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Member Since 04 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 30 2024 09:37

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In Topic: Proposed RP Packs.

08 January 2024 - 17:51

Thanks for the update Grim, GvG RP is something which has needed some love for a long time and I appreciate the work to look at this.


As others have already said, the RP cost of these packs seems a little off. A few comparisons to help demonstrate:

Battle Pack B Cost: 15 RP
Death Wish 200
Death Dealer 200
Wither 200
Battle Pack C Cost: 15 RP
Rage 300
Berserk 300
Fortify 300
Both the above packs cost 15RP, when one gives access to level 300 buffs vs level 200.

Defense Pack B Cost: 20 RP
Evade 200
Absorb 200
Flinch 200
Rock Skin 200
Defense Pack D Cost: 20 RP
Evade 400
Absorb 400
Flinch 400
Rock Skin 400

Both packs above cost 20RP, when one gives access to level 400 buffs vs level 200.


Fortune Pack C Cost: 20 RP
Quest Finder 300
Merchant 300
Four Leaf 300
Find Item 300
Treasure Hunter 300
Fortune Pack D Cost: 25 RP
Quest Finder 400
Merchant 400
Four Leaf 400
Find Item 400
Treasure Hunter 400

Fortune looks like a good new pack, however when looking at pack C, I don't think this would be very popular given that for only 5 more RP, you can upgrade to level 400 buffs.

The legacy RP packs, such as Battle Pack A, Power Leveller A, and Fortune Pack A seem fairly redundant given that they offer buffs below level 175, which are so easily assessible for even new players via the buff market these days. I also wouldn't want to see guilds encouraging new players to hunt with such low level buffs, as it is to their detriment. I think these could be removed to reduce clutter.

The new Titan pack is a good idea, but looks very underwhelming after Teleport was removed. I understand why Teleport 200 was removed, but I think something else should be added, perhaps a Teleport that slots in between 175-200, else it will see very little use.

Overall, I think the prices of packs should be reviewed, and ensure that the price scales nicely with the increased strength of the pack, going from A -> B -> C -> D, and ensure each option offers a good choice for strength vs cost. I think most of the new packs currently at 200 RP are way too expensive, and should be massively reduced. RP is a valuable comodity and I don't think guilds would want to use these over using it to buy inventing components which can be sold for lots of FSP.

Thanks Grim!

In Topic: Planned GvG Updates

14 March 2023 - 14:34

​I think given the change to reduce the offline time for AFK targets, you should add the increase to the level brackets for the trial alongside it. With the reduction of targets that comes from reducing the offline time, you risk making already pretty dead brackets even worse. I think the previous suggestion of increasing the level bracket by an extra +/- 25 levels for every 1000 levels, alongside the current brackets, would be a good starting point - and can always be changed during/after the trial.
As an example for my level, at 3492:
With no level bracket increases (+/- 100 levels): 9 targets (Pretty dead considering a cooldown of 10 days per guild)
With the suggested +/-25 levels per 1000 level addition (+/- 175 levels): 18 targets (Much more acceptable)

On the offline time, I assume you plan to follow the current behaviour. Right now, a player can become inactive during the conflict. So if you start a GvG, and someone in the defending guild has been offline for 6-7 days, at some point during the 24 hour period (assuming the GvG lasts the full period) - they will become afk and unattackable during the GvG.
Given the changes will also help guilds defend better, I think the chances of GvGs lasting longer, even to the full 24 hours, are much higher. So to guarentee that targets do not become untargetable during the GvG, you would have to ensure they have logged in within the last 24 hours before starting, which IMO is too little. To resolve this I would suggest 1 of 2 options:
 1. Increase the afk time to 3 days and preserve the current behaviour.
 2. Change the behaviour so that the afk time is only checked at the start of a conflict, and once the conflict has started, targets cannot become untargetable by crossing the afk threshold.

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