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Member Since 30 Jan 2015
Offline Last Active Sep 20 2016 16:23

#928984 Castle Dance Balls For Grace and Guts?

Posted by Leafa on 17 April 2015 - 00:33

Hi All! :)


I caught an old Errol Flynn swashbuckler late last night that inspired me! ;)


I know this sounds a bit mad, but how about once a while having a grand dance ball in a castle or mansion hall as a gamer get-together and guild or sword-mate matcher :wub: as well?  It'd be fun seeing as many gamers as possible all packed waltzing in the same room with troubadours playing, wild boars rolling on spits and food and wine piled on long pig-out  tables and occasional table spilling brawls included. Maybe even drunken duel call-outs too!


(Of course, voluntary formal attire should be offered as a free option, especially to newbies!) :D


Take care and safe!



:) :)

#921814 A lowbie help system

Posted by Leafa on 27 February 2015 - 16:08

Greetings from a new fan, Holy Ghost!!  :wub:


So great to hear of top-level gamers who haven't forgotten where they came from, so gracious and willing to come down off the mountain to help out groping newbies and lowbies and other babes in woods!! You're a guy of my heart, Holy Ghost! If I were a Marine in your platoon I'd follow you thru the gates of hell itself!!  :D

Myself, I'd love to finally break solo and take my first guild/team play into a dungeon or arena but I'm kind of skittish to do it now because of my experience in Royal Quest and Onigiri (the only other MMOs I've played since getting into this on and off almost two years ago) where high-level players tended to get pushy and bossy and nit-picky impatient with newbies who are just making their first team foray into a dungeon! Mixed Hi/Lo-level guilds and teams just don't work for me it seems. Rather I'd like to join a guild or team of near-same level players who are as green as I am at learning the ropes -- ideally under the guidance of a kindly Obi Wan as yourself!   ;)

Great to hear of you and keep up the care!  :) 


(who loves tales like "The Prince & The Pauper " and "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court" where high royalty learn what life is like in the dog-eat-dog gutter on the sly!)  :)


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