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Legendary Event!

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#1 BigGrim


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Posted 09 August 2024 - 14:39

Hi all,
The following creatures have been spotted stalking the Realms! The heroes have to step up and defend the innocents!
Aughisky (Legendary)
The Ech Ooshkya are a race of evil creatures that dwell in swamps and lakes. They are able to change shape to appear human in order to lure their prey to their death, only transforming into the terrifying water horses they are when it's to late. Aughisky is one of the most powerful of its kind and its hunger for human flesh has caused it to wander far from its home lake of Achdoo in the search of fresh prey...
Recommended Level: 20+
Bishamon Terror from the Deep (Legendary)
The giant creature known in legend as Bishamon the Terror of the Deep, has moved onto the land from the depths of the sea to look for new food as, in it's greed, it has nearly exhausted the local sea coast of fish, whales and seals. The Bishamon eats anything and everything it sees and is causing wide spread famine as well as death as it devours its way over the lands. 
Recommended Level: 80+
King Au Xenah (Legendary)
King Au Xenah is a cruel and evil king with a lust for gold. He treated his people with contempt letting them starve outside his castle while he got richer. The peasants eventually sought help from a local wizard who cursed Au Xenah transforming him and trapping him in his castle for 100 years. Now the curse has worn off and King Au Xenah has gone mad and is out on the rampage...
Recommended Level: 150+
Rangdar the Demon Queen (Legendary)
Rangdar was once a powerful queen in the lands of Falagi. She secretly worshipped forbidden gods of death and destruction, gaining great power from them. Her court discovered her secret and tried to kill her. Mortally wounded, she managed to escape into hidden caves where she was granted Demonhood for her faith in the dark gods whom she served. In her new Demon form Rangdar has become a great and powerful evil that wishes to enslave all mankind.
Recommended Level: 325+
Jorogumo (Legendary)
Jorogumo is a wicked creature, a mix of spider and woman that is full of hate and knows only evil. She was thought destroyed in the battle of Axium on the island of Jxi. This was a foolish assumption. Jorogumo has not only survived but has grown in power and is now rampaging through the lands massacring as she goes.
Recommended Level: 500+
King Nimis the Blob (Legendary)
King Nimis was always was an unpopular leader, seen as a tyrant by many. As his greed for food grew his people begun to starve. The populace were unable to deal with the problem and desperately sought outside help. This help came in the form of a kind Witch who cursed the king and his gluttonous ways. The curse turned the King slowly into a monstrous fat creature known as the Blob that could never stop eating. The King was quickly overthrown and kicked out the kingdom. Blob now wanders the lands feeding on anything he comes across...
Recommended Level: 900+
Cucu Cyanide Hero (Legendary)
A former bardic troupe leader who poisons his victims with tormenting sounds from his supernatural lute, while shielding himself with his long hair. His disposable guise (long hair, hide jacket and fake lute) makes him untraceable. However, he must be found and stopped... who will put an end to his torturous sounds?
Designed by : cucubaubau
Recommended Level: 1350+
Shanaraq (Legendary)
Shanaraq is a grotesque creature that rose from the nearby swamps looking for warm flesh and hot blood to quench it's hunger! This strange, slithering creature is remarkably fast on land and is an utter nightmare if you are unfortunate enough meet it in the waters of his home.
Recommended Level: 2075+
Jebat the Vengeful (Legendary)
Jebat was regarded as one of the greatest warriors in the realm. Together with his childhood friends, they served their King with absolute and unfaltering loyalty. After one of his friends being accused of having an illicit affair with one of the King's court stewardesses, he was put to death without trial for the offence. The King then bestowed the rank of head of palace security upon Jebat. With this came an ancient magical weapon, believed to grant its wielder invulnerability. Jebat, believing his friend had been killed unjustly, decided to avenge his friend's death. This vengeance became a palace killing spree. Unable to calm his anger and hatred, he continues his amok in the realm.
Designed by : Profumo
Recommended Level: 2450+
Avarimon the Covetous (Legendary)
Avarimon the Covetous is stalking the realms, a demon who absolutely must have all material wealth, whether this is gold or goods. And being a demon of prodigious power and horrifying appearance, he always has the means to get what he wants, whether through terrifying the temporary owner of what he wants or tearing them limb from limb! Avarimon wants everything and has only let the latest object of his desire elude him due to said object being defended by something he cannot defeat. Yet...
Designed by : Dantalian
Recommended Level: 3150+
Prince Tyler (Legendary)
Tyler is the son of Emperor Sidd and Empress Tinny, born after the Emperor left to join the Shadow Lord. Tyler was brought up solely by his mother who instilled her values of peaceful and anti-aggressive behaviour. However, he saw his Mother's slide to darkness thanks to the corruption of the Emperor. He set out to stop this and confronted his Father, who deceived him into accepting his signet. Upon touching the signet, the Prince joined his Father in Darkness.
Designed by : siddy246
Recommended Level: 3600+
Kulkan Vigilscale (Legendary)
From deep within the depths of Erildath, Kulkan Vigilscale slumbered. A Lord and Protector of draconic kind, a recent slaughter of his kin has awoken him in a fearsome rage. He has erupted from his lair, vengeance incarnate! All who have slain his kind shall suffer!
Designed by : killerz15
Recommended Level: 4025+
Gigadardanus (Legendary)
Gigadardanus is a giant crab. Its emergence foretells the coming of a terrible fishing year.
Recommended Level: 5150+
These creatures shall be available until 15:00 (Server Time) on Monday the 12th of August 2024.
~ The Fallen Sword team.

#2 Toreth



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Posted 09 August 2024 - 17:03

Didn't we just have a frag event last weekend, Grim?

'Tis a shame; I thought the idea was to stagger events - not have them on back to back weekends. At the rate we're going, those new frag stashes are gonna see their value in the dumpster ASAP! Socialist economy FTW!

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