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Member Since 13 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 27 2024 16:22

Topics I've Started

Santork Claws is comin' to town!

23 December 2024 - 14:38

Hi all,
Santork Claws and his Flamedeer have returned!
Santork Claws (Legendary)
Tis the season to be jolly! However the razor handed maniac known as Santork Claws does not agree. He has built an army of Steam powered reindeer capable of great fiery destruction and with them he intends on ruining this happy season for all!
Flamedeer (Legendary)
The maniac Santork Claws has created a mechanical Steam Powered Reindeer army. These constructs are heavily armored and are armed with powerful flame throwers with which to burn all they come across. They are joined by...
The Great Pudding (Legendary)
Unlike the usual Legendary creatures, Santork and the Flamedeer come in six power levels :
Level : 50
Lesser Santork Claws (Legendary)
Lesser Flamedeer (Legendary)
Level : 150
Santork Claws (Legendary)
Flamedeer (Legendary)
Level : 250
Greater Santork Claws (Legendary)
Greater Flamedeer (Legendary)
Level : 500
Superior Santork Claws (Legendary)
Superior Flamedeer (Legendary)
Level : 750
Supreme Santork Claws (Legendary)
Supreme Flamedeer (Legendary)
Level : 1000
Sovereign Santork Claws (Legendary)
Sovereign Flamedeer (Legendary)
They drop various types of Crackers that are extracted into Baubles, with are then used to create items. The recipes for these items can be bought from Santork's Grotto in the Realm of Santork Claws, the stairway to which can be found in the Forest of Yule (Clearing).
Please be aware, the "Convert" recipes (i.e. Convert Lesser Santork Hat) to change original items to Upgraded items are only to be used if you still have original Santork set items. If you don't have those and need to start from Upgraded items, use the "Upgraded" recipes (i.e. Upgraded Lesser Santork Hat) as those only require Baubles from the Cracker drops!
New recipes are available from Yuletide Puddings!, found in the Realm of Santork Claws, which is now open!
These LEs will be active in the Realms until 15:00 hours on the 27th of December 2024.
~ The Fallen Sword team.

The Forest of Yule Returns!

18 December 2024 - 15:20

Hi there everyone!
It's that most wonderful time of year! The Forest of Yule has opened once again, spreading holiday cheer, mischief and even a little bit of evil!
All the old classic quests and Titans have returned and we have a new quest too!
New Christmas Quest:
A Bone-afide Celebration (Xmas) at level 5500.
The Mystery beneath the Mysterious Tower (Xmas) at level 5700.
This can be found in your Seasonal section of your Quest Book, along with all the others.
The Forest of Yule with all of its Seasonal quests and Titans shall be available until 15:00 hours on the 6th of January, 2025!
The Christmas Promotion
There's just under 24 hours left to put in your last minute Christmas Special Offer order!
We'll be delivering all the orders by 3pm GMT on Thursday, 19th December 2024. - make sure you don't miss out! :)
~ The Fallen Sword Team

DXP Incoming!

16 December 2024 - 11:54

Hi there everyone!
Double XP Event incoming!
Remember the Double XP event will be starting on Thursday the 19th of December at 15:00 hours and will run for 96 hours.
Christmas Promotion!
There is now a little less than 3 days left to take advantage of the Christmas Promotion! Take advantage of the year's best value deal before time runs out!
Normally for $60, you would get 400 Fallen Sword Points, but if you place an order for the Christmas Special Offer, you'll get 1200 Fallen Sword Points for the same amount!
~The Fallen Sword Team.

Legendary Event & Caves!

