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Member Since 15 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 04 2017 23:17

Posts I've Made

In Topic: We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone

27 July 2013 - 03:24

nope not you,, would hope you would see its mine and not want it

LMAO...to be completely honest I rarely shop the AH and when I do I NEVER check the seller....but glad it wasn't me...would've asked for a refund

In Topic: We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone

26 July 2013 - 02:21

OOOooooOOOoooo was it me? did I buy your stuff? lol....tbh this is petty and there are more important things to take the cows time

In Topic: Stop trading yourself naked on the BB!

03 May 2013 - 02:41

This is often done and usually for 1 reason. They want to be deleveled for certain reasons


A. PvP/GvG (I deleveled 45 levels to opt into a lower ladder a few months back, gained 20 levels back and found a juicy GvG target so deleveled 18 levels last week)


B. They want to earn more XP for their guild and are sitting at EoC



There is nothing wrong with this....The Prestige transfer on the BB is minimal and 1k stam for 10 prestige is very unlikely to be abused

In Topic: PvP ladder rewards (again)

20 April 2013 - 14:54

bumpity bump up the page

In Topic: PvP ladder rewards (again)

15 April 2013 - 21:08

I've never once complained that people are profiting...fact is not many are....tokens are worthless right now for the most part. I've got over 60 that I have NO use for, my guild founder has over 300 with nothing to do with them, I know many others with similar amounts.


If you have taken engineering classes and can't understand buffs,gear,etc maybe FS isn't for you. I know kids that are barely 14 playing the game. I mean no offense by this but it is not hard to look at a buff in the skills guide, figure what it does and then apply it to your stats.


I haven't seen a failed proposal yet either, many people support bound pvp items, NOBODY has stated ALL items will be bound. Old items wouldn't be. there is profit for people right there. You seem to take people wanting something new and useful as a personal attack.


There are arguements for both sides. Nither really matter until cows decide to do something. We will never agree because you are set that if you can't buy everything then there is no point in earning it. Nobody is forcing you to participate in the ladder. IF we ever get new gear,pots,etc  and you decide they are something of value to you then you will have to make a choice to physically click the box to opt into the ladder. Nobody is there with a gun to your head or threatening you. It is a CHOICE you make. I chose to opt out after receiving my bronze dominance medal. The tokens have no part in me playing the ladder. I've invented every set I could possibly need. The ladder was designed to increase pvp activity and it did for a short while, sadly the offering of worthwhile gear made it very quickly a declining market after it was flooded with gear.  augilts was 50-60...now they are what 5-6 fsp? over flooding causes death in the ladders.


rant over.





Any more ideas for new ladder rewards?

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