I got this log in problem, whenever I log into the game I notice that nothing new has been added. It's been constant for years now.... Will this problem be solved any time soon?
So far I've run into the usual toxic gaming community full of immature little kids with anger issues
I don't play anymore so I wouldn't know the state of the overall community now, sucks if what you're saying is true.
EDIT: Also, when you have other players in the game following you everywhere you go, clicking on anything and everything you may possibly click on so there is nothing left, spamming my chat, spamming my game with trade requests, and spamming the public chat with "TrofeoLover is a scammer! Spread the word!" THAT really doesn't encourage me to spend real money on this game either.
LOL those players must've been really bored... But it's odd that you'll find yourself unable to click stuff cuz others are clicking on it..... As for quest items and "seasonal event items" on the ground which disappear and WILL respawn in a few seconds to a minute, I don't think there's so many players in the game to contend with and for you not to be able to pick stuff up. I played at a time when the game had 300 players average at peak time and this was never a problem, compared to the current population of around 30-50 average LOL. So I don't know about that.
And to whoever was spamming about the scammer, I just wanna ask, whose fault was it that he/she was scammed lol It's IMPOSSIBLE to scam anyone or get scammed in this game without the actual victim being guilty of ALLOWING it to happen. BUT that doesn't mean you're off the hook ofc, if you really are a scammer
And now I'm being asked to file a "Support Ticket"? How the hell do you do that? Submitting a thread on these forums isn't a satisfactory method of receiving support? That probably upsets me more than anything else. *Shakes head*
Yeah I've also had this long standing problem of not being able to play level 50 content in the game, I don't know if anyone else has this problem. I'm gonna go file a ticket now.
Simple or complex, it can't be done without any intention to do it. Of course that's understandable, it's business afterall. I'll do the same thing if I was HCS tbh.
I still keep track of the game's "progress" (lol) though. I've been seeing suggestions get posted, which is a good thing in general. However, in my personal perspective I can't help but feel sad for the people who do take the time and effort to do so.
BUT ofc, if you guys are happy doing it, keep doing it.