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Member Since 01 May 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 24 2022 22:23

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In Topic: Fallen Sword: Campfire Stories

28 July 2019 - 09:35

I start play because I moved away from where I grew so one of my friend said we meat here every day to chat  , I never played any game but loved this one , my most favorite was buy my ghostly set an sandtork set both cost like 50fsp each pc I sold gold till I could get them, my first titian kill was sweet an getting 35k max Stam was awesome, best part is the other player jaha kokokoko will72 an my roomy flashfire , I have made this game part of my every day life I will go to free wifi if mines down to log on every day WE COULD USE ALOT MORE LVLS FOR THE 4200 CLUB BE SWEET don't want to lose them 

love the an the players every one have a great day too many good time to write about 

thank you for making the game, iv turn down free w.o.w. to stay here great jod

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