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Tales from The Drinking Bear Tavern

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#1 gothador_alethinos

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Posted 01 January 2006 - 23:13

"This ought to do it," he said with relief. Alethinos had been carting keg after keg of beer into the tavern from the Bears Den. Somehow the booze suppliers didn't get the new tavern address and kept sending the goods to the cave. But after a few solid hours of work, all the beer was where it needed to be... ready to be served.

Peeking around the corner he shouted, "Galero! How's the kitchen coming?"

"Just fine. The grill is clean. The ice chest is stocked with food. We're just about ready to go." Galero had agreed to cook for Alethinos' Bar and Grill. A friendly gesture from a guy the big beer bear had hardly met. But nonetheless, Alethinos was extremely grateful for the help. A full service tavern would be impossible to run on his own.

"The tables are ready, too." A voice came from the other side of the main room. Kareena. Ever since she put on that crazy waitress outfit, there had been eager patrons waiting outside in the cold peering in through the windows. It was a good thing, too. Alethinos was worried that having a tavern out in a snowy and cold location would be bad for business. But he figured, with the right drinks, the right service, and a good atmosphere, the people will come.

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They continued to get things ready inside the tavern. Alethinos made sure that all the taps were working. He checked the wine case and the liquor shelf. Galero could be heard humming to himself as he set out everything he needed. Kareena wiped down a few stools and put pictures and a dartboard on the wall. They kept at their tasks until they stood there with nothing more to do.

"Well," Alethinos said. "My hope is that this bar would become a place where people can come, share their stories, their pains and joys, have good drinks and good food... A place where people from all walks of life can enjoy each others company, relax, and have fun... A place to escape from the cruel world out there. Kareena, I think you were right when you said it might be slow at first. And I hope you are also right, that over time, this place will be hopping."

The three of them exchanged smiling glances as Alethinos walked toward the front door. Reaching out into the cold, he lit a match and brought light into the lantern above the door. Then he placed the tavern plaque under the lantern.

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He said with a smile, "Open for business."

(This is an open roleplay story taking place entirely inside the tavern. Come on in and participate... bring your character into the bar... but leave poo throwing at the door. :) )

#2 gothador_kareena

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Posted 01 January 2006 - 23:29

Normally Kareena spent her time off alone hunting; but she felt it was time for a change. From the very beginning, when Alethinos first asked for help with his new bar and grill she had felt excited at the thought of helping. Meeting new patrons, a new place to just sit and relax- as well as all the beer she wanted to drink- those were all things she was looking forward too. Alethinos didn't seem like a slave driver, so she figured she'd enjoy her new position. Also the uniform she got to wear was a definite plus!

Kareena giggled softly to herself as she wiped down the mirrored glass bar. "Just wait till Falconer saw her working here and in her new uniform. He would think she'd lost her mind!" she thought.

Kareena looked up and exchanged a smile with Alethinos and Galero- both seemed like nice guys with a special love for beer. She listened with a smile as Alethinos said "Open for business."

"Shall we celebrate with a drink quickly?" Kareena said. "I surely don't think our patrons would mind, as long as we can hold out liquor and still give good service." Smiling, Kareena popped back in the kitchen to nip a sweet from Galero and await their first patron.

#3 Roussimoff



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Posted 02 January 2006 - 05:38

Rous rumbles through the door! "Hey, am I the first customer?"

Alethinos say's "Yeah, here's that Bass I promised you!"

"Great, could I get a beer with that? Preferably something dark."

Alethinos passes him a pint of porter, which rous swallows whole, glass and all. "Ah, a proper pint it was, too. I'll take another"
"Where's your coin, rous? I've heard you are slow on paying"
"I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a pint of porter today" ;)
Alethinos looks a little peeved and say's "Rous..."
rous then throw's down a bag of gold. "I was just messing with you. Take a little extra out for the cute wench." :)


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Posted 02 January 2006 - 06:14

Galero bustled about the kitchen getting everything set up for any dinner orders he might get. One wouldn't expect Galero to be the domestic cooking type, but lately, the voices were telling him to try new things to become stronger all around. At first, he was able to clear his head and push the voices away into a slightly irritating buzz in the back of his mind as he always did, but the voices just got more and more persistent until finally he gave in. Alethinos opening his own bar and grill provided a convenient opportunity to appease the voices, and Galero was more than eager to do that. Plus, Alethinos seemed like a nice guy in need of a little assistance, and Galero was feeling charitable, so he gladly offered his help.

Who knows, maybe my speed and technique with a blade will come in handy here, he thought with a grin on his face. And we all know how much I love fire, hehe. Besides, everyone loves my Scyther stew and Darkness delight, so I might as well give it a shot.

