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Member Since 18 Feb 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 23 2015 11:28

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In Topic: Hybrid Classes Improvment

17 November 2015 - 16:20

I understand your point, but the bigger drop table would be nice since it would require more time spent in dungeons and would improve players trading. By the PvP optic its really annoying to run pve to get the set you need. Thats why PvP arena Currency exist. It should be separated pvp sets from pve sets and at the pvp sets i understand that the enchant thing could work.

Whatever.. you guys got my point and Im glad that the community seems to be supportive about an improved system.


In Topic: Hybrid Classes Improvment

17 November 2015 - 14:14

I know you(redsmokeboy) are thinking PvPwise. It really needs balance... The overpower of the mage class is really normal in some less complex MMOs (some the mage is pve-leveling/farming-machine OP and some they are pvp OP).

But to balance, in eldevin, we don't need to tottally nerf the mage. What i see here is that the other classes need to be buffed.

And with an introduction of a better itemization its an possible way to buff them and create new playstyles(not new classes).

Probably after the itemization it would appear an 2 or 3 PvP preferable builds, but, if done right, it will not be so hard to every build have a chance against others.

I havnt ever seen an MMO that the PvP is fully balanced. Always it will have an outstanding class (normally mages or rogues).

The most balanced games that i have seen used an PvP exclusive attribute that balance more the damage taken from other players. And the balance was not perfect cause there was 3 or 2 OP builds.

And I was thinking PvEwise when I wrote this topic(cause im not a pvp fan, but i understand the importance of it).

My point here is that the actual items are flowing in a straight simple line and evolving it could be the way to solve a lot of limitations, boringness and unbalance. And I deeply agree that the augment idea to change weap dmg is not good. The augment could be a good one if its to add more customization to weapons attribute, but if done wrong can bring up a lot of problems.


The thing is: Create a new kind of itens! We have here the Tiers of dungeons and craft. We could get some kind of Uniques that dont are from an tier set but have unique properties that do exceptional things. And add new tiers that are not dungeon currency, and are boss droppable. This ones could be the Lore Tier sets, since it would be parts of bosses transformed into equips.

And, of course, rearrange the talent tree.

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