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Member Since 19 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 15 2014 03:04

Posts I've Made

In Topic: annoying pop up

19 March 2014 - 00:35

!!! Fantastic

In Topic: PvP ranks and titles

17 March 2014 - 00:57

Titles in general would be great. I have no creative suggestion ... probably best for PvE to have it as another reward for achievements.

In Topic: Key bind labels

17 March 2014 - 00:53

Useful. +1


maybe for text that doesn't fit have the first key +(#) where # is the number of additional keys to press. Then have the full ctrl+shift+alt+c on the tooltip.

In Topic: Seperate Window Active Map

17 March 2014 - 00:48

Resizeable or have some level of transparency =).

In Topic: A tweak on the Pass/Greed/Need system

11 March 2014 - 15:00

Starting to experience this... minimally add the option to auto-roll loot without priority (no pass/greed/need) set by group leader. Great convenience when going in for gem/remnant/flake runs and bypassing ninja looting.


Probably needs more thinking through (like what Comrade mentioned about bound/unbound, etc...). Some systems provide personalized loot and group loot.


I want the option for auto-roll cause we are trying to improve our dungeon run times. That fraction of a second pop-up is really inconvenient. For those that trust each other we can divvy loot up after.

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