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Member Since 10 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 29 2018 07:33

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In Topic: Fallen Sword App Update (Jan 2017)

04 January 2017 - 17:52

I'm going to remove the whole 'new world' thing from the timeline for now - it was just a thought tbh. I'm not saying we will or won't do it - just that it isn't the primary focus which is to make the game fully playable on the phone.


(And yeah it is under development, there is a lot of the groundwork done - I just wanted to put up a roadmap to give an idea of what is coming where on the beta) :)

Just being able to be logged in on multiple browsers and/or devices would be a big help for that. It's a pain to check FS on my phone because I have to login on there and then back in on my pc when I get home.

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