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Member Since 10 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Dec 09 2014 02:31

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In Topic: Forums Suggestion *EDITED*

05 December 2014 - 02:34

No. No. No. No. No.



In Topic: Trappers atoll is too small and Wildlands PVP

02 December 2014 - 03:03

Trapper's Atoll isn't "too small". It's designed to be a cage match.



And btw you'd never even see anyone in Wildy in RS because it was way, way too large.

In Topic: 1440/1600p/4k support?

01 December 2014 - 01:40

I agree with xpwaste. Eld was originally browser-based for a reason: it's not meant to have AAA graphics.


If TC ever manages to remake the game in HTML5 (which, let's be honest, will be never), then they could focus on it. But 4K was really just released, so most games just aren't even designed for it yet.


The only MMOs that would look good at 4K I can think of are Black Gold, Secret World, and FF14. All the other AAA MMOs released right now would become abstract when stretched like that. You need