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Member Since 07 Nov 2012
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#918693 bring life back to the game

Posted by Dradin on 09 February 2015 - 05:33

I agree with Johnagod.     It is supply and demand.  To much supply and less demand from less players means prices are low.  Trying to fix the game with changes that affect the few players we have will shorten the life of the game. There are some countries that play that can not sustain the points needed to keep upgrading gear. Thus the Guild tagging was great. Less gear needed for guild members.  If you want to fix the game then help find ways to bring more player base to the game. then prices will go back up.  


I think there needs to be a level cap established.  I would rather have maybe the ability to upgrade my gear or set of gear versus continuing to level my character.  This will establish less turn over in gear, but stronger gear items or gear sets.  


Maybe once you earn enough experience you can upgrade an item of gear you own. Or you can increase one skill, thus the skill can be stronger, not the over all level of the character. This would create random differences in players and make it more interesting as so many options to improve skills or gear. Thus might help bring back dead sets that have been made obsolete by new sets.


Could ramble on all night on neat things to help the game, but the true question is "Do they really want the Game to  Live on???"  or are we all a dying breed of hard core players trying to squeeze a little more life out of our game? 

#882830 Open letter to the Cows

Posted by Dradin on 30 July 2014 - 01:40

Hello Fellow Fallen Sword Players.


This topic and venue has been near and dear to me as well.  The game has steadily been on a decline for players for quite some time. Those of us who have been around for several years remeber the "good times".  When you could log on and see several thousand players online.  There was so much activity it was awesome. And as gamers we fell in Love with the Game it self.  I know I have made good "Online" Friends here. And enjoy playing the game in all aspects of content. 


But in order to revive the game or increase the player base we need to step back and look at what caused the shift in player egress??  What was it about the old style of the game that the liked changed to some thing they no longer liked?


What can we do to improve the game for all users. If we figure this out then we will have what works best for the game, for us and new players, as well as returning players.


I have heard ton's of great idea's and thought's for improvements. Yet it seems if it is for the better of the game from the players view or aspect...  it seems to float on by with little attention from the Devlopers.  I will even say that i have seen certain topics or post deleted. As if it was offensive to ask or speak our mind sometimes.  This has driven some players away.


A forum is for open and honest feed back. Some time this means we all have to face reality that there are things we would like to see to improve the game.


I would like to see some changes and will list them. They are not all inclusive or world changing. But they are idea's that could be looked at, debated, tweaked, improved upon. And they are not rude by my suggesting them.


1)  The game was designed on each point being based on a market value of 50,000 gold.  If you look at the market it averages from 185,000 to 220,000 per point. This increase has devalued the point, yet the cost for upgrades are based upon a point based system. Thus it is harder for players to upgrade their character now versus when the game first came out.  ( yes i know a point is like 20 cents in real currency. But there is a player base that enjoys playing with out spending Money or large amounts of money.)


2) I agree there can or should be more ways to have stam gain increases per hour.   Maybe even have a reward in the pvp arena that rewards say reserve stam.  Like 50 extra stam, 100 extra stam.  This could even be awarded for gvg battles, titan hunting, found in chest. Or even a daily chance reward.  This works well in other games i have played.  It increases each day a player logs in for a larger reward at the end of the 7 day period.


3) Game life with out the FS Helper really is a negatve for me.  Maybe I got spoiled to all of the extra things it did to make game life easier. But it worked, and now it does not!!!  Why take away something that worked until you can replace it or improve on it.  ( I feel this effect with affect some player base, and will reduce even more players #'s)


4) I feel there should not be a restriction in GVG battles when a player is hitting higher than their own level. This might allow more gvg activity and help revive GVG.  I have spent hours seeking target guilds to find battles to be a few levels off on target ranges.  Yet there are tons  of guilds with players in Epic gear that could be hit easily by lower level players. I understand the need to protect lower level players, but this could be a win for all GVG players.


5) I believe the game could be revamped to speed up the servers.  Move dead guilds, and players who have went inactive for more than 100 days to a holding server. If they log in then they can be pulled to the active server.


6) what would it really hurt if there was a way that small guilds could merge into one larger guild. With the Old Founders having ownership rights to their old guilds gear. New gear goes to the Main guilds Founder/ or even to the founder who tags the gear. This will help with improving the quality of the game for small guilds. or new players who join these guilds thinking all guilds are equal.  ( and yes some new players think that)


7) Bring the Helper online as part of the game structure, then ban all other scripts. Level the field of play so that we all have the same challenges and in game experiences.



Thanks, hope My thoughts do not rock the boat.  :) B)

#845880 Hunting Map Titan Kill Count

Posted by Dradin on 02 February 2014 - 22:46

I believe that anything that makes our in game experience more enjoyable would be a great idea. It does not take away for the game so there fore it is very doable    We ( the game players ) are the ones who have ownership of what we would like to see added to it. And this is what the forum is used for or should be used for. We bring forth idea's...   kick it around some, add some tweaks and then vote on it, and the Cows then see if they can add it to the mix of future in game improvments.

