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Guild Tagging

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#1 EpicPiety



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Posted 31 December 2018 - 17:59

Guild tagging was a very controversial topic. Reminiscing and brainstorming I have came up with an idea to try to combat the massive supply of gear in-game and lack of demand.

The guild tagging feature has created a huge lack of demand for many players for gear. My solution to this would be to make things that are tagged crystalline no matter what. Using them in arena would also ware them out. It would make sense because gear being used by dozens of people hundreds if not thousands of times maybe even more. This would also appeal to the pvp players as lately there is no real guild vs guild tension. I find that aspect fun but currently you can only damage their total experience and barely at that. This would also make so less people are sitting in epics all day as guilds would be careful in providing epics to their mates. This would effectively recycle gear and create more of a demand.

Thanks for listening please post constructive feedback.

Edited by EpicPiety, 31 December 2018 - 18:01.

#2 Pardoux



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Posted 31 December 2018 - 19:07

Maybe from this point forward, but changing ALL guilds tagged gear to crystalline would go down faster than The Titanic did ...

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#3 EpicPiety



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Posted 31 December 2018 - 19:27

Maybe from this point forward, but changing ALL guilds tagged gear to crystalline would go down faster than The Titanic did ...

I mean I have more than most people to lose with this change. Give them a 1 month warning pretty simple.

#4 yotekiller



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Posted 31 December 2018 - 19:28

If you really want guild vs guild tension, increase pvp ranges to +/- 100 levels at the upper end, say level 2500+

Screenshot everything!

#5 EpicPiety



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Posted 31 December 2018 - 19:28

If you really want guild vs guild tension, increase pvp ranges to +/- 100 levels at the upper end, say level 2500+

agree with that aswell that can help. But again who really cares about losing levels now a day.

#6 activeh1



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Posted 01 January 2019 - 10:07

i like the idea but wouldnt they just untag everything ,then just send them to each other ?


#7 BadPenny



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Posted 01 January 2019 - 13:48

i like the idea but wouldnt they just untag everything ,then just send them to each other ?

A smart guild founder only lets certain members have that permission.  Guild tagging was first implemented to prevent thieves from skying off with equipment that wasn't theirs.  It wasn't till a year or two later that it was commonplace to make inactive members with a big bp pack mules, which is really what causes the problem with supply and demand these days.  

Just one old lady's opinion




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#8 Removed4427



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Posted 01 January 2019 - 15:27

maybe make it so that when a multi is banned


the gear they are carrying for the guild is also banned, and can no longer be recalled

#9 Pythia



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Posted 01 January 2019 - 17:41

Each guild decides on it own about guild gear management but if you have to much gear, untag and frag.    Problem solved.


I don't like to use crystal and do not want all the gear to become crystal.


I supplied my guild with replacement sets so I could could use the two sets I'm currently using.


I do no like crystal gear.

#10 yotekiller



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Posted 01 January 2019 - 21:19

I try to provide all my own gear if I can, partly for my own convenience of not having to wait on others using the gear and partly so I'm not a burden for others that can't provide their own.  There is a definite need for guild tagged gear and I don't see that changing.  Nobody says a guild HAS to do that though and not doing so would save your guild a lot of dots for gear and store slots.  Probably save you some headaches too.

Screenshot everything!

#11 EpicPiety



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Posted 02 January 2019 - 04:00

Each guild decides on it own about guild gear management but if you have to much gear, untag and frag.    Problem solved.


I don't like to use crystal and do not want all the gear to become crystal.


I supplied my guild with replacement sets so I could could use the two sets I'm currently using.


I do no like crystal gear.

Nobody really "likes" crystal gear. But it's necessary for the economy of the game. Gear is permanent and forever and when you can tag it and share it between 100+ players that is even more harmful. Anyone seen the auction house these days? Slower than a snail. I also was not calling for the tagging system to be removed. Items being shared by multiple people should deteriorate. This game will keep declining unless the economy is fixed somehow. You think i want the tens of thousands of fsps worth of tagged gear inside my guild to wither away. The greedy side of me would say no to that. The one that looks out for the future of the game would say yes.


When me as an individual can supply the whole game basically with any new released set/item you know something is wrong. Clearly decreasing the rate of which items are brought into the game isn't an option apparently so this is the only solution "Recycling".

Edited by EpicPiety, 02 January 2019 - 04:06.

