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Why Do you not pvp?- suggestion post

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#1 xpwaste



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Posted 03 May 2014 - 10:00

So, before starting i want to tell everyone that i made a poll "why do you not pvp?" asking the community about the bad things of pvp currently.


You can see the following in the above link.


I'll be taking the problems one by one. Quoting what some people said and writing in their suggestions.




1. un-balanced team formed due to queue [votes: 33/80] 


OK, so this is one of the most major problems about pvp right now the system that decides the teams is broken and almost 80%-90% times we get a pvp the teams are not balanced properly



  • once you are taken down by a totally over powered team you do not want to enter pvp again
  • it just enrages people hence making them quit pvp forever
  • It also make trolls out of some people which keep trolling the pvp queue from then on.

ChealseBrick says:

Pvp is really fun but it's discouraging because of super secret group queues in solo queue matches. Perhaps if we each had one minute to build a character before a match starts--attributes, gear, etc., it would be more balanced--similar to mortal kombat.  The way it is now is ridiculously unfair.



  • make the system/mechanics of queue better.
  • Separate group queue from solo queue.
  • teams should be divided up giving them an equal team player level

Ernzor says :


 You guys can determine main class (we can see this when queueing for dungeons) so why not use this to better effect in pvp team allocations. Too many times you can come up against a team with 2 prophets and that is just a pain.


Why cant we add in checks on melee/ranged/spell att power and spell healing (so 4 checks). Once each player has been given a score check of these 4 attributes, try to allocate teams so that the teams total score is as even as possible. This would mean two EOC prophets with huge spell heal will more than likely be split up (probably most game changing situation at the moment). Obviously this will have to be PvP adjusted amounts for it to work properly, but this or something like it may help sort out unbalanced teams.



or what they could do is when you enter the pvp zone you have that timer tick down to let everyone get ready....  they could simply increases that timer to say 1-2 minutes and unlock all skills purchased from skill trainer aswell as give everyone increased talent points to spend to put them at how ever many talents the lvl cap is at the time.....


so as it is right now at cap 45

a lvl 20 enter pvp, he gets all skills in the skill book unlocked so can drag the ones he'll want to use to his skill bar. then he gets 25 additional talent points to spend in the talent tree.


a lvl 40 enters pvp, he gets all skills unlocked to put the ones he chooses on the hotkey bar and he gets 5 additional talent points 



as far as attributes and gear go thats already balanced with the equalization set up they have (giving players increased dmg/health based on their level) so no need to change anything there.


so this would essentialy put everyone at lvl 45 for the duration of the pvp match. this also would be fairly easy to implement could do it really quickly on any of their hotfixes... 

2.  Never get the enough people in queue for match to start [votes :29/80] 


well, this is more of an issue with the population right now or with the many players that are not wanting to pvp due to the many reason stated in this post.



  • you can only wait for so long to get a match started and then you just log off
  • The people who like competition eventually find themselves wasting time on this game and quit.



  • Do something about the population of the game.
  • introduce 3 vs 3 and 2 vs 2 pvp matches, so that the few people who are always waiting for 10 people to join queue and THEN ACCEPT it also dont have to do that anymore and can just pvp in peace.

3. I'm just scared to go out there and die  [votes: 6/80 ]


There is nothing to fear but what lies after death!

honor is when you die with a sword in your hand and your feet on the battleground!

lol..yeah anyways there is nothing much that can be said about this.



  • scaring people... hmm well they wont pvp once scared ?


  • again make balanced teams so that scared people have a fair chance to fight.

4.I Do not like the concept/model of pvp in this game. [votes: 11/80]


I have nothing much to say on this so will post things related to it made by other players


" I much prefer true team PvP.  Where we win/lose, rewarded, and rated as a team (not individuals).  Don't know if this is even possible given the small player base and no guilds.  Can this work with floating teams somehow?"




 Inside the PvP ground, even though it is fairly basic, no information directing for what to do.

