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Member Since 04 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 20 2017 20:50

#793649 One handed mage weapons

Posted by grimnok on 06 June 2013 - 01:28

It'd be nice to see 1h weapons with sorcery (e.g. Magic Wands) , and possibly shields with sorcery. 

#792782 Items disappear during trade.

Posted by grimnok on 02 June 2013 - 12:08

It seems there really shouldn't be a take window unless you have a full inventory.  It should be like crafting.  If you have room, it goes in your inventory. If you don't, then you get a take window.

#791722 Composing - In Detail

Posted by grimnok on 28 May 2013 - 15:34

The costs are WAY too high. Consider

Hoof’s Ultimate Potion [120m]
Librarian 200
Adept Learner 200
Coordinated Attack 250
Animal Magnetism 250
Doubler 350


Gold Cost = 5 * 1250 * 120 * 3 = 2,250,000
Time to Create = (5 * 1250 * 120) / 10 = 75000s = 1250m = ~20 hours
Cost to Finish Instantly = (2,250,000 * 5) = 11,250,000


That's an absurdly high amount of gold.  You can buy potions, immediately, for less. Particularly if you drop Coor Attack.  I know it's much harder to do properly. But this formula treats all buffs as equivalently valuable, when they're not.  Librarian, Doubler are available at higher levels for almost negligible gold costs. AL is available, at almost that level, for negligible costs.


The only buffs that are going to be very useful are ones that can be generated at higher than 'cheap' potions. And that value differs based on what the buff is.  I'd recommend at the very least, make minimums of 175 on all the creations, and take the created level  minus 150 as some sort of cost basis.

#788123 [In Development] Auction House

Posted by grimnok on 02 May 2013 - 20:22

There have been quite a few topics on an auction house system. As far as I remember HCS said they will most likely look into a system of some kind. I doubt there will be one on initial release though.


There have been quite a few topics on an auction house system. As far as I remember HCS said they will most likely look into a system of some kind. I doubt there will be one on initial release though.

Have there been any statements on a time frame? Having dozens of people standing in the city center hawking their goods may be 'realistic', but will be terribly confusing as messages go flying through your chat window.


Having some sort of Auction House/organized trading system at launch is imperative, imo.

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