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Member Since 10 Jan 2019
Offline Last Active Jun 25 2020 17:56

#998166 Guild logo issues

Posted by Bujon on 19 July 2019 - 13:53

Any glitch/bug preventing me from changing guild logo?

#997714 Double XP Event is now live!

Posted by BigGrim on 12 July 2019 - 16:04

Hi all,
The Double XP Event is now LIVE!
For 96 hours, all creatures will give DOUBLE their normal xp.

We have put a Current Stamina Flash Sale live. Please be aware we will also put it live again on Sunday!
~ The Fallen Sword Team

#997707 Auction house data collection

Posted by gapukas on 11 July 2019 - 15:26

My idea would be to add a statistics section to AH,

where you can search for an item and it shows its statistics(can choose forges and craft too) - when people have bought the items average sell price, average lowest, average highest prices, sell/buy value in percentage.(only if bought not just listed - this excludes any item from the list thats been sold 200+% of its highest average sell price to avoid boosting up item prices on purpose).(gold conversion to sell/buy percentage would be based on avg. FSP market sell price - FSP market already has restrictions so it cant be abused to boost up the gold value in statistics).


In addition a history section where you can see your purchases and sales - for how much you bought and sold.


So if theres an item thats avg. lowest price is 2 FSP, avg. price 3, avg. highest price 4. And if someone sells the item for 16 FSP it wont affect the price in any way.

However selling at 15 does but not drastically since the lower sale values keep it in check - to abuse it you should spam mass sales just below the 200% border and since the statistics is keeping track of the buy/sell value in percentage the game can send a red flag message to staff that someone is mass selling items to boost its value. There would be 1 random reset during a 2 month period that resets the values but still keeps the current values as an example but the market prices would be more changable by the sales.


Ideally the market could keep the same UI but just add a new tab for the statistics search that displays avg. prices,buy/sell percentage instead of the bid and buy now and time left places.

#997686 Upcoming Creature XP Changes

Posted by gapukas on 08 July 2019 - 01:36

you should put it back as it was, and yeah the game got hell of a lot more boring now because of it- only new area updates for EOC from time to time, no new features to the game other than some boring additional global events and then you wonder why people want to get max lvl faster without investing massive amounts of money in the game - EOC gets all the new content, items - it just feels pointless to be a low lvl getting some scraps from the big boy table, its a lot of catching up to do without the sense of compeding and its just boring without any additional content to make up for the bigger gap to catch up with the levels. i agree with death8her - its like a boring outdated game, noone wants to play a boring game on their phone with nothing to do when theres tons of other more exciting games they could play instead. Your main focus should be the people - ask the people what they want because in the end people play the game otherwise the game will die out, when the app releases maybe a few thousand people will log in out of curiosity and leave right away so that would mean that the tutorial should be remade too because theres a lot of stuff to cover and the tutorial reaches nowhere near it - maybe adding some additional tutorial questlines from time to time. Maybe adding update polls that need 85-90% of playerbase votes to pass, actually finishing the mentoring system, epic questlines, gvg targeting, bringing us gvg seasons with new RP items, titan system should be reworked etc.

#996050 Guild gear managing

Posted by BadPenny on 12 March 2019 - 08:29

just make it you cant be hit if not online simple

umm, that would kill PvP/GvG forever.....  the <7 days rule is fine enough.  Used to be we went offline in a PROPER offline set, one designed as a defensive measure, and epics were only used in the last hours before full stam to top things off a bit more and faster....  Guildmates looked after each other during a GvG (we at SA STILL do) and buffed suspected targets accordingly.  


Now people squawk about spending a few thousand for repairs because of GvG hits while they were offline.... yet anybody >500 makes that back after 3 critter kills with the average DBL used +TH and Merch. 


It's a game people, don't take this stuff so seriously.  We don't need an easy button or to nerf what's left of what USED to be a rich and FUN PvP system any further! If you want an easy game with a sure WIN button, try a kid's game, hear there's a plethora of them on FaceBook....





Sit back, enjoy yourselves and have fun with it... 

#994133 nice try

Posted by duktayp on 21 September 2018 - 02:54

a newb sends me a PM asking if he can send a ST: a level 1 common drop in exchange for 1000 gold


sure, i reply, 1k gold for 1 common frag is a good deal


the ST came ... "click here to view"


I saw the 1000 and my mouse moved and hovered over the "accept" button 


then i noticed the newb had "accidently" entered 1000 FSP instead of 1000 gold










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