Full Definition of EXPERIENCE 1a :  direct observation of or participation in events as a basis of knowledge b :  the fact or state of having been affected by or gained knowledge through direct observation or participation
2a :  practical knowledge, skill, or practice derived from direct observation of or participation in events or in a particular activity



#814635 Auto Merging

Posted by Dradin on 03 October 2013 - 03:24

If there was a way were two guilds could merge together, with the founders still being in Founder positions.

But allow the 2nd founder of the guild merging into the larger or main guild  to retain ownership rights of that guilds gear. No one has to give up rights/ or ownership of gear they spent cash on. ( IE...  Guild Founder of Main Guild has rights to his guilds gear, and any future guild gear, Founder who merged his guild to the other guild has owner ship of his old guilds gear, but the whole guild can use any guild gear). I feel this would help the game in several ways.  


1. This would Foster more guilds to consider merger's.  The end result is there would be more guild activity.   Which leads to more players sticking to the game.

2. Better equiped guilds which will benefit the players more. 

3. No one has to give up rights/ or ownership of gear they spent cash on.

4. Would be less Guilds in the server to maintain stats for, thus streamlining the servers.

5. Less Guilds to select from when Joining for new players so they might be in a better environemnt when they do join a guild.

6. Stronger guilds equals more players in the game.


I am sure there are more benefits to this if allowed.

#803539 FSP Marketplace fix (Again)

Posted by Dradin on 01 August 2013 - 03:24

The game was estabished were 1 point was worth 50,000 gold.  So as such, the limit of 1 point for 100k gold was a good deal. As such the game was and used to be so much easier to do upgrades,  both for the character and for the guilds.


Prime Example:

Cost of Start up and Structure Prices

 Guild   You pay 10 FSP, which become available to use in the guild upgrades area. You have 8 places for members to begin with, 2 guild store slots, 2 buildings able to be built and 1 relic you can control if your strong enough. And 3 ranks besides you as the guild founder, everything beyond that has to be built.



Guild   is 10 fsp                                           total in guild

extra 13 member slots     260  fsp                                  21 members

13 extra ranks                 130 fsp                                   17 ranks

 10 extra structure           750 fsp                                   12 structures

4 extra guild store slots    200 fsp                                  6 slots

100 extra guild bio          25 fsp                                   180 bio section

guild tag                         50 fsp                                    tag gear

guild advisor                   75 fsp                                    see guild contribution

25% guild  tax                 250 fsp                                  max tax rate for exp


 1640 fsp needed 


1640 FS points  used to be valued at 82 million gold pieces

1640 FS points in current value cost 287 million gold pieces  ( at 1 point per 175k gold)


So as you can see the market needs some re-looking.    Thanks Dradin

#803509 Ideas and Suggestions for Changes you would like to see in the Game.

Posted by Dradin on 01 August 2013 - 00:07

As a founder I know that the game has lost tons of players over time, and that new players are even hard to find at times. When they join small guilds who are recruitng; they often times quite the game as they are not getting the "guild activity or support", that they need.  Not saying it is a small guilds fault, just stating some of the reasons why they leave; as i chat with lots of players.


If there was a way were two guilds could merge together, with the founders still being in Founder positions.

But allow the 2nd founder of the guild merging into the larger or main guild  to retain ownership rights of that guilds gear. No one has to give up rights/ or ownership of gear they spent cash on. ( IE...  Guild Founder of Main Guild has rights to his guilds gear, and any future guild gear, Founder who merged his guild to the other guild has owner ship of his old guilds gear, but the whole guild can use any guild gear). I feel this would help the game in several ways.  


1. This would Foster more guilds to consider merger's.  The end result is there would be more guild activity.   Which leads to more players sticking to the game.

2. Better equiped guilds which will benefit the players more. 

3. No one has to give up rights/ or ownership of gear they spent cash on.

4. Would be less Guilds in the server to maintain stats for, thus streamlining the servers.

5. Less Guilds to select from when Joining for new players so they might be in a better environemnt when they do join a guild.

6. Stronger guilds equals more players in the game.


I am sure there are more benefits to this if allowed.


2nd topic   How can we stream line things to speed things up and help the game move faster.


Why can we not move dead guilds to a holding server?   If no active players then move then.  If one comes online move it back to active.    As well, Guilds that are Dead should be removed from the Rankings.


This could even be done with players who have went inactive.  It would give a more realistic view of were players/ and Guilds are ranked who are active.


3rd Topic  It would be nice if there were more chest.  With smaller "items Found",  such as maybe a potion that has several levels,  lvl 25, lvl 50, lvl 100, lvl 200    ( what ever level is found gives that many hit points to your stam. Only back up to your Max stam allowed.


