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Yet Another Sharona Tale (Part 3)

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#1 ss_altare

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Posted 22 June 2009 - 19:39

Darion was suprised at the amount of time it took the small shaft to reach the top floor. He had long since fallen asleep on the slow ride up. He was curled up in the worst corner he could possibly be. The floor and walls were rusted, cockroaches had made a small tunnel through the metal and a semi-dry puddle of grease was the only soft layer he had beneath him. The sleeping conditions were terrible, if you could call them conditions..but he had to rest before his confrontration.

Finally the shaft stopped and woke Darion up. The red light that had been flashing the entire way up now ceased to flash and then turned green. The gates in front of him slowly crept back into the sides of the shaft and the empty door welcomed him to a suprisingly pleasant floor. Or so he thought it pleasent compared to the rest of the tower. There was a light on each wall every 15 feet which gave him a sense of direction; something he lacked the journey before. The floor and walls weren't cracked, or rusted. There weren't piles of deficant and other wastes on the floor. He was completely grateful for this. He hated trudging through the mess. It was not only disgusting, but tiring as well.

So he emerged from the cell he had hidden in for near 4 hours now. He stretched by reaching his arms towards the ceiling and popping near every bone in his body. His neck crackled and back snapped loudly. Then he heard a loud thump ahead of him, and his post-sleep activities stopped. He then heard what sounded like a fuse blowing and sparks hitting the floor. It didn't suprise him really as it was in the distance, so he slowly walked towards its' direction to investigate. After walking down two or three corridors he saw that a light was missing just ahead. He walked up to it and saw a bat laying on the ground, a grave of glass surrounding it's lifeless body. "Hmm..I haven't had a meal in a while but this thing might have rabies. Then again, that rat might've had them as well. Oh well..don't wanna take a chance" So he continued to walk down.

He was starting to get a mixed feeling of anger and anxiousness. He was mad that he hadn't been able to find the single creature that terrorized his village, but anxious because he knew that eventually he would. It was sooner than he thought.

Just to the left of the hall he had been walking, ten feet ahead, was an entrance to a mysterious room. He walked down the hall and found an extremely large door, barricaded down with wooden planks and large metal bolts. He walked towards it to see if there was something he could do to pry it open, but to his suprise the nails keeping the planks intact fell from their holds and crashed to the floor. He then fixed his eyes on the bolts. They seemed to have warped through time, as they were now covered in a dark red rust. He grabbed the bolts to pull them out and they crumbled to small pieces. He chuckled a little bit, suprised at the ease to open the door, grabbed the latch and walked inside.

Once in he saw a large screen in the middle of the room, surrounded by four green lights. He approached the screen, studied it, and then walked on to a small hut-like structure. He entered it and found a few first-aid kits accompanied by a long steel rod with 2 nails jutting out the end. He shoved the kits in his back pockets and took the rod with him as he left. When he emerged he looked around and saw four small doors, one located on each wall. He was about to sit down on the ground and study the newly found weapon when suddenly the screen turned on, and the lights around it turned red.

"Hahahahahaha!!!! You are far too naive to survive this place, boy!" The creature on the screen screamed. "I know not why you are here or who you are, but I will soon find out and you will regret that you ever entruded in my palace!"

Then suddenly, the screen flashed off and the creature dissappeared. Darion had backed up against the wall, his rod tightly gripped by each palm. He was grinding his teeth, eyes blazing. He was longing to charge at the screen out of pure anger but his fear held him back. He know knew who he was facing, and knew he had to enter one of the other doors to find what he was seeking. With a plan set, adrenaline running and blood pumping Darion was about to embark on the last leg of his journey. He was finally near the climax of his story, ready to avenge his parents' life

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