It would be nice if there is a tutorial showing how the point is calculated, what you can do inside a pvp area (e.g.: killing other player, capture flag, etc), and make this an imperative basic quest.


The current PvP concept is very basic, more innovation is certainly required to make it interesting, however it should be put in another post.



5. There is not much excitement or competition in pvp [ votes:8/80 ]


Some player do pvp for fun competition and bragging rights, you take that away and it's just revenge that isnt even sweet.



  • Pvp can be one of the most fun things to do in a game, if u take away the excitement and joy from pvp what is left to it.?
  • The serious players love to have competition , fighting a player that is almost as good as you in skills is something that they love to do. 


  • Add a risk reward system! yes you have to bear the risk of losing some important things on you while if u prevail in the battle you might win something really rewarding!
  • Adding guilds might increase the competition level and Guild vs Guild fights are always a fun thing to do.


6.The rewards are not worth time invested [ votes: 17/80]


Yes yes this is not worth doing as there is absolutely i gain out of it. For me i can do it for fun but i guess that majority of the people would only like to invest time in pvp if they are given enough rewards to satisfy their needs!



  • Having no rewards makes it discouraging for player to do it even if it is absolutely free & no repairs
  • No rewards means that you should do other things that might help you out better in your gaming future like dailies etc.




While not many players could tell what they want as a reward i've heard few of the players about what they wished was there!


  • PVP sets, yes make a pvp set buy able with only valor points that has bonuses specifically for  pve. Most people would do pvp for it! i know i would!. This can also be implemented in the way that the fabled weapons are a weapon set which could be matched with the armour sets obtainable from pvp! [ ANOTHER END-GAME THING TO DO!]
  • But if you devs want us to grind for everything anyway i would suggest you add a reward for the winning team at the end of every match, that could be gold gains or a relic[relics are bound so that wont be an exploit] of your choice ? While the loosing team would also gain a reward much much much smaller in value[25s per player]. hence you win or loose there is profit in both.

7. I just don't do pvp...like ever. [ votes: 25/80]


well that is just a personal choice , if there is anyway we could make you interested in it please let us the community know by posting your replies. :)


8. The trolls irritate me and i decide not to pvp then.[ Votes: 8/80]


Yes waiting for that last 1 person to accepted the queue that took hours to get 10 people is very irritating



  • tends to irritate people and hence quit and rage.
  • Doesn't leave a good impression on players trying it the first time and the "Revenge" factor takes over , hence making even more trolls.



  • while there is nothing much that can be suggested about this i'd like to say that the people who were afk and did not accept shall be given a timer of 3mins in which they cant queue.
  • Also i'd like to suggest that the players queuing should be shown and the ones who accepted and didn't accept should also be shown.[their names in the pvp pop up scree with a tag of accepted or not accepted.]

9.Not enough freedom in talent tree, limited to either PVE or PVP build[ votes:7/80 ]


well even though the devs promise it to be a class less class there always seems to be an issue with this!



  • The pve and pvp builds require to put talent points in things that are different from each other! so u cant make a pvp or pve build without loosing one aspect of the build if you know what i mean.
  • While the players can respec into pvp builds, it cost 250ep and the amount of pvp matches we get are about to none so that iss not worth while doing!


  • Proper balancing of player when entering pvp i.e each player should be gives 2 mins to put point in attributes and talent tree, as the talent tree is reset from the player only for the time being for that match. once set the place can also have an option to "remember build" that will remember the points put in and the next time the players enters pvp he/she is able to just click "Apply saved build".



some other suggestions worth noticing.


1.more transparent in queue!

  • Should be able to see who is in queue or who is not.

2.Fight over land! [another end game thing]

Imagine an area so exotic and filled with  nodes of everything , that your every next step is on a node to riches! While this land had been hidden for years and recently found by the eldevin archaeologist every guild out there wants to take it for their own gains!!