Surprisingly, a slight smile began to spread across Galero's lips before he quickly suppressed it and furrowed his brow once again.


Opening was but a few minutes away, and things were just about ready.

"Galero! How's the kitchen coming?" Alethinos asked, peeking his head around into the kitchen.

"Just fine," Galero replied, "The grill is clean. The ice chest is stocked with food. We're just about ready to go."

After making a few final preparations, Galero grabbed a hand towel from the edge of one of the sinks and dried off his recently-washed hands as he strolled out to see how Alethinos and Kareena were faring.

Both Alethinos and Kareena were bustling about getting last minute preparations in the front and behind the counter. They both seemed so excited about the opening. He wanted to feel excited, but the voices were nagging him and prevented any such excitement. However, he did feel good about this. He felt this was where he should be at the moment.

Strolling back into the kitchen, Galero set out his knives and brought the food to be cooked out to the grill as he hummed his favorite hunting song.

There, that should do it....now just to wait until we open.

Having nothing more to do, Galero walked out into the dining area and stood there watching Kareena and Alethinos finish up. When everything was ready, Alethinos lit the tavern's lantern and hung the sign.

"Open for business," Alethinos said.

Yes we are, Galero thought to himself, yes we are.

Once again, a grin began to spread across Galero's lips as he made his way back to the kitchen.

#5 kat25



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Posted 02 January 2006 - 08:32

With a trudge and a slump a great white bear enters and takes a seat. The heat from the roaring log fire quickly melts the caked snow and ice from around his snout to reveal the one and only PolarBear.

"I hear you do a great beer and fish pie, pie me... ...mmm make it a double thanks!"


#6 gothador_kareena

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Posted 02 January 2006 - 08:43

With a saucy wink, Kareena disappears into the kitchen only to reappear moments later laden down with a heavy fish pie on a platter- one of Galero's specialties. As she sets down the pie infront of the rather soggy PolarBear she noticed Alethinos has already taken care of the beer. Infact it looked as though Polar Bear had already started on a 2nd one- and she'd only been away 5 mins at most!

"Will there be anything else I could get for you sir?" Kareena asked.

It was always good to be polite to the patrons; one never knew what kinds of tips they would leave. As Kareena waited for an answer she glanced around the bar- only 2 customers so far, but they looked content and Kareena was sure more would be along shortly.


#7 kat25



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Posted 02 January 2006 - 08:54

"Thanks wench, maybe another two pies", said the always hungry bear, "...and there might be tip in it for you.".


#8 gothador_arnvidr

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Posted 02 January 2006 - 09:16

Arnvidr stomped in, throwing off some snow at the door.

Hi Aleth, nice place you've got going here!, he said, as he saw Alethinos standing behind the bar, serving two familiar furs.

Rouss! PB! Having a ball I see?

Trudging over to the bar, he ordered some grilled seal from the weird-looking girl that was asking him if he was hungry. She was actually kinda good-looking, but a little more fur would do her good!

Beer me up, BeerBear!

#9 Roussimoff



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Posted 02 January 2006 - 15:14

Rouss! PB! Having a ball I see?

No, no balls for me! I stick to beer ;)

Rous gets up and looks around the room. Is that a stage back there? Without waiting for an answer he pulls a bodhran out of his pack, climbs up on stage, and starts playing a nice groove. I hope someone here can sing, or else I will have to sing myself and I'd hate to scare away the business! he says with a grin.

#10 kat25



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Posted 02 January 2006 - 20:32

PB raises his snout from his partially demolished pies and beer to give Arnvidr a welcoming growl: "Gruuurrrghhhh!", while the soothing sounds of the Rouss Love Connection play on in the background...


#11 Roussimoff



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Posted 03 January 2006 - 06:05

Gaspare walks in the door. He walks up to the bar and puts a large duffel bag up on the bar. From the bag he pulls a case of dense but radient muffens of his own design. "Some people like cupcakes better, I for one care less for them." He then scoops up some of the dried muffin remnants from the bottom of his bag and offers them to the bar staff. "Would any of you care to try some experimental muffins from the bowels of the UMRK? I'm going around to select bars in the realm and offering them a chance to be the first one in thier district to sell my beautiful muffins!"

He points to one particularly odd looking (and smelling) offering: "This is my latest experiments utilizing the use of fish oils (and chunks)."

"And here is an old but favorite recipe given to me by an Evil Prince (and part time theater critic) utilizing pig snout and trotters, as well as a healthy dose of Galoot Co-log-nuh! Watch out though, it has been known to leave irreparable damage on the minds of foolish young consumers... much like the Sam Quentim mash potatoes!"

