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Few ideas to make listing on AH easier

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#1 JayTo


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Posted 12 July 2018 - 22:52

Listing many different items on AH is a long process, lots harder than it needs to be.


  • Default 48 hour (rather than 1). Safe to say most people are listing 48 and not having to drop down would save a lot of time and work.
  • Instead of forwarding to actual AH after you post an item,  refresh the AH LISTING screen, the one where list from.
  • Add an option to relist your items exactly as you last had them with one button.

Adding this copy+paste from below after bloody18's idea: 


OR, like you said, going directly back into the bag! It would work well with indefinite BIN type auctions. The BIN auctions could expire once a player goes 'inactive', then the items auto-return to their bag. I bet many players had become tied up with life and lost a lot of items, came back, and the items were gone forever. Losing all those items probably caused people to quit for good!


It makes sense to keep AH as user-friendly as possible. I really want to see more people doing merchanting, and I think these little changes will do the trick!


PS: *NO MENTIONING the A double P word on my thread!*

Edited by JayTo, 13 July 2018 - 15:44.

#2 cucullainn



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Posted 12 July 2018 - 23:53


Edited by cucullainn, 14 July 2018 - 18:22.

#3 bloody18



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Posted 13 July 2018 - 04:31

Agree... as well ive always hoped for an FSP upgrade for more hours or days added to the 48hr limit ..  or an option to have items default back into your back pack instead of mailbox .. or make that a clickable option

#4 JayTo


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Posted 13 July 2018 - 04:39

Maybe 'auto relist' checkbox when you first list, so the items perpetually relist 30 days or so. 


OR, like you said, going directly back into the bag! It would work well with indefinite BIN type auctions. The BIN auctions could expire once a player goes 'inactive', then the items auto-return to their bag. I bet many players had become tied up with life and lost a lot of items, came back, and the items were gone forever. Losing all those items probably caused people to quit for good!


I'm sure these additions would make the economy a lot more lively.

Edited by JayTo, 13 July 2018 - 15:01.

#5 voragivis


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Posted 13 July 2018 - 15:50

i really like that idea of items going straight into backpack.how many items i have lost like that :D and auto rellisting would be great option.

#6 gapukas



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Posted 13 July 2018 - 17:17

Same, lost some items too cuz of the mailbox

#7 Egami



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Posted 13 July 2018 - 21:20

Prefer the 1 hour default for many reasons. But, to be concise, a pref to set the default would satisfy everyone.


Losing items in mailbox happens to all us noobs (note that I'm included in that "us"). I'm against changing that. That's called "risk". 


Except for game downtime, which I hope HCS takes care of, that risk is personal and manageable. To help... lower your prices so your stuff sells like hotcakes. Yeah, yeah, I know how you'll respond. Again, risk is personal and manageable. Cow turds happen. 

#8 JayTo


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Posted 13 July 2018 - 22:09

Prefer the 1 hour default for many reasons. But, to be concise, a pref to set the default would satisfy everyone.


Losing items in mailbox happens to all us noobs (note that I'm included in that "us"). I'm against changing that. That's called "risk". 


Except for game downtime, which I hope HCS takes care of, that risk is personal and manageable. To help... lower your prices so your stuff sells like hotcakes. Yeah, yeah, I know how you'll respond. Again, risk is personal and manageable. Cow turds happen. 

I think that auto-relist or indefinite BIN would make the AH listing experience a lot more enjoyable to most though. Merchanting is fun, but it's a big busy chore. I like spending time on the game but time spent on tasks doesn't necessarily equate to fun. Maybe many more agree with me here?


Losing the items as a "risk", as you so eloquently say, isn't necessarily a good thing in this case. Think about it, not everyone wants to log in everyday. Some people might want to log in one day, list some items, then come back next week. As it is, they can't do this, it's not leisurely. Imagine someone losing their internet for a few days, or a lost cellphone, or any number of things really. I'm unsure how much time you spend listing on AH, but the idea of losing your items is cause for anxiety and negative feelings, believe it or not. Such subtle feelings, whether intentional to get people to login or not has a negative impact on peoples overall feeling for the game. I understand that the current system is setup so people don't use mailbox to store a million items. This is why it could go to the bag, and overflow into the mailbox, or something similar.