13 December 2024 - 16:43

Hi all,
The following creatures have been spotted stalking the Realms! The heroes have to step up and defend the innocents!
Burzzthak the Corrupter (Legendary)
Burzzthak the Corrupter is an  Emissary of the Shadowlord. He has been sent to both turn powerful Beings from the Light as well as gift three of the Dark Ones mortal champions and has been tasked with the Destruction of the Cathedral of the Ways. This would hamstring the forces of all that is Good and Right in the World from mobilizing against his Lord.
Recommended Level: 5+
Zaria the Vengeful (Legendary)
Zaria the Vengeful is a terrifying spirit who has been attacking all in her path in a bitter rage. Nevertheless she is a victim herself. Murdered by the evil Doctor Morbidstein wasn't bad enough. He went on to use her corpse in the creation of his masterpiece. His Bride. Will you help put Zaria to her eternal rest and end her suffering?
Recommended Level: 55+
Dragon Lord Abraxas (Legendary)
Legends tell of the power of the Dragon Lords of old and how many fell to the dark powers during the battle of Gunzwall. Abraxas was one such Lord, seduced by the dark powers of the Shadow Lord and his forbidden sorcery. Lord Abraxas is now no longer human, a being of hate and darkness he and his Dragon, Sixthor, travel the world bringing a swift and fiery death to the champions of good in the name of his evil Master.
Recommended Level: 125+
Cacus (Legendary)
The huge demon known to history as Cacus is a horrific creature to behold. Cacus enjoys human flesh and collects the skulls of his prey in a secret cave that he calls home. His giant leathery form breaths fire hot enough to melt the finest armor and weapons and scorch flesh down to the bone.
Recommended Level: 250+
Night Wyvern (Legendary)
The dreaded creature known as the Night Wyvern has escaped from its cell in the dungeons of castle Valk. Lord Valk wants the Wyvern destroyed before it begins to hunt his people. The lord is renowned for his generosity and will reward this evil beast's killer well.
Recommended Level: 300+
The Bride of Morbidstein (Legendary)
The culmination of Doctor Morbidsteins evil pacts and experiments, the Bride is an unholy construct, created from many unfortunate victims (including the tragic Zaria). A mighty opponent, she stands as a testament to a misguided intellect of terrifying scale. She must be destroyed at all costs.
Recommended Level: 484+
Otaktay the Inviolate (Legendary)
Otakay the Inviolate comes from the west river area. He roams the open plains ravaging all that make claim to his land. He is vengeance incarnate for all the wrongs that have ever been inflicted upon his people!
Designed by : JKlundt
Recommended Level: 850+
Valgotic Golem Engine (Legendary)
The Valgotic Dwarves have not been idle since the destruction of the abominable Doom Maw. Further refinement of their considerable Golem technology, the Golem Engine is a formidable addition to the Valgotic arsenal. This monstrous defensive golem reacts to attack by replicating itself. However, this does weaken each new Golem as whatever demonic entity is originally bound to each newborn golem splits the demon's soul fire. The blazing red runes in each golem's skin glow a little duller. This is seen as an acceptable means of fuelling these new Golems as they have to bind fewer demons to their original Golem stock!
Designed by : UrzasRage
Recommended Level: 1180+
Khimaira (Legendary)
Another 'Sire of Monsters', Khimaira is the primogenitor of the various Chimera that inhabit the Realms. It is the oldest and most powerful of its vile race. This huge beast has the front third of a lion, the middle is of a goat, with a goat's head rising from the centre of its spine. Both heads are skeletal and putrid! The final third of the body is draconic in nature with a tail terminating with the head of a snake that spits poison! Both the goat's head and the lion's head are capable of spewing torrents of fire! This is a huge and horrifying beast!
Recommended Level: 1425+
Grumpy Groosifoo (Legendary)
Grumpy Groosifoo is a half human, half demon creature from the Shroud, engineered by the Shadowlord himself. He was supposed to be an unstoppable warrior but the human nobility in the creature was hampering Groosifoo's killer instinct. In a rage, the Shadowlord brought the demon to the fore in Groosifoo's mind and unleashed him into the Realms, where the Grumpy Groosifoo has been tearing up trees and devouring anything he crosses. Few Warriors who have survived combat suspect the noble human side of the creature's character is struggling to reassert itself again...
