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Myrddin Wyllt

Member Since 18 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 20 2016 11:49

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Training / Daily Quests

29 March 2015 - 08:35

Did you make sure you had enough room in inventory for the chest to slot into?

I know it sounds simple, but I've done it myself

Looooool. Do you think I would post a glitch if I did not try everything I could think of?? I only have a few thing in inventory, stuff related to Daily Quests only, with mainly only the 2 top rows filled, so there is space enough for anything I need to create. But it reads only 1 of the 2 things I need. Was on OC Server. Logged out, Logged in on that server, than changed it to EU server, problem remained the same.
And uhhh usually simple things are the solution, but in this case, it is not THAT simple :D

In Topic: Mainly technical suggestions

03 January 2015 - 09:04

ZeusIV, in regard to farming what you suggest is a slight bit inconsistent, as is the game system. Yes you can ad compost, seeds and water in the manner you advocate, however for raking, pruning and harvesting you still need the menu.
If howwever, one uses the menu, compost and seeds need to be in the dropbox, where the wateringcan does not (which is inconsistent with filling the watering can, by menu.).
My suggestion, was to make the gameplay consistent. I think that, many people will agree that both methods are not completely consistent at the moment. Anyways it was just a suggestion.

In Topic: I have latest version of Java but says no

02 January 2015 - 08:46

If running Linux, make sure you install Java as rootuser.

(install Java from terminal, but not as superuser.)
That is what causes the Java problem, or what did cause it to me in the past.

In Topic: FAQ: Game doesn't load

18 December 2014 - 17:48

First option didn't work, and second I am not even going to try. (have many installs to do still, after my computer crashed so better a fast working solution than one that I might be able to screw up)

In Topic: FAQ: Game doesn't load

18 December 2014 - 16:19

It seems that there are many Java probs as I see. Just got a new laptop installed Java 7 (both versions) and of cours Icedtea. In the browser I added about any and all plugins related to Java, so I would have thought that there would be no problem at all. (running Ubuntu 14.10) However after rebooting time and again, it still says I need to install Java to run the game.
Seeing as I installed about all I can, I am wondering why the play option for the browser still gives this as a problem. (The download for linux to play, simply does not work, so that is not an option.)


I am open for ideas and/or suggestions

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