I'll so boldly say that if the current system was designed to keep people active, it's failing. AH is tiresome and worrisome. It could be a lot more fun, effective and casual if my changes are put in place. It seems like a small change, but I know it will transform the entire marketplace. And if you really want to see the marketplace and game for that matter come alive, see my post about tiering all the items.


People tend to take time giving negative feedback rather than positive:( Game mods end up with a skewed perception of what most people would like because of this. That's a big problem here, I think, especially concerning PvP. We need more people to give input please!

Edited by JayTo, 13 July 2018 - 23:03.

#9 Egami



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Posted 13 July 2018 - 23:54



Yeah. A lot of peeps use AH as a substitute for bp spaces. So to everything you've said, sorry, "no". 


If peeps want to be merchants, they can control their risk. 


I've lost my internet twice this week. There are RL alternatives. 

#10 JayTo


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Posted 14 July 2018 - 00:00

Yeah. A lot of peeps use AH as a substitute for bp spaces. So to everything you've said, sorry, "no". 


If peeps want to be merchants, they can control their risk. 


I've lost my internet twice this week. There are RL alternatives. 

Not everyone can adapt to life in order to play a game like you can. This issue of AH will really rear it's head once app comes out and people use phone exclusively. It's a problem now and it will be a bigger problem then.


This isn't just about being merchant, this is about upgrading your own sets and selling any items on AH. This is about all kinds of players. Everyone will be listing things on AH for one reason or another, not just me.


100 AH spots vs 3000+ BP, which is MUCH cheaper. The storing things in AH isn't a problem at all. If a few more people do it, it's no harm. Really non-issue imo. I don't even think my idea would promote more of that, but contrary, it would inspire people to try and sell things.

Edited by JayTo, 14 July 2018 - 00:03.

#11 Egami



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Posted 14 July 2018 - 00:51

Not everyone can adapt to life in order to play a game like you can. This issue of AH will really rear it's head once app comes out and people use phone exclusively. It's a problem now and it will be a bigger problem then.


Right, so, don't adapt your life. Don't use the option.


And yeah, that access with the phone is definitely going to make 24/7 access more difficult? lol.


And yes, AH is definitely much cheaper than BP, precisely because there is zero risk. That's exactly one of the reasons risk needs to be involved. Don't forget that the cows want their grass to eat.



#12 BadPenny



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Posted 14 July 2018 - 01:11

Not everyone can adapt to life in order to play a game like you can. This issue of AH will really rear it's head once app comes out and people use phone exclusively. It's a problem now and it will be a bigger problem then.


This isn't just about being merchant, this is about upgrading your own sets and selling any items on AH. This is about all kinds of players. Everyone will be listing things on AH for one reason or another, not just me.


100 AH spots vs 3000+ BP, which is MUCH cheaper. The storing things in AH isn't a problem at all. If a few more people do it, it's no harm. Really non-issue imo. I don't even think my idea would promote more of that, but contrary, it would inspire people to try and sell things.

I play 100% on my phone.....   Scheduling to check my ah, change composing pots, etc, has never been an inconvenience.     And yes, I use AH slots as temp storage occasionally.....   Never lost anything.

Just one old lady's opinion




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#13 Corrupted



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Posted 14 July 2018 - 02:21

I think both sides (for and against) have fair points. I am not exactly the most AH avid user and have never been a reseller things or anything of the sort, but I think the main argument holds ground.


There should be some sort of "automation" or "cycling" system for items posted in the AH. I think that for sure we should be able to change the "default" time of 1 hour to something we like in our Preferences. I often find myself selling something for FSP and I don't recall ever listing for 1 hour. Game doesn't go that fast anymore.


That said, I think Egami makes a fair point... There should be some of tradeoff with this. Not exactly in the risk of losing your listed items as it is now, but rather, with a fee. You could "Add" whatever items to be "recycled" to your Auction House at a cost per item. This would allow you to pay for the convenience of not having to recycle your items.


I think the said "Fee" should be significant enough to give it a thought before doing it. The fee ***could*** be a flat fee, per item. 1 item = 5000 gold, 2 items = 10000 gold, so on...


Giving the choice to the poster of whether they want to incur this fee whenever they want to post, or just save the change and do the full rotation themselves. This gives the user an option.