Designed by : Groosalugg
Recommended Level: 1975+
Vampduffula (Legendary)
The Vampduffula is a new breed of duck. They're bright green in colour and rather small, cute looking and rather bad-tempered. What makes these birds so dangerous is that they are also vampiric! They draw you in with their cute looks and when there's no chance of escape for their victims, they strike, sometimes in flocks, draining every drop of blood from the unfortunate individual.
Designed by: hades8840
Recommended Level: 2500+
Byaphros (Legendary)
Byaphros is a strange beast. The upper body of a man with a truly monstrous face which, from the waist down is actually the front legs and chest of a horse terminating in a vast, powerful fish's tail. This is a vile and malicious creature who will rear out of the water near prey and to the surprise of all, will chase his target onto the land before beating them and dragging them back into the soon-to-be bloody surf!
Recommended Level: 2880+
The Cerulean Queen (Legendary)
The Cerulean Queen is a demonic creature, always lurking behind every choice made by the souls wandering the lands of Erildath. She is always trying to influence the bravest of heroes to succumb to their deepest desires. She has been known to walk the lands, tempting warriors to give into their blood lust with the promise of great rewards. Little do they realize, her rewards are best used for their guilty pleasures.
Designed by: KitiaraLi
Recommended Level: 3025+
Druugkiel The Annihilator (Legendary)
Far from Erildath, there is a dead land that goes by the name of Scorn.  This land was ravaged by war and famine and is uninhabitable.  But, there is one creature that lives there, the dreaded Druugkiel.  Massive in stature, and brutal in nature, Druugkiel is profoundly savage.  This monstrosity moves from realm to realm devouring all Chompers as it survives off their life force.<br><br>Chompers are an unsustainable food source for Druugkiel, so it always searches far away realms for more life energy.  Recently, there have been whispers that Druugkiel is on the hunt for a more, accessible, food source. As Druugkiel approaches Erildath, we must prepare for the coming onslaught of destruction, malice and pain. To Arms! To victory!
Designed by : iceman66
Recommended Level: 3550+
B Machine (Legendary)
In ages past, the B-Machine was constructed and pressed into the service of a Sect of Gurgriss worshipers. During a particularly fierce battle against the undead hordes of a necromancer, B-Machine fell in battle and his sect was destroyed. His story may have ended there but for a travelling merchant caravan stumbling upon its battered form under ages worth of dirt and detritus. Crowing over such a bounteous discovery, the merchant tried repairing the machine, soon realising his error when B-Machine rampaged through his camp, killing everyone. B-Machine is out there still, attacking all in its confusion.
Designed by: Terrordog
Recommended Level: 4900+
In addition, the following beasts have been spotted in the Scavenging Caves!
Felicity Feline Friend (Legendary)
Felicity Feline Friend was once an ordinary girl. She always liked cats and when she came across a suspiciously placed Amulet of a Cat's Eye, she thought nothing of it and put it on. This amulet allows Felicity to communicate with all felines, large or small. With so many capricious, self-centered kitty voices in her head, trying to control her, Felicity has gone quite mad and uses her army of adorable balls of psychotic fluff to terrorize the Realms.
Recommended Level: 235+
Recommended Gold: 19,000+
Death's Head Bone Golem (Legendary)
The Death's Head Bone Golem is another of the early creations of the mad Doctor Morbidstein. The Golem is covered in dark runes of protection and is said to be powered by a heart formed from pure necromantic magic that fuels the golem with great power. Many believe the Golem is simply a terror creation, animated and sent off to cause as much random havoc as it can!
Recommended Level: 450+
Recommended Gold: 21,000+
Kifo Hoodoo Priestess (Legendary)
To her tribe, Kifo was a powerful young priestess, a prodigy some would say, with powers so great that she could even walk in the planes of death and return unharmed. Her village worshipped her. By sacrificing the innocent, Kifo was able to summon the spirits of violent, brutal creatures to do her bidding. She felt like a God. She demanded more sacrifices to fuel her powers. Naturally, the village emptied. With no one left to worship her, she moved on to the next settlement. She spreads death wherever she goes and is the embodiment of cruelty itself. She needs to be stopped.
