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Member Since 01 Jan 2015
Offline Last Active May 04 2015 09:59

#925920 PvP bug

Posted by Cilan on 30 March 2015 - 01:12

Lvl 37 - 10 stack's from screen shot there.

Saying lvl 26 - show's you as lvl 37 ?


The screenshot is confusing, but the selected player is somebody else with stacks, showing that they are in a PvP zone. If you look at the top left, he himself doesn't have the PvP stacks buff.

#923838 remove temple of sand

Posted by Cilan on 16 March 2015 - 14:44

As I have said, just because YOU believe someone is a bot does not mean they are one.


Someone can actively ignore you while grinding does not mean they a re a bot.


I used to often drop an almandine in my ranged weapon and hit e-1 while at work and not paying full attention to the screen -

I can do this from any position on any map but it is not botting.

You cannot prove a person is a bot so you need to report it by submitting a ticket, after that it is in the hands of HCS to decide upon appropriate action.


You can tell when it's a bot and when it's a person who doesn't want to be bothered. I've seen many of both. Botter patterns are really obvious.

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