the HCS have admittedly suspended accounts before for botting. It will only get worse, bots will become more advanced, easy-to-access and with the increase of players, there will only be an increase in bot-development. It is crucial that the fight against bots starts NOW rather than when we are one step behind, always chasing a losing battle. New players don't want to see bots in othallo mines like some players witnessed today and those new players are needed to grow this game

Edited by CurveS, 15 January 2014 - 18:00.

#7 CurveS



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Posted 15 January 2014 - 15:32

I'm not being paranoid, I just think there is no harm in making anti-botting a high priority and implementing some anti-botting features while the game is still new and trying to attract players to the game.




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Posted 15 January 2014 - 15:35

I like loafs suggestion about none static nodes and would eliminate the majority of bots/macro users.

Clean and simple.

#9 HappyDays



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Posted 15 January 2014 - 15:41

loafs suggestion is fine, as long as they do not spawn too far away and are still easy to locate close by.

#10 CurveS



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Posted 15 January 2014 - 16:01

Great idea loafs :) As a side note, I have complete respect for the HCS and love all the work they've done. I'm sure they are working on ideas about this issue and understand the risk of bots entering the game. My original post is intended to encourage new ideas and increase the urgency attributed to anti-botting so that the developers are a step ahead, rather than a step behind like so many mmo's.

Edited by CurveS, 15 January 2014 - 16:02.

#11 Neon



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Posted 15 January 2014 - 16:08

I'm really not bothered about bots, HCS deal with them and will have their ways of dealing with them.

If others can't enjoy the game by playing normally that's their problem.


If botters ruin your (anyone in generals) fun then I'm not sure if the MMORPG genre is right for you since every MMO that requires grinding will always have bots.


That being said I don't support botting.. who would.


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#12 CurveS



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Posted 15 January 2014 - 16:39

To neon - I can't see what is currently in development from HCS so I can only speak for what is in the current version of Eldevin. To submit a 'ticket' and in a days time an HCS player will investigate the account through in-game interaction with the bot seems like a lot of effort for the HCS team, inefficient in eliminating bots and possibly even inaccurate. You say "HCS will have their ways of dealing with them," but we know exactly what those ways are because we've been told by the HCS team what they are. Unfortunately, these ways aren't very sustainable and the lack of security is already being exploited. To say "every MMO that requires grinding will always have bots," wrongly implies that we should just get over the issue of botting and whatever the HCS team does to prevent it is just good enough so lets move on. The HCS are human and they made this "suggestions" thread for player input. So Neon, as a high-level supporter and beta-tester of this game, I'd expect you to care more about this game than accepting blatant cheating (bots). Even though this is an MMORPG, I'm sure the HCS didn't intend for botting to be a common experience in this game despite the fact that you personally are "not bothered about bots." Solution to botting isn't ignoring the problem like you're saying, the solution is to fight it constantly to minimise its effect on the game.

Edited by CurveS, 15 January 2014 - 16:42.

#13 Mom



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Posted 15 January 2014 - 16:43

I think they should hire a few in game moderators so their staff can fully concentrate on developing the game. All you need is 2-3 active moderators  per timezone. 


They could just recruit some people who are unbiased and play everyday for a good 5-10 h + a day that could spend sometimes patrolling the known botting area.


Even myself i noticed few people botting mining. These color bot make it a little too obvious. Same for people using autoit scripts.


Mods could have the power to send someone to jail (with proofs of said person botting), mute people and teleport people in an area around them to see if the bot will go back to the nodes, fish spot or whatever he is doing or just stand there moving around.


Some people will say; but what if the mod abuse and teleport is friend all around. What could be done is a simple log that keep track of every time a mod use command (Date, time, command used , mod name, person who received said command, location (x, y) .

Edited by Mom, 15 January 2014 - 17:15.

#14 CurveS



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Posted 15 January 2014 - 16:48

I like the concept! Maybe a few issues of how much power the moderators have but the general idea is great and I'm sure it could be worked with

#15 Empathia


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Posted 15 January 2014 - 17:16

My character SoulSister has been working really hard at her mining so she can also make good weapons.  So, been doing fairly long stints in the mines .. which I HATE .. but is needed if you want to progress in the game


I was accused of being a bot .. so I think you should be aware, that not everyone who mines a lot  etc - is a bot  :unsure:

#16 Neon



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Posted 15 January 2014 - 17:34

To say "every MMO that requires grinding will always have bots," wrongly implies that we should just get over the issue of botting and whatever the HCS team does to prevent it is just good enough so lets move on.


