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Member Since 22 May 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 28 2014 10:58

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Global Event Darksun Dragons II Progress

19 August 2013 - 07:57

my head hurts from this global ....all the high pitched whining....

In Topic: Should we limit creatures you can attack based on Actual Level?

09 June 2013 - 05:58

feels more like a effort to deflect from the fact that there's no new content......theirs a penalty for being stuck at an area they cant titan hunt defend relics etc...im sure its been said in the last hundred posts but you made it so people cant hunt the titan they want for the cool off period...whats next a cool of period for hunting se? .....i thought the point of this game was to enable people to explore and develop their characters how they see fit and expand the reach of the game, not to hobble lower level  players after the fact...people are always gonna take an advantage of a strategy....its just how well you do it

In Topic: Global Event - Zombie Yeomen II

22 May 2013 - 07:26

I know hoof had a baby CONGRATS!!! , but if your gonna get my money anytime soon  an impossible goal is so silly.....at least let the top 100 get the max prize....the top 3 thing is all about stamina....for me the biggest thing i noticed is you tried to make the area for the new players easier..THEN stopped...and just made it harder for current players..there are so may ways to not just fix the game but make it fun agian.....no one gvg or pvps any more the bounty system makes no sense because .of the eoc..titan hunting has become kinda a joke bringing done  the ah (titans should be rare, it was fun to bag a titan now its just burning stamina)....my 2 cents which i hope might be worth a nickel on day!

In Topic: New Skills / Enhancements

15 January 2013 - 08:23

reverse... swaps def and armour....or hit and damage.......

stamina for gold instead of spending a stamina to move a square it cost 10 gold.....

bang or bust 50 percent chance either way all skills are doubled or cut in half

reincarnation.... lets you play as a lower lvl but must use that lvls eq for a period of time.... great for ladder

and the skill i think would make the game better is skill regeneration......the ability to cast skills that use your stamina to stay instead of time.....would make semi retiedz players more active ...would lvl the game for those with alot of friends/money in ladder etc.

In Topic: Christmas event

13 December 2012 - 07:54

you want a Christmas event? just some over for my family's Christmas dinner ...that's an event that should be on pay per view...

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