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Member Since 15 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 14 2024 08:54

#1000478 Small change on buffs appearance (Visual)

Posted by Ringhal on 28 May 2020 - 04:53

Let me try say something without my post being deleted! FSH only works on a browser in Chrome or Firefox on a PC. For users of the mobile app or browser have no access to the features of FSH. Ideally, we would want all the features of FSH be built into the game.

#999313 Fallen Sword: Mobile Application (0.7.5)

Posted by Ringhal on 21 November 2019 - 03:48

Apparently, I can make a level 320 Buff Enhancer potion. It doesn't work anyway, it freezes on the loading screen with the pen.

#997423 Zombie Yeomen XI

Posted by Ringhal on 17 June 2019 - 19:53

It was everyone that participated, that helped to reach the total number of kills, not just the Top 100. Besides, the Top 100 gets an extra chest anyway.

#997164 PVP range

Posted by Ringhal on 31 May 2019 - 14:02

I do not have a problem with PvP getting any updates, I just have to disagree that increasing the ranges is the right thing to do. This is the main point of my posts. Fix GvG, the arena or the ladder, if they are broken or even bring back a working version of PvP seasons that will make everyone happy.


The only solution is to increase the number of active players, or at least prevent the decline. The app, once released, may or may not help with this. Fixing the DQs, or to be specific, make the rewards more worthwhile and allow for re-rolls.  Something needs to be implemented or improved to make this happen.

I will re-quote myself in case it was missed. Almost every aspect of FS needs active players. HCS and the community need to come up with ideas to increase the activity in all areas.

#997067 Quango Adventures Returns!

Posted by Ringhal on 19 May 2019 - 09:43

If the cows fix these issues, they should extend the event by another week.

They should also give reserve stam to the players that wasted their stam trying these quests.

#992718 Buff market

Posted by Ringhal on 07 July 2018 - 16:10

You reminded me that I posted this idea back in May 2015 (https://forums.hunte...showtopic=71861). Even got a "Noted for next weeks update too!" from Hoof, but wasn't implemented. A feature that should be easy to code, but was never done.

#982036 Getting the most from 2X event:

Posted by Ringhal on 25 June 2017 - 05:32

sac increases xp

isnt that the whole point of 2exp event ?

I wonder if you missed the point of my post?

#982016 Getting the most from 2X event:

Posted by Ringhal on 24 June 2017 - 19:14

Add pride to that list if you have access to it. The highest level AL, Lib, Cons, AM, Sac, and Overkill potions you can get your hands on should be obvious. After that the highest level SH, Coord attack/Def, and KE potions available to you will be the biggest help.

Sacrifice is not needed. You should be trying to collect as much gold as possible and not deposit it in your bank or sell it the FSP marketplace.

#981840 Necrosis impacts creature class specific DQs

Posted by Ringhal on 18 June 2017 - 17:23

you're right. But like he said. It will Not be fixed until the next App update. How do we Know. Because it's been Stated in other threads. As this is not the only thing that needs fixing. Perhaps you could just take your time. Look around the forums. Maybe talk to other players. Chill. ;)

I am chilled.  ;)  Honestly, the last time I used Necrosis was when I started this thread, but I consider bug fixes to be more important than game improvements, so I will continue to bump this thread until it's fixed.

#981787 Expiry date

Posted by Ringhal on 16 June 2017 - 06:07


#981173 Necrosis impacts creature class specific DQs

Posted by Ringhal on 23 May 2017 - 19:36

thing is it takes all of 2 secs for a page refresh so cant really see problem at all


other than that just a petty thing that someone has to complain about cause they can

Consider that there are often (more times then there should be) server lags and timeouts, "a 2 sec page refresh" turns into multiple refreshes and is definitely longer than two seconds.

#981127 Necrosis impacts creature class specific DQs

Posted by Ringhal on 22 May 2017 - 10:03

do it before then get necro buff ,

Either you’re not an active leveler or you don’t know what you are doing. There will still be leftover stam after a full XP hunt, whether I do the DQ before or after the XP hunt. Doing the DQ first means less stam for the XP hunt. Regardless, this wasn’t the issue and the reason for my post.

#981114 Necrosis impacts creature class specific DQs

Posted by Ringhal on 21 May 2017 - 19:42

The display issue is unfortunate and if it can be fixed it would definitelly be nice... although a refresh from tim to time does not hurt that much...

but then again with lets say doubler or CA you are also "wasting" stam and get no warning regarding that - players just have to make sure they do not have any of the couterproductive buffs. Similar scenario like the "broken ub buff" comming from players with cursed buffs on...


And pardon my ignorance but which other DQs have counter giving false information?

This has nothing to do with the counter-productive buffs you mentioned, it’s about the incorrect updating of the DQ counter. I wasted stam, because I didn’t see that the counter was not counting the creatures that were turned undead. I expected a dragon kill to be a dragon kill and not an undead kill. If necrosis turns the creature into an undead creature then the counter should NOT update. This is really bad programming and like many of the bugs reported, they should be fixed. Why should players have to keep refreshing the page to make sure the game’s counter is updating correctly?


Besides, DQs have been around for a long time, so either no one has reported this issue or nobody uses the necrosis buff.

#977619 FS down ... Unable to connect.

Posted by Ringhal on 06 March 2017 - 07:40

Top priority should to improve the servers and reduce the issues and downtime. I have never been on a website that has had so many server issues.  :rolleyes: 


The servers were better and we had less lag/downtime a few years ago when there were about 2000 TRUE active players (active time was less than 20 minutes). Fix the issues or else you will lose more players.angry.png

#975728 treasure chests

Posted by Ringhal on 20 January 2017 - 19:26

Something needs to be done to make finding chests a little easier. Titan hunting was made easier with the addition of two buffs, and further buffs to make it even easier are already in the works.


Maybe a buff that could be added to a loyalty or donation pot that gives you an indication that there is a chest on your current map?

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