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Member Since 24 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 17 2015 11:24

#844279 Player shops, feels more roleplay?

Posted by Voolf on 27 January 2014 - 19:48

I post this in different section but I'll write it here also as this is the leading thread for Shops / Auction House.

It's pretty much why i am against AH.


In case of personal shops, people usually don't run and check all of them to see the prices. They just glance at general item gold value and everyone put it on sale on avarage same prices. When you see some staff/sword or whatever you wanna buy then you have to think. Buy this now, or look more. There may be someone who sells it cheaper, but when you return to the previous seller the item may be already sold. This is more real and is by far the greatest thing to put in games like this. AH is for lazy people, but that is not what bothers me.


I hate AH because of one thing. If you wanna sell somthing, let's say lvl 40 potions, you just search for them, see the price of all people selling them in one place and put yours on AH for cheaper. Then next person look on AH, see your cheapest price of potions and put his even cheaper. And this goes on and on, bringing sometimes prices so down, that it's even not worth selling anymore. Seen this in many games. AH is game economic breaker!. And that is why i hate it.

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