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Member Since 18 Feb 2014
Offline Last Active Mar 09 2014 21:01

Topics I've Started

Prestige Points

26 February 2014 - 22:46

Obviously, the current system to gain prestige points is very, very unbalanced.


My suggestion to fix this, is to allow prestige points to be gained from dungeons, quests, and end game content (what ever that may be, it won't be discussed here).


I've seen a few people state that it takes 3 years, approximately.


Players should gain 25 prestige points per dungeon completed, regardless of level. If one was to do 20 dungeons in one day, that would be 500 points. The average prestige vanity set requires a total of 20,500 points. That would require 41 days from a player, doing 20 dungeons each day.


TL;DR: 25 prestige per instance (regardless of level), 20 instances per day = 41 days until full prestige set. Which is far better than 3 years.


The above would be for players that purely run dungeons, but you'd also be able to acquire prestige points from quests.


The amount gained can be tweaked, to allow players to actually work for the prestige sets, if it is too easy. But it should still suffice, over completing daily quests for 3 years.


Also, subscribers could get a bonus to prestige points gained (15% bonus?) and an item can be introduced into the shop, to allow prestige points to be gained at a faster rate, when consumed (25% bonus?)

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