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Member Since 18 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 31 2013 15:47

#835513 Quest Suggestions

Posted by Struyk on 29 December 2013 - 11:45

1: Quest Experience +20% / +30%

2: Daily quests for every 2 levels ( for example, kill 100 green bugs )

3: Weekly quests for every 5 levels ( for example, kill any 500 level 27 to 32 monsters )

4: Make item rewards visable pre-completion

5: Increase xp on quests that require more time to complete ( alot of walking )

6: Maybe a shop item that teleports you to quest arrow ( the purply thingy )?

7: Make sure there are enough quests every level, so you don't end up grinding 1000 monsters for the last 30% xp. Some levels have almost no quests.

8: Auto remove useless quest items from inventory after completing quest, I had many items left in my inventory that I didn't need anymore for any quest ( for example, this magic lamp? )

#835509 PvP Balance and Attribute Balance (assessed problems and remedies)

Posted by Struyk on 29 December 2013 - 11:22

Totally agree . 

Would love to see a system like Lord of the Rings Online :)

#834067 Current issues + suggestions

Posted by Struyk on 23 December 2013 - 14:54

So, half the EU server has me on ignore because I'm right and they don't want to hear the truth but the devs have to know this as well ( if they don't already ).


Devs, don't read the comments, as all comments will be made by current active players, and all my suggestions are for players who don't like the game as it is right now and probably won't be reading this as they gave up on Eldevin like all my buddies did.



Current Player Base consists of people who:


Play 10-16 hours a day ( If you only play 2 hours a day you don't want to spend the next 10 days trying to get forestry from 10 to 16 )

Have the ability to put their brain on stand-by while grinding ( Probably very low IQ. No offence. )

Bot/Macro ( I honestly think this game is made for botters, because no human brain can grind this much without suffering permanent brain damage )

Work in a factory



Right now the player base is really really low because:

1: Mouth to mouth marketing is not getting any new people in

I sent all my friends and clanmates who I know played Runescape, WoW or another MMORPG information about this game. Out of about 100 people only 1 stayed to play this game to help improve it just like me. We both really don't like the game right now but we see the potential it has. With some changes I think atleast 40 of them will be playing this. And then friends of their friends will be joining and before you know it you have many many people playing this game.


2: No marketing

Don't spend a buck on marketing untill you change the game so atleast 95% will like it.


3: Too much grinding early on

Devs please, try to get fishing or forestry to 16 yourselves. Or level up from 33 to 34 by doing only the level 33 quests and then grind the rest. Right now leveling from level 10 to 16 in any skill except cooking and maybe skinning takes about 20 hours of non-stop boring, unprofitable factory work style grinding.



Current issues ( in order of majority ) + my proposed fixes:


Leveling - I don't mind doing quests to level up ( WoW, Tera and many other games you don't have to grind a single monster to level up as long as you do quests ). But if I have to grind the last 30% xp by killing the same monster over and over by clicking it and then pressing 1-2-3 something inside me snaps. Fix: Increase quest xp reward / add more quests on the harder levels / increase monster xp


Gathering - Gathering is boring but rewarding, I can grind for max 2 hours if I really need something but after that my brain asks me wtf I am actually doing.... I don't mind having to grind 10 hours at higher levels, but wtf level 15-16 shouldn't be as long as level 16 to 20? Nobody would be playing runescape if you had to grind 10 hours to get from level 29 to 30 fishing but 50 to 52 takes 1 hours which is exactly what's going on here right now.

Fix: Make xp linear so that there isn't a huge difference between leveling from 15 to 16 and 16 to 17 


Crafting - If I get skinning to level 16 and use up all leather with Leatherworking I don't want to be level 9 in Leatherworking because then I can't do a thing with the level 16 Hides. I have to buy 6600 Tattered Leather to get my Leatherworking to 16 so I can use the hides... Or ofc get 6600 Animal Skins and 13200 Hides which will get my skinning to like level 22.

Fix: Make xp linear so that there isn't a huge difference between leveling from 15 to 16 and 16 to 17 


Dungeons - Problem is that all dungeons are too repetitive, after doing them once or twice they become a grind because you know the bosses and for the rest its just pressing an enemy and press 1-2-3 on keyboard.

Fix: One fix is to randomly generate them, but that will probably be to hard to implement. Another fix would be to add more dungeons ( 1 per 2 levels instead of 1 per 5 ) but this will also take alot of time.


Quickly moving items - Can't move items from inventory to bank / vault without dragging them

Fix - Ctrl + Click items to put in bank / vault


Trees - About 500 times this happened: Me running away from mobs, kiting 4-5 of them and then running into an harvestable tree, my mouse keeps clicking the tree instead of the ground so my character stops moving and I die.

Fix: Can't click trees while in combat ( you can't harvest in combat to start with )


Camera - Not having full control really bothers me somehow... Just feels so restricted...

Fix: Full control


Emptying Sacks in Bank / Vault - Puts the items in your inventory, you empty them in your bank / vault and not in your inventory....

Fix: Empying sacks actaully empties them into where you are emptying them?

Daily quests requiring multiple stacks of items - If I need to hand in 15 items and they are in a sack of 100, it only fills the first stack slot as it reads as only 1 stack so I have to empty the sack first and then hand over the items and then I have to fill my sack again...

Fix: Items in sacks should still be read as seperate stacks instead of big stack.


Critters - No idea why these are in the game but they are pissing me off

Fix: Tab not targeting them.

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