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Member Since 12 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 04 2024 02:01

Posts I've Made

In Topic: ETERNAL MEMORIES: Players Who Left Us

25 June 2024 - 02:27

The FS Lore has the death depicted? Would be a good idea to push something like what Facebook does with people who has deceased.​ A little space to leave condolences and good words for the ones that arent with us anymore.


05 March 2024 - 02:08

You need to save them on GIF format(on Photoshop), remember to save them through the legacy option (halo 0%, transparency depending on what you are doing) and in the top are 2 options, Original or Optimized, you can change that too.

Once you have your GIF file, you need to convert it to APNG, how do you do it? Through online apps, I recommend aconvert, good, easy, and works great with the FS system of avatars.

In Topic: Fallen Sword Set Editor

05 March 2024 - 01:53

is this tool still working?

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