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Member Since 18 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Oct 17 2015 13:21

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In Topic: Rewards after re-logging

16 April 2015 - 08:45

How about this for a log in reward?  You get to play the game.


While I appreciate loyalty rewards, I never really understood the point.  If I don't play a game, I'm not going to log in just to get the reward.  If I like a game I'll play regardless.


I guess an occasional player can log in daily just to get the reward.  It would have to be a pretty good reward to make that worthwhile, imo.  Does the game in general somehow benefit from having players log in for just a second?


I don't know about the players who log in for a second and i don't even care. I know that when i log in i'm playing Eldevin for few hours

In Topic: Rewards after re-logging

14 April 2015 - 20:43

yer a fancy ass person B)

idk  :P

In Topic: Rewards after re-logging

14 April 2015 - 11:36

Revamp the loyalty shop, it gives nothing. Selecting from a few rewards would be nice, especially nice if some cash shop items were put in there like storage items, ofc they would be bound. But yeah i wouldn't suggest more gifts other than loyalty because eldevin will become an asian mmo then xD

Indeed selecting an item from a list or something like that. But nothing amazing just something well.

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