That said... The "recycling" shouldn't be forever. It should reset the Auctions every 48 hrs (As it is max amount right now), and would have to be paid up front. The system would be something along the lines of the Buff Market "Casts Remaining", where you set a number, then you must have the gold in hand to start the Auction and the cycle would do its thing. At the end of the cycle, the items go to the Mailbox as items do now, and have their normal limit. I think the "risk" factor should remain, specially since there is a lot more leeway added under this system.


Just my... 59 cents.

#14 JayTo


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Posted 14 July 2018 - 02:35

Right, so, don't adapt your life. Don't use the option.


And yeah, that access with the phone is definitely going to make 24/7 access more difficult? lol.


And yes, AH is definitely much cheaper than BP, precisely because there is zero risk. That's exactly one of the reasons risk needs to be involved. Don't forget that the cows want their grass to eat.



Why should we have to take risk of losing our items after posting on AH? How are you getting off on that concept? Am I the only one that thinks this is ridiculous? I am starting to see why people are leaving and others say they've lost hope and interest. Just adding more of the same old content for an extended EOC XP event while actual new innovation and user experience is left wayside.


Don't adapt your life, don't play the game? That's so sick. The game should be designed to conform around peoples lifestyles, not the other way around.


You need to think a little deeper. Phones are prone to being lost or broken more than a regular computer. More players and more reports of lost items. It will be mainly kids getting into the game. Kids get grounded, all kinds of things happen! Don't think because life isn't getting in the way of your auctions that it won't happen to others. It is very cynical to think that it's too bad, life happened, and you lost all your game items. I am truly sad for you. The important point is that no one should have to worry about their items disappearing forever under any circumstance after listing them in AH. The current way is so silly. As I said, whatever the reasoning for that was, it's not good. You might be surprised how small details can make a big difference. I can't even believe anyone thinks it's a good idea, especially since I brought it to attention.


And beyond losing items the real main point of this thread is that it would be a lot nicer and easier to sell our items with this auto repost or indefinite BIN listing. This way of constant manual labor to sell items with page refreshes and all that is invovled is barbaric. I can't believe anyone will say they have fun relisting auctions 50x a day. They would rather just sell the items, that's what they love about it. Why not get rid of the monotony and keep the fun?


AH space is not cheaper than BP space. If you are buying 100 AH slots to store items I have a bridge to sell you. I just wish we could have some constructive ideas instead of shallow condescending bickering.



The fee for auto-relist could be okay. A fee gives reason for people to make sure their auctions are getting relisted at least. 5,000 per item might be be too much for someone like potion makers, they always have like 100 potions - that's 500k per 2 days!


Anything to make PvP more juicy at the same time, i'm all for. It will give people a reason to hold some more gold and maybe they can put on a PvP set to try protecting themselves while their auctions renew, if they have so many. The only bad part is that someone could really pick on another and smash them right before auction ends, then all their things don't relist. Personally, I don't mind either way, gold on hand or not.

Edited by JayTo, 14 July 2018 - 13:49.

#15 yotekiller



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Posted 14 July 2018 - 14:07

Auto relist has been rejected by the cows several times as it would allow people to use it as BP spaces instead of buying them.  Occasionally cows change their minds but I wouldn't hold my breath on this one.

Edited by yotekiller, 14 July 2018 - 14:07.

Screenshot everything!

#16 JayTo


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Posted 14 July 2018 - 14:59

Auto relist has been rejected by the cows several times as it would allow people to use it as BP spaces instead of buying them.  Occasionally cows change their minds but I wouldn't hold my breath on this one.


The AH spaces cost 20 while bp cost 15 or less! People list for BP anyways, if they're going to do it, they're likely doing it now anyways! This will be hardly any difference at all. Since the new system of selling will be more leisurely, more people will use it for it's intended purpose, to legitimately sell things! You are going to make merchanting, selling potions, etc. miserable for so many so that a handful of people can't store a few items on AH? Storing a few things isn't troubling anyone, the search filters are well enough to negate those storing things.

Edited by JayTo, 14 July 2018 - 15:01.

#17 BigGrim


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 16:25

Hi there.

The Auction House functions as intended and shall not be changed.

~ Grim


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