4th Topic  GVG changes.    I think guilds that have 4 or 5 member teams  that do nothing but gvg have huge advantages over Guilds that Level.  I believe their are or can be changes made to level the playing field so to speak.  Maybe make it were small guilds can only fight gvg versus a small guild. Or set a required number of active players in order to a certain number in order to fight guilds of certain sizes.



I know that all of these will not be looked at in the same light, and this is fine.  Not looking for perfection, only ideas that we can discuss in order to help try to make the game better for everyone. 


I shall do my thing and you can do yours. As I am not here to live up to your expectations, and you are not here to live up to mine. As we would both fall short.

Thanks  Dradin

#802805 FSH key components

Posted by Dradin on 29 July 2013 - 00:16

I always like to see the Management Team looking at ways to improve the game.   I know that this might not be the right place,  but for the sake of being a new topic, it will get looked at more here.


As a founder I know that the game has lost tons of players over time, and that new players are even hard to find at times. When they join small guilds who are recruitng they often times quite the game as they are not getting the "guild activity or support".  Not saying it is a small guilds fault, just stating some reasons why they leave, as i chat with lots of players.


If there was a way were two guilds could merge together, with the founders still being in Founder positions.

But allow the 2nd founder of the guild merging into the larger or main guild  to retain ownership rights of that guilds gear. No one has to give up rights/ or ownership of gear they spent cash on. ( IE...  Guild Founder of Main Guild has rights to his guilds gear, and any future guild gear, Founder who merged his guild to the other guild has owner ship of his old guilds gear, but the whole guild can use any guild gear). I feel this would help the game in several ways.  


1. This would Foster more guilds to consider merger's.  The end result is there would be more guild activity.   Which leads to more players sticking to the game.

2. Better equiped guilds which will benefit the players more. 

3. No one has to give up rights/ or ownership of gear they spent cash on.

4. Would be less Guilds in the server to maintain stats for, thus streamlining the servers.

5. Less Guilds to select from when Joining for new players so they might be in a better environemnt when they do join a guild.

6. Stronger guilds equals more players in the game.


I am sure there are more benefits to this if allowed.


2nd topic is  Tied to your topic, speeding things up and helping the game move more stream lined.


Why can we not move dead guilds to a holding server?   If no active players then move then.  If one comes online move it back to active.    As well, Guilds that are Dead should be removed from the Rankings.


This could even be done with players who have went inactive.  It would give a more realistic view of were players/ and Guilds are ranked who are active.


Thanks  Dradin

#789020 What FS/HCS WAS doing before & WELL! (Raise activity!)

Posted by Dradin on 10 May 2013 - 16:19

I have seen some very good idea's on ways to help or fix issues with our game being able to retain players.  Having a larger number of players is vital to the existance of the Game it self.   When i first joined 5 years ago, it was not unheard of to see a few thousand players online at any one time.  Now we are lucky to see 500 to 700 players.  And if you dig down in the weeds and dirt of it half of them are online to chat with friends, as they went inactive. Or they are new players.  There are your Die Hard Players who continue to fight the good fight to make things better for those who play. But even these Stalwarts can not curb the Tide that is drawing them under.  You can be the Best Guild Leader, Buy points and have all in the Game for your guild, such as the Best Gear, all the Guild Upgrades, Several Relics, Potions, Buffs....  the list goes on and on, and still No one can stop a player from going inactive!!    


It is truly sad, when you look around and see all the inactive players, all the dead or almost dead guilds.   We need a serious thread or post on Items we as the Game Players want to see corrected or fixed.  We are the Legacy of the game. We are the ones who have ownership of our game.  Yes the Cows created it, and manage it, but We play it, we invest time, effort, resources.   


I for one Challenge the Cows to relook or Brain storm ideas to help bring new life to the game, and to keep that life going forward.    All of the post i have readt talk of the challenges of recruiting and managing a guild,  Well Cows   wake up you are A Guild in my book, and your Guild is a lot of Purple Inactive players.......


I will gladly offer my thoughts to how we can fix this issue.  I will continue to recruit and train new players, i invest my time and efforts to make it fun for them.   I build bonds of friendship and mentor them, some stay and grow with us, others go other places, ( large pretty guilds;  that have the same things we all do   lol) or they get beat down and quit. 


We have the best Players here who are the life blood of the game, offering their support and idea's  and it seems to me some of it is looked at as either whining or lets turn a blind eye to it.    


If my car is not running right or out of gas, or flat tire..   i dont keep driving it.  I stop and work on fixing the issue.


Well,  time for me to climb down off the Soap Box.  If anyone wants to work to fix this then i am available in game,  just send me a PM.  Thank you all who do play and care for the game.  You all, and the friends I have made, are what keeps me going.   (That and i have not reached the Top yet  lol)



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