  • guild vs guild fights over the exotic land 
  • This land would basically have every nodes and special dungeons that could be done and gathered to loot money,xp gains, materials at an extraordinary rate than all the other places.
  • the guilds would fight over the place and the one who wins will take control of it
  • there will be a cool down of about 2 days in which the land owner's guild would have to build up there forces using skills like forestry and Armour smiting and weapons smiting
  • this also opens the opportunity for new professions like siege weaponry etc etc

3. allowed to be in pvp and dungeon queue simultaneously.






I can only say what needs to be done, how will it be done? That is what Devs are paid for.



For whoever read it till here, thank you for your patience and appreciating my time and hard work invested in it! :)

Edited by xpwaste, 03 May 2014 - 12:17.

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PVP is what i like. make it worthwhile!

#2 Praetor



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Posted 03 May 2014 - 10:42

Unbalanced teams occur but not often. Main problem there is it discourages newbies. However queue solo should be just that...so no secret group queuing. PVP should not execute the queue if there are both group and solo. Either all group or all solo.

#3 xpwaste



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Posted 03 May 2014 - 11:35

Unbalanced teams occur but not often. Main problem there is it discourages newbies. However queue solo should be just that...so no secret group queuing. PVP should not execute the queue if there are both group and solo. Either all group or all solo.

separate group queue from solo queue. It is there in suggestion :)

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#4 Kijjum



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Posted 03 May 2014 - 19:44

For the limited build, have like I said before PvP specific character slots (all lvl 45/50 maybe) each different classes, if you choose, and no respec time. But people might get bored or not have enough time when building before the game, so I suggest presetting your character(s) on your own time. Have a quest that makes you set up your talents/attributes first (to avoid people going into battle with no build) Then have PvP exclusive gear for PvP only or vanity, just to be an incentive to play.

#5 redsmokeboy



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Posted 03 May 2014 - 22:42

Find topic started bye erzor - mongo about 2 build 1 PvE - 1 PvP Solve most issue!


PVP full point's max lvl so build as need and pay for respec cost as normal - build limited to pvp area's of the game - Most arena!


PvE as normal gain skill point's - stats points asn normal as lvl.


as well adding pvp gear gain via valor so even lvl 1 will have lvl 45 - 50 gear limited to pvp area's.


Lvl scaled to lvl cap in pvp zone, so be lvl 45 as it is now, With valor gear pvp limited gain valor via trapper's daily tooken so nother option gain valor get gear join pvp match, no gem slot's - Each class even in gear - make up pvp is how make build


Solver mosy of issue on in blance in pvp, other issue work out just as well cover most lvl - gear issue.

Edited by redsmokeboy, 03 May 2014 - 22:46.

Frog - Archer - lvl 49

Kazzarat - Templar lvl 49 Skiller

Redsmokegirl - War/sin lvl 49


Q PvP | No repair fee's | 1% EXP of lvl | Valor | Weekly 10 match | Achvemnt's | So much more Join when log | Click on cross sword via mini map Q solo |


Looking for group's RG/BT/ASV/ARG/ICC/CC Boss Killing/Arena 30+/ToC/ Need DPS willing come usly asking in world chat.

#6 lester



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Posted 03 May 2014 - 23:38

I can see a lot of population growth with this happening,a lot of steam users are competitive players, hopefully this gets out before it gets on steam.

Tenzo - Ranger
Agnar - Assassin

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#7 xpwaste



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Posted 04 May 2014 - 08:52

I hope this gets heard off in the high offices of HCS :)

Still thinking about new signature



youtube channel! >> Xpwaste Eldevin 

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PVP is what i like. make it worthwhile!

#8 Majjer



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Posted 05 May 2014 - 17:42

balancing teams/sides could be done on-the-fly. for example - each kill will decrase player's dmg/haste/def (choose best combo) by 5(?)% till end of fight.


pvp always will be "unbalanced" because of huge differences in gear, talents & skills between lvl50 vs lvl15 players. but such rule could make it bit more equal after several kills.


