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Member Since 08 Feb 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 25 2023 04:56

#974872 Fallen Sword App Update (Jan 2017)

Posted by xxlooperxx on 04 January 2017 - 20:31

One minor thing I would like to see is the option for notifications to be sent to my phone at the time it happens.

"Player xxx sent you a message/secure trade"
"You were attacked by player xxx"
"To arms, the guild xxx has initiated a conflict with you"
"Defend yourself, player xxx has just placed you on the bounty board"

I feel these would be necessary for a modern mobile game.

#974538 The Flight of Dragons!

Posted by xxlooperxx on 28 December 2016 - 19:16

If only there was a backpack flash sale so I could spend more Fsp and hold more eggs😏

#973930 Double Composing XP XVI!

Posted by xxlooperxx on 15 December 2016 - 19:32

I swear I'm out of commons every time there is a double xp event lol. Thanks for the event nonetheless though!! :)

#971880 ... a fighting chance?

Posted by xxlooperxx on 16 November 2016 - 15:16

After reading rest of the posts.... I can only say: whoa, nicely hijacked and trolled post. No one even tried to make suggestion to improve my original suggestion. And only PvP'rs did their best to smash my suggestion. Nicely done. I could point out multiple flaws on counter argument, but that would make me feel like don Quixete.

So, PvP is broken, and PvP'rs don't even wanna fix it way that would give target any chance to defend oneself. There were multiple suggestions on PvP protection, XP lock, smashing back, free retaliation (that could also work), but no single answer how to actually defend oneself, when PvP can decide when, buffage and gear while possible targets only chances are keep buffed up (costs thousands of stamina daily), use PvP protection (which actually doesn't protect anything but xp and that attacker does not gain prestige), still gold can be stolen or just hit to annoy / harass target, use xp lock which is basically milder version of PvP protection.

Only real solution was mzz's suggestion to cut down buffs on pvp, but that list would be quite drastic, as it would require new balancing on buffs. And like mzz said, PvP'rs don't want that.

The only way pvp is going to get fixed is if there is a larger player base.. that's the only way anything is going to get fixed here..

If HCS was to cap EOC, instead of worrying about the 100-150 players complaining about more levels every month, then we might actually have a solution.

The pvp system we have now is mostly fine. Work on increasing the player base, then start adding desirable rewards. Then pvp will fix itself

#971672 List of Daily Quests

Posted by xxlooperxx on 11 November 2016 - 00:45

[ Common ]
Defeat 3 active players in normal PvP
3 / 3
Gain +550 Reserve Stamina

#971665 Anniversary? Best 10 years

Posted by xxlooperxx on 10 November 2016 - 21:24

How about a double xp LOSS event for the 10 year anniversary!! 😏

#971351 #1 player discussion

Posted by xxlooperxx on 31 October 2016 - 23:57

So just curious.. If you're saying that boats should be stripped of #1 because nobody can pass him, shouldn't you also point out how placeboo has controlled the richest player for so long. Or Luis has controlled the top smasher for so long. Or how Luis has controlled top bounty hunter for a long time.

Sorry but I think if you get to #1 then you should get to stay at #1 as long as you didn't cheat.

Boats hasn't done anything more than ones I have mentioned above and deserves to stay there until someone passes him

#971187 Lag Lag Lag

Posted by xxlooperxx on 30 October 2016 - 21:46

Again, a few people complaining of the issue. A lot of people not seeing anything.

Just because people don't comment on something does mean there's not a problem?

#971156 Oidhche Shamhna V

Posted by xxlooperxx on 30 October 2016 - 20:36

Just noticed that Global Event Total got reduced to 50,000,000 rather than 75,000,000

#970997 Lag Lag Lag

Posted by xxlooperxx on 28 October 2016 - 22:02

"We're currently updating the game to fix the latency issues.

We'll be back as soon as possible!

Estimated return time: 23:00 October 28th 2016 (Current Server Time: 21:57)"



Do I smell some reserve stamina coming along?? :)

#970695 Why some DQ should be reviewed?

Posted by xxlooperxx on 21 October 2016 - 17:14

Exactly right!

Dunno if this is possible but I can certainly ask Hoofmaster about it. However, I'd want to make sure it rerolls as another DQ of that Rarity to stop people trying to get a better rarity.

I would pay a few fsp if needed to reroll my Daily Quests if I had the chance! :). Possibly even every day I got one with a current stamina reward.. Lol

#970691 Scavenging Caves!

Posted by xxlooperxx on 21 October 2016 - 17:00

Thanks for the event BG.

Does that mean I am right in saying Oidhche Shamhna or a Halloween event will be next week? Over the weekend including Monday?

Slightly off topic I know but I am not creating a whole thread to ask one small question. :P


Go smack some nublets on the ladder and wait and see :P. Lol. But I'm guessing those will be next weekend like you suggest.

Oh yeah, thanks for the event BG!

#970614 New Daily Quest Suggestion Thread

Posted by xxlooperxx on 20 October 2016 - 00:06

Send 'x' number of in game PMs

Post 'x' times in guild chat

Post 'x' times in global chat

Sadly, that will do nothing but cause spam...

#969964 Game Update 2.9 - Daily Quests!

Posted by xxlooperxx on 07 October 2016 - 13:06

Hoping to release an update for this today, but depends how the testing goes!

I seen you said the goal of this update was to increase activity. So how about if you complete 'x' number of daily quests in a row you receive an additional reward? Maybe every 7 or even 30 dq? I've seen this concept in a few mobile games I've played and it definitely was an good reason to log on everyday. Just a suggestion :)

#965159 Double XP Event begins!

Posted by xxlooperxx on 03 July 2016 - 00:57

I think this is the first event I have ever participated in with very minimal lag! Thank you Hoof, Grim , and the rest of HCS for a great event this summer!

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