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Member Since 09 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 06 2014 05:07

Topics I've Started

Good Idea maybe ? maybe not ?

14 March 2013 - 22:07

This could be both a gold or fsp sink. I'd like opinions from players and from the cows also after some players make suggestions.

Many times some of us go on vacation or whatever and overflow our stamina. How about we pay in gold/fsp to save some of that over flow? Have like a reserve pit for stamina overflow.

But we have to pay for it in gold / fsp. The more stamina we save, the more it cost. And when we burn that stamina, it starts all over again. We wanna save another 5000 stamina over flow, then we have to pay for that. It expires after each time the reserve overflow stamina is used. But we can pay (at a price of course) to save as much stamina as we want.

Any corrections? Suggestions? Good Idea? Bad idea? Whatcha think the cows will think?

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