Pulling out his last offering, a yellow crumbly looking one, he say's "This one is based on a design first used at St. Alphonso's Pancake Breakfeast, utilizing a generous helping of yellow snow."

"So what do you say, are you interested in being the first establishment in the area offering my fine muffins?"

#12 gothador_arnvidr

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Posted 03 January 2006 - 13:25

I thought you were a man, but I see that you're a muffin

But I agree, this prince of foods would be a nice addition to this place. What do you think Aleth?

#13 gothador_lunetta

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Posted 03 January 2006 - 14:01

*walks in the door*

Hey, nice place you got going here Beer Bear :)

Can I please have one of your finest ales, and whilst you're at it, get the others here one too :)

#14 Roussimoff



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Posted 05 January 2006 - 02:42

*Hands Arnvidr a dense but radient muffin in way of thanks for the endorsement*

Thanks for the beer, Lunetta. Waitress, could I get that beer with a side order of mammalian protruberences?

*Without waiting for an answer, Gaspare turns to Lunnetta*
So, little lady, what brings a cute little thing like you into a place like this? I was just thinking as I walked in that i could really do with the site of something pretty, after all the scary things I have seen out there...

It was the blackest night, there was no moon in sight; you know stars aint shining 'cause the skies to tight. I heard the scary wind!, I seen some ugly Trees! There was a werewolf honkin’, ’long the side of me!

I noticed that even the crickets were acting weird out here so I figured I needed a little beer. So, I walk into this bar to see if I can sell my wares and low and behold, this sexy little angel (you) is nice enough to buy me a beer!

So let me know if I can do anything for you (or more to the point to you ;) ). Perhaps, on such a dark and scary night, you might be willing to let me walk you home or something... Chew on one of these muffins and think about it.

*After having spoken for so long Gaspare's throat is parched and he is pretty thirsty, so he bites into one of his muffins. Unfortunately, that does little to assuage the poor muffin salesman's thirst. After a moments thought he puts down the muffin, hurting it's feelings in the process. He then picks up the beer and finally eases his painfully parched throat and, in a fit of efficiency, washes down the muffin remnants at the same time!*

#15 Karmh72



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Posted 05 January 2006 - 06:47

Striding in the door Karmh felt a blast of warm welcoming air redolent with the scent of fish.
She wrinkled her nose and stomped the snow off of her boots looking around at the massive room.
Narf is gona LOVE this place, now to find a table and a warm meal!

#16 gothador_lunetta

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Posted 05 January 2006 - 08:49

*turns to Gaspere*

[i]Why thank you for the mufin, it's delicious...would you by any chance have any fish muffins?

It's nice to see another friendly face around here, as you said there are lot of scary things out there so I decided to come and sample some of the best beer around :)

Why don't we sit and chat for a while and see who else might appear here today.

*with that I take a long drink from the fresh mug of beer*

#17 Roussimoff



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Posted 06 January 2006 - 04:14

*Gaspare reaches into his magic bag of muffins and pulls one out* This baby here was made with the use of Seal oils and Salmon. Using a specialized process invented by a Dumbhead in my cult I am able to cook the muffin without cooking the fish!
*He hands the muffin to Lunetta and takes a drink from a pint of very dark beer*

#18 gothador_kareena

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Posted 07 January 2006 - 01:21

Kareena rushes out of the kitchen to deliver more pies to the hungry PolarBear, Grilled Seal to Arnvidr, and mammalian protruberences to Gaspare. Boy, she was sure glad she wasn't the cook- those were some strange dishes! But the tavern was busy, people were meeting and muffins ere flying! :)

After checking to make sure everyone was happy, Kareena sank down on a nearby bar stool for some quick refreshment. "Alethinos, suprise me with one of your specialty beers." Kareena said with a grin.

#19 kat25



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Posted 07 January 2006 - 02:01

Kareena notices that old PB hasn't touched his new delivery and is snout-down in a half eaten pie, fast asleep... 'gurrrrrr... phweeew... gurrrrrr... phweeew... gurrrrrr... phweeew...'


#20 gothador_kareena

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Posted 07 January 2006 - 02:14

After Kareena asked for her beer, she saw PolarBear was fast asleep! She'd been too busy earlier to notice it- though shes wasn't sure how she coulda missed such a silly sight! :lol:

With a grin, Kareena leaned over and said "Watch out for the walrus!" right in the sleeping bear's ear. Then leaned up quickly with an innoccent smile on her face.

Though she thought to herself privately that she shoulda grabbed that ear when she'd had the chance. Those ears go for millions!

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