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Member Since 17 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 09 2015 07:10

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In Topic: Fallensword Down again?

17 November 2013 - 23:16

Hoof you cracked down on that one post where dude was going HAM quick! Like within seconds, it was scary. Hoof sees us when we're naughty, he sees us when we're nice.


If it is a ddos attack I hope you're working with the authorities to have them incarcerated. I think a prison human enema is just what they need.

Ewww!!!!! And on that note I'm off to watch the episode of Arrow I missed. And maybe Burn Notice after that.



In Topic: Fallensword Down again?

17 November 2013 - 22:10

And i own a pikachu :)




In Topic: Fallensword Down again?

17 November 2013 - 21:47



In Topic: SO when do we get to combine EPICS?

30 October 2013 - 03:03

The prices dropped because of the huge supply of them. The supply and demand of those Epics is why the prices are decreasing.


And please don't say that merchants are the only profit-suckers here. Everyone wants a profit.


I agree with you on the first 2 points.


Of course the self-styled merchants weren't the only ones to blame (I gathered up a fair amount of the items in question as well), but many of the same people who have been messaging me in game trying to sell countless numbers of spikes, amulets, and rings were some of the same names on here asking for the Horned Chomper to be released.


People asked for it to be released for profit, HCS gave in and now people feel the supply is too high so they are asking for another way to increase the fsps they can make. I guess I've played other games where people wanted the developers to affect the game economy as little as possible so I just don't understand why people keep asking for HCS to do things that will affect prices. They ask for one thing, they get it, then there's another problem again.

In Topic: SO when do we get to combine EPICS?

30 October 2013 - 01:22

No thank you, people wanting profit is the reason why all these epics are as cheap as they are. Hopefully HCS stops giving in to these "merchants" and their requests.


Not saying you are among that group, but you mentioned price and I don't think the developers should put any time in to purposely manipulating the game market because players have sucked all the profit out a once profitable activity.

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