Recommended Level: 680+
Recommended Gold: 25,000+
Zaragoth the Hades Dragon (Legendary)
Zaragoth, the Hades Dragon, is a vast, foul being. A two-headed, skull-faced devourer of souls, this monster is a terror creature shackled to the Shadow Lords' will, sent out to plague the living and absorb the power of those he kills. A dread beast, it must be destroyed! Are you up to the challenge?
Designed by: hades8840
Recommended Level: 820+
Recommended Gold: 29,000+
Barathor the Seer of Fire (Legendary)
Barathor, the Seer of Fire, is an ancient, otherworldly demonic being. His centuries of flame gazing have left him entirely blind but he still manages to see thanks to his Helm of Visions. Some say whatever he has seen over the ages has driven him quite mad, all that is known for sure is he is now using his mastery over fire as a weapon, incinerating all around him. He needs to be stopped!
Recommended Level: 1725+
Recommended Gold: 45,000+
Ultra Hustler (Legendary)
Ultra Hustler is a skilful trader and dealer. This is due to his subtle telepathic powers. It is said that he was born in the poorest realms, and raised in squalor. While this forced him to make dangerous deals to survive, he became a canny dealer! His fortunes changed when he came across a mysterious spirit.  The Spirit asked for aid and Hustler bartered and haggled. His prodigious wheeling and dealing resulted in the spirit joining Hustler and granting him his telepathic power, making his hustling all the more potent!
Designed by: 1hustler
Recommended Level: 3000+
Recommended Gold: 45,000+
The Unforgiven Queen (Legendary)
The Unforgiven Queen is a tragic figure. A proud monarch who lead with a firm, though fair hand, she was beloved! Such people gain enemies however and the Queen was no exception. She had turned away and banished a powerful witch from her kingdom. This vile creature would not allow this slight to stand, so cast a mighty curse against the Queen. She was bedevilled by visions and maddening sounds and, eventually, she snapped. Seeing enemies everywhere, she rampaged through her castle with her sword, slaying all who stood against her and those trying to escape. When she slew her own family, the curse lifted, allowing her to see what she'd done in the clear light of day with an untroubled mind. It broke her and she fled. Now, maddened and raving about bloody hands and lingering spectres only she can see, she roams the realms, seeking forgiveness but being utterly unable to forgive herself!
Designed by : Vaelian
Recommended Level: 3450+
Recommended Gold: 45,000+
Hustlersattva (Legendary)
Once a rich and powerful Merchant Lord, Hustlersattva negotiated trade deals at an epic scale. Trade deals that could mean the life and death of entire cities or even Kingdoms! Such power inevitably breeds a belief that you can do no wrong, so when a betrothed Princess, called Mercy, caught his eye, he pursued her. The feelings were reciprocated but the betrothal was set! Nothing could be done. The Princess's Father, the King, forbade further contact. Needless to say, neither Hustlersattva nor Mercy obeyed this edict and when found out, Mercy was taken away and Hustlersattva banished, with all assets seized. He can now be seen dressed in a monk robe and holding an empty bowl in one hand. He searches the realms for Mercy and, in her name, helps those who are suffering.
Designed by : 1hustler
Recommended Level: 4550+
Recommended Gold: 45,000+
These creatures shall be available until 15:00 on Monday the 16th of December 2024.
~ The Fallen Sword team.

Double Composing XP CIII

06 December 2024 - 15:18

Hi there everyone!
Double Composing Event
Today, we have our next 'Double Composing XP' event!
For the next 48 hours, until 15:00 on the 8th of December, XP gained from making Composing Potions shall be doubled, so get those potions brewing!
We hope you enjoy the 103rd Composing XP Event!
Christmas Promotion
There is a little less than two weeks left on the Christmas Promotion. Take advantage of the year's best value deal before time runs out!
Normally for $60, you would get 400 Fallen Sword Points, but if you place an order for the Christmas Special Offer, you'll get 1200 Fallen Sword Points for the same amount!
~The Fallen Sword Team.

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