Posted 22 March 2016 - 22:21
Shards from videos were great, but they were also the most unfair reward system offered by the game in that your ability to participate was determined purely and simply by your geographic location.
So, I, for one, am not too upset that they've gone. At least NO-ONE is getting them now - can't get more equitable than that
Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.
Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?
I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...