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Member Since 08 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 16 2019 22:35

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Halloween LE Invasion!

01 November 2015 - 14:43

ACKKK  attack of the critters !!!!!



somone find bradley brown, he is the only one who can help us !!!!

In Topic: please extend pvp attack range

17 February 2015 - 19:00

getting really tired of all this PvP  crap , A certain few  PvPers XXXXXd up pvp by their own arrogant actions , , players left the game  , now they want everyone else to approve a fix it so they can drive more players from the game, THIS IS JUST WRONG !!!!



sounds like someone needs some education and some extra attention  in the find player list 

In Topic: please extend pvp attack range

17 February 2015 - 18:46

a pvp thread that is not locked and deleted?? what gives???  



i vote yes, at least in the higher levels, pvp up my way is dead.




Few players told and I will repeat. I would say yes to increasing range on someone above your level but not below you



i think this idea is pretty logical as well. 

In Topic: Composing - What I would like to see

22 November 2014 - 22:24

how about adding an anti farm bot mechanism?  i think that would be the best update for composing that you could produce. 


i was certain that the globals were going to be secret bot traps, composing could be the same idea. 

In Topic: A letter from your new Game Producer.

08 November 2014 - 00:48

my condolences for your demotion....    




just kidding   :) :)   welcome back   you certainly have a lot to contend with!!  i agree with someone above who said that we should start with a new road map, i tried plugging the current one into my GPS  and i got lost in the Bronx.



hopefully we can start with a few clean slates see where we stand and find some direction and see if we cant get things turned around. 




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