#12 BadPenny



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Posted 02 January 2019 - 04:42

I normally buy my own gear, except when an item is quite rare, or quite expensive (usually it will be both).  Then, I use what the guild has.  Now I don't always use top of the line gear, and I own all my own Epics.  But if those rare and usually quite expensive items deteriorated like Crystal, I would soon no longer be able to play.  Therein lies the flaw in making any tagged gear any different from that which I own outright.  


There has to be a better solution than to make tagged gear any different than a set i would buy or farm.  IMHO, and I know this will also be unpopular, inactive and/or banned players shouldn't be available to be used as pack mules as they are today.  This is what has caused the glut in gear game-wide and why the economy has steadily declined in recent years.  


Guild tagging was only meant to protect guilds from thieves, especially smaller guilds just starting out.  I remember before we had it and theft was so rampant that some players would steal a fresh group drop and immediately leave the guild, going to the next guild, which soon became a victim as well....  I don't really think Hoof meant it to be used as it is today.  


Maybe tagging itself should have an expiration time, so that guild management would have to think about if tagging certain items would be worth the cost a second or third time, especially if that cost increases each time, similarly to resetting level up points.  Now, since Epics come as a tagged item, they would have to be considered differently than other gear, not sure how that might work.... but since those are probably as commonly shared as hunting setups, this would have to be considered as well.

Edited by BadPenny, 02 January 2019 - 04:43.

Just one old lady's opinion




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#13 Pardoux



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Posted 02 January 2019 - 04:59

Perhaps set a level limit on gear that can be Guild Tagged ? - maybe that could be the answer to the "problem"


New sets are. for the greatest part, simplicity itself to obtain and cheap as chips, especially those released into the realms.


Personally, I can't even remember the last time I used any guild tagged gear, I have a BP full of different stuff (some good, some rubbish and some indifferent - I really need to sort that out ...)


So, yeah, perhaps limit guild tagging to Level 500 items and lower - above that, you have to provide your own stuff ..


Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#14 EpicPiety



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Posted 02 January 2019 - 05:03

Another idea is you cannot hold guild gear in your backpack at all. You directly equip it from the store and unequip deposits it back. There are many solutions to this problem. As long as it creates some sort of a demand and even better simetanously lowering supply.

#15 BadPenny



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Posted 02 January 2019 - 06:11

Perhaps set a level limit on gear that can be Guild Tagged ? - maybe that could be the answer to the "problem"


New sets are. for the greatest part, simplicity itself to obtain and cheap as chips, especially those released into the realms.


Personally, I can't even remember the last time I used any guild tagged gear, I have a BP full of different stuff (some good, some rubbish and some indifferent - I really need to sort that out ...)


So, yeah, perhaps limit guild tagging to Level 500 items and lower - above that, you have to provide your own stuff ..


Do that and I'm out of the game entirely.  I can't afford 175 dots for each item of  a 2 piece set I need to use right now.  I've only found this particular set in the AH once, and I haven't had 350 dots at one time in years and years.  It's also not an easily farmed set, which is what I would normally do.... As a result,  I have to use the guild tagged set.  I'm sure this isn't the only rare and/or expensive set in the game, and that I'm not the only one with this dilemma.



I sincerely hope that Hoof does what's best for the whole community, and not just those with deep pockets.....   Sorry, I feel limiting the availability to just lower levels is too drastic of a measure, as much as scrapping guild tagging or making tagged items have a limited shelf life, and that any of those options will kill off half the veteran population.  TBH, FS isn't hi-tech enough to attract or keep the interest of most new gamers, so the life of the game needs to be considered...

Edited by BadPenny, 02 January 2019 - 06:13.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#16 activeh1



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Posted 02 January 2019 - 08:23

well ive read all the post and agree with most ,but there is no easy fix to this problem ,cant really cap level ,making them crystal well interesting concept  just cant see that working ,banning a multi well i think grims being rampert on finding them over the years ( big thumbs up to grim and staff on this ),not sure if there gear gets lost or not ,BUT IT SHOULD,as well as the all others linked to that alt.



as for the new sets coming out in realms couldnt agree more about how easy they are ,the two news sets that came out with the dragons were a great example ,10 mins after release there were 6 pages of perfects of each for 1 fsp ,Not sure if you can stop this ,if you lower the drop rate they will cry 


i now i havent suggested any new ideas cause tbh i dont have a clue how to solve this problem ,but at least we are talking about it and hopefully we can think of some ways 


#17 sohail94



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Posted 02 January 2019 - 15:07



as for the new sets coming out in realms couldnt agree more about how easy they are ,the two news sets that came out with the dragons were a great example ,10 mins after release there were 6 pages of perfects of each for 1 fsp ,Not sure if you can stop this ,if you lower the drop rate they will cry 

the drop rates were lowered a long time ago 1.5% for legendaries before FI.