The HCS are human and they made this "suggestions" thread for player input.


So Neon, as a high-level supporter and beta-tester of this game, I'd expect you to care more about this game than accepting blatant cheating (bots). Even though this is an MMORPG,


I'm sure the HCS didn't intend for botting to be a common experience in this game despite the fact that you personally are "not bothered about bots." Solution to botting isn't ignoring the problem like you're saying, the solution is to fight it constantly to minimise its effect on the game.

What I'm saying is that no matter what HCS do there will always be bots in the game, it's inevitable. So the best thing for players to do is accept bots are here, and that HCS will work their hardest to rid of those who do bot.


You're right this part of the forum welcomes suggestions hence "suggestions". I wasn't knocking your post I was simply posting my views on this thread.


I care greatly about the future of Eldevin, my post count wasn't from spamming the "off-topic" section of HCS forums. I've made many suggestions and reports to help HCS and improve Eldevin. No one "intends" for bots, they're inevitable and I do believe HCS would of discussed them some time during development so they would know that they were coming.


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#17 Shylark57



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Posted 15 January 2014 - 21:37

Way to may people are wanting to Play Hero... By jumping up and Crying Bot... It has been stated many times.. If you think some one is a Bot.. Make screen shots and put a ticket in... Any thing other then that is Assuming... Bots are some thing that happens in a lot of Games... To me it is wrong but it also is not my job to call some one out... Way to many people worry that the other guy is getting some thing they should... Play your game Cheaters do get caught.. But it is not instant it takes real proof before they can just up and Ban some one.... Let HCS do their jobs.... 

#18 CurveS



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Posted 16 January 2014 - 01:36

shylark57 I haven't accused anyone specific of being a bot and never would publicly. I understand where you're coming from and wrongful accusations are annoying. The problem is that the players have been solely given the task of weeding out bots through the report system. The current 'report' system that the HCS requires us to follow is forcing the player to be the 'hero' who has to 'jump up and cry bot' because there is no other anti-botting feature in the game. And then you say "let the HCS do their jobs" except their job includes reading out bot-reports and then going and investigating that account. The entire anti-botting system lies in the hands of that annoying player who keeps crying 'bot.' The argument you just made is exactly the reason why we do in fact need a better anti-bot system. 


Of course the players who complain in world chat about bots and then don't report are useless but that has nothing to do with this post.

#19 Shylark57



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Posted 16 January 2014 - 11:33

shylark57 I haven't accused anyone specific of being a bot and never would publicly. I understand where you're coming from and wrongful accusations are annoying. The problem is that the players have been solely given the task of weeding out bots through the report system. The current 'report' system that the HCS requires us to follow is forcing the player to be the 'hero' who has to 'jump up and cry bot' because there is no other anti-botting feature in the game. And then you say "let the HCS do their jobs" except their job includes reading out bot-reports and then going and investigating that account. The entire anti-botting system lies in the hands of that annoying player who keeps crying 'bot.' The argument you just made is exactly the reason why we do in fact need a better anti-bot system. 


Of course the players who complain in world chat about bots and then don't report are useless but that has nothing to do with this post.

Good for you.... Play game Cop and feel better.... The forum is no place for any of this... You seem to think it is easy to design a game and to be able to catch a bot... WRONG.... Now HCS has stated in other topics if you suspect a bot Make a Ticket on it... Nothing more here but Crying because some one is getting Pie and you are getting stale bread.... The system is in place the way HCS has it... Play the game have fun stop wanting to Play Cop.... Simple Bots are wrong and they will get caught... 

#20 CurveS



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Posted 16 January 2014 - 12:25

That doesn't deserve much of a response ^. Please read the quotes you're going to use in your response before supposedly arguing against them. Also, I think just one period is enough to let me know that your sentence is over. Anyway, suggestions are still welcome from those who actually want to help the HCS team in their efforts. :)

Edited by CurveS, 16 January 2014 - 12:26.

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