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World Boss - A change is Needed.

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#1 gomaki



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Posted 21 December 2013 - 11:25

We just killed Blood Defilier and I have some suggestions for what I think would make it a more fun and engaging fight.Currently you just stand there, it basically has no mechanics
I think you've missed a trick and should do something like Diablo 3 does with Butcher (http://www.youtube.c...w9mHfLjv0#t=173) Here the floor lights up and then burst into flames for big damage, so gives people something to avoid
you would make it so everyone has to be inside the grill..or redesign the map so it's one giant grill,for those that havn't seen Blood Defilier he is on a textured floor very much like that one in the video.
The adds don't do anything, you could have it so when they reach 10% health they glow bright red (make this very obvious) and then after x amount of second explode for a lot of damage. This again would be a fun mechanic
Apart from that you would then have to either lower his health OR increase the enrage timer
Currently non of the world boss loot is good enough and needs a buff.We've killed different world bosses a various number of times and only once have heroic items dropped, the rest of the time it was one blue and 1 gem.
I feel you could even completely remove Heroic items from there loot table and make it so World bosses drop Belts, Amulets and rings
This means you then run TR for the set gear, world bosses for the "Off" pieces and still keep crafting relevant as weapon smithing would provide the BiS weapons.
Currently the dragon is a boring 15-20 min fight with very little reward.It is a target dummy with minimal loot.
However.If we look at it as a treadmill the dragon is perfect for an "entry into world bosses" So should be kept as he is (perhaps decrease the health a little) Slightly buff the loot.
Have Blood Defilier and Kongar your next tier of World boss as they would provide the "move from the rock, charge random target(Kongar)" and Move out of the fire, kill adds(Blood Defilier) element between them.
Have Amun as your "end tier" world boss
he currently has been the most fun boss fight and is really well designed
we've got him to 50% before his enrage on our third attempt but i'm more then happy with min/maxing, using potions and food and slightly better gear for the dps he is do able,
his mechanics are very fun and engaging
With those changes world bosses become an even more fantastic edition to end game content and something people would strive to kill. Also consider making the CD one they are kill longer then current.Perhaps 12-24 hours. Maybe not that long but you get the idea.

#2 Malthrus



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Posted 21 December 2013 - 23:36

Personally I found all of the world bosses fairly boring because they have to much health. Instead of being 20 minute target dummies they should take 5-8 minutes to kill and be much more difficult. On top of that, spamming my rotation for 20+ minutes straight just makes my keyboard hand ache after awhile because the combat is very spammy (1 second global cooldown).


The only mechanic that seems to stand in your way in these bosses is the enrage timer, which isn't difficult it's just a matter of gear + consumables + group setup or cheesing the fight by bringing more than 5 people (who won't even be elegible for loot).


The most demotivating part of these bosses at the moment is the crappy inconsistent loot. You can get anything from 2 heroic items to 2 t4 gems (which are super common in TR btw). On top of this any heroic armour these bosses drop is useless because the lvl 40 set is superior in stats even disregarding the set bonus. To make it even worse these bosses can drop lvl 41 items, which all adds up to world bosses being waste of time.


If I had the power to change world bosses I would allow you to invite 10 people to your group and make these 10 man bosses. Then I would add interesting mechanics that require some form of tactic or trick to survive. Dan made some nice suggestions for Blood Defiler with the floor igniting. I honestly though that was going to be the case when I first went in to the boss room, turns it we just get some puffs of smoke which you don't even have to move to avoid.


Some ideas for each boss so you get what im thinking:


Dragon: (keep it super easy, but not a target dummy)

- Fix his wing attack so he does it throughout the fight, seems he bugs out and stops doing it shortly after the fight stats

- Make his breath attack the range of the entire room in a giant cone that he's facing, which means the person he targets has to move to his side. Make the target randomly selected instead of 2nd highest threat. The movement will make the healing of the wing attack harder and if the player took any breath ticks.


Blood Defiler: (basically dans suggestions)

- Redesign boss room so the entire room is a grill and have them light up briefly before igniting on fire. As the boss loses more health make the flame patterns more difficult (e.g. every tile but 1 row lights up and the group has to run from 1 side of the room to the other together).

- More frequent add spawns, make them explode on contact which does like 60-80% of a non tank's life but they have low hp.



- Charges a random player and picks them up, stuns them for a short duration and does 100% of their hp over 5 seconds (so healer has to keep the target alive).

- Make rocks drop in random spots in the room instead of targetting players, but make them way more frequent (like the boss in temple of the three).

- Maybe gains stacks over time which makes the boss attack faster (like the last boss in TR)


Amun doesn't need changing, but all of the bosses should have either health greatly reduced for 5 man (2-3 million hp max) or be rebalanced for 10 man. Enrage should be a mechanic which stops you from 'under-manning' or kiting the boss, not prevent you from killing the boss due to lack of dps (at least not every boss, maybe once in awhile you can make a dps race boss).


On top of this I would change loot so that they always drop 2 lvl 38-40 ring/amulet/charm/belt/weapon and one tier 5 gem. Belt could have random gem rolls like the weapons in TR to keep it interesting. The quests are also really pointless (like the weekly quests) which only give you a really low amount of gold, artisan tokens or prestige points. Buff these to like 10x the reward they are currently and make them completeable once per week.


Basically the fights should be way shorter and they should wipe you due to mechanics, not an enrage timer. I also dislike being able to ressurect players in combat, it makes wiping very difficult in this game because everyone gets the ability to ressurect and any dps which doesn't have to do anything else other than damage can simply stop for 10 seconds and ressurect. Maybe make this ability a mid-tier prophet talent or just disable ressurecting in combat (or add a mid-tier prophet talent which allows ressurecting in combat with a cooldown).

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