A: 8/10 catches my eye and since I play league I like it
B: 1/10 no offense but looks pretty bad
Group 2
A: 6/10 the picture looked pretty smooth but was expecting fire to be more bright
B: 2/10 don't exactly like the text "Fire" and how it's put on
Group 3
A: 9/10 the fire is very noticeable and bright just like how fire should be
B: 8/10 really liked how the artist related the four elements to "Avatar the Last Airbender" but didn't like the background as it didn't go with everything else
Group 4
A: 8/10 I really really liked the render but I didn't really like the text on it
B: 6/10 I didn't really like the text on it
Group 5
A: 9/10 I really like it overall except that the top right seems kind of empty
B: 6/10 I liked how the fire was bright but don't think it really went all too good with everything else
Group 6
A: 4/10 the colours are great but wasn't able to clearly tell what was in the middle
B: 3/10 I wasn't able to tell what the thing on the right was at all