Seems a long time ago when AM didn't work on LEs - they spawned a certain number every 10mins I think it was and you had lots of people in a realm killing the LEs on the spot and racing against others to find any remaining then waiting till they respawned again - was a lot more fun back then - I think it should have stayed like this, really felt like a Legendary event when lots of people are online and waiting for them to spawn - waves of LEs appear every 10mins - a natural way to reduce supply, right not AM500 + lots of stam means supply is almost unlimited.


Now it is just too easy to whack open FI1840 + AM500 + Conserve500+ and just sit in one spot and farm - probably auto refreshing as well so little to no effort to collect hundreds of drops - takes minutes like you said to kill hundreds of them and have perfect sets, very little stam used as well with a good conserve.


It all reminds of the long thread about the overpowered pots in PvP

Edited by sohail94, 02 January 2019 - 15:13.

#18 lapdragon



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Posted 02 January 2019 - 15:23

Decided to weigh in.  Not sure what the issue is with guild tagged gear.  for me and my guild, we have gear for the majority of the guild....tagging it so many who do not contribute, can play this game and not have to worry about gear to wear.  If someone is banned, their BP is still available until gear is taken, then it can not be sent back.  Not everyone gets banned for multis, so for a guild to lose gear because someone was banned (too hard to code for different reasons for being banned) is not good idea.  and inactives are great way and CHEAPER way for guilds to save on DOTS since guild stores cost so much, so to remove inactives and their gear is wrong.  I personally buy all my own gear, and then tag stuff when i outgrow it.  Making gear crystaline will drive a lot of players out of the game...and many guilds will not be able to keep up with the cost of not only rebuying or even retagging.  we have gotten to the point where we dont tag donated potions because of the drain on the guild bank.....  there are some guilds that not only pride themselves on having gear for players but supply perfect or excellent only gear........but that is just my 2cents.

#19 EpicPiety



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Posted 02 January 2019 - 15:33

the drop rates were lowered a long time ago 1.5% for legendaries before FI.

Seems a long time ago when AM didn't work on LEs - they spawned a certain number every 10mins I think it was and you had lots of people in a realm killing the LEs on the spot and racing against others to find any remaining then waiting till they respawned again - was a lot more fun back then - I think it should have stayed like this, really felt like a Legendary event when lots of people are online and waiting for them to spawn - waves of LEs appear every 10mins - a natural way to reduce supply, right not AM500 + lots of stam means supply is almost unlimited.

Now it is just too easy to whack open FI1840 + AM500 + Conserve500+ and just sit in one spot and farm - probably auto refreshing as well so little to no effort to collect hundreds of drops - takes minutes like you said to kill hundreds of them and have perfect sets, very little stam used as well with a good conserve.

It all reminds of the long thread about the overpowered pots in PvP

@biggrim can we go back to these days. This very well might be the solution. Will be way less overpowered composing pots in the game aswell if le frags were mint. Win win please consider this. It worked very well in the past and increased game activity as sohail stated.

Edited by EpicPiety, 02 January 2019 - 15:34.

#20 EpicPiety



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Posted 02 January 2019 - 15:36

Decided to weigh in.  Not sure what the issue is with guild tagged gear.  for me and my guild, we have gear for the majority of the guild....tagging it so many who do not contribute, can play this game and not have to worry about gear to wear.  If someone is banned, their BP is still available until gear is taken, then it can not be sent back.  Not everyone gets banned for multis, so for a guild to lose gear because someone was banned (too hard to code for different reasons for being banned) is not good idea.  and inactives are great way and CHEAPER way for guilds to save on DOTS since guild stores cost so much, so to remove inactives and their gear is wrong.  I personally buy all my own gear, and then tag stuff when i outgrow it.  Making gear crystaline will drive a lot of players out of the game...and many guilds will not be able to keep up with the cost of not only rebuying or even retagging.  we have gotten to the point where we dont tag donated potions because of the drain on the guild bank.....  there are some guilds that not only pride themselves on having gear for players but supply perfect or excellent only gear........but that is just my 2cents.

fair enough then the solution has to be decrease the supply flow into the game.

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