#9 angelinexile


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Posted 06 May 2014 - 20:10

Well I posted my thoughts in the original poll... just noticed this was here... but basically my theory is that they should take some ideas from Fallen Sword's Formalized Guild system, set up Weight-Classes (to help group the players against people within a reasonable distance of their level), I agreed with the statement on better rewards, and I thought that special guild affiliations would be easier to orchestrate within the storyline rather than conquering land.

Innovation is the Mother of Prosperity.

- Aurynne - Lvl 20 - Ranger
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#10 angelinexile


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Posted 09 May 2014 - 15:10

Not my intention to spam, but XPWaste asked me to repost this over here...




Here are a whole bunch of ideas that intertwine and would probably make PvP MUCH more exciting. Some of it is HIGHLY dependent on instituted formalization of a guild system.

Attainable Rewards, Affiliated Group Buffs, Weight-Classes and Guild Competitions, How it would work out

I feel like PvP needs rewards that are slightly more attainable for Supporters and Non-Supporters alike. Those who actually succeed in PvP must spend inordinate amounts of time in order to earn enough points to actually spend them. Kinda a bummer when these points don't really even do anything for you in terms of continued Gameplay.

I noticed that someone mentioned the concept of Guild-controlled lands or the like...

I like this concept, though I think it should be more in terms of controlling one of the many groups in-game. Say, a Guild who succeeds in the Arena would get a long term buff depending on which Group their group decides to retain added influence with.

For instance: If your Guild champions choose to affiliate with the Plagued, maybe there would be a bonus resistance to Plagued attacks, or maybe Bonus DPS for Guild members if they are affiliating with the Crimson Macabre, etc. 

???Maybe even get a special rested experience zone in the affiliated group's base???

As for Solo PvP matchups to be made more fair... I think this would be best accomplished by establishing "weight classes" in the PvP arenas, this would probably function similar to the way that there are level restrictions on the Instances. Putting this into 5 level increments would be ideal.

I see these ideas combining into a system which compels Guilds to maintain diversity in the levels and builds of players who they affiliate, so that there are champions for PvP for each level-group/weight-class. 

With Group PvP being changed to Guild PvP, there would be an added benefit for progression in levels and having some heavy hitters and healers. This would also be the ultimate show of teamwork in a guild.

As players level up, there will be more variety between their progression in status from the top of a given weight-class to the bottom of next weight-class. This would minimize issues with specific characters winning consistently and holding a Solo-PvP weight-class for an unreasonable amount of time. By changing Group PvP to Guild PvP the effectiveness of the teamwork in the guild would become tantamount in order to vie for the Ultimate PvP buff. Points earned through participation in PvP would be increased, which would proliferate the spread of PvP oriented vanity pieces. 

Innovation is the Mother of Prosperity.

- Aurynne - Lvl 20 - Ranger
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#11 EJK



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Posted 10 May 2014 - 13:38

@angelinexile I hope you don't mean that they remove the group system and group quests, dungeons and other stuff for groups. Otherwise great idea

IGN: Player. I usually think in longevity point of view.


#12 angelinexile


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Posted 21 May 2014 - 12:54

@angelinexile I hope you don't mean that they remove the group system and group quests, dungeons and other stuff for groups. Otherwise great idea

No, the usual group system is fine... only the Group PvP shows some room for improvement, if only because there is no room for creating a legitimate group dynamic or a strategy for success...

Innovation is the Mother of Prosperity.

- Aurynne - Lvl 20 - Ranger
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Cooking 8 | Leatherwork 7 | Weaponsmithing 6 | Alchemy 4 | Armor-smithing 2 | Jewelry 2 | Tailoring 1
- NynaeveAlmeara - Lvl 7 - Prophet/Mage (to be)
- Adolin - Lvl 6 - Templar (to be)
- MatrimCauthon - Lvl 1 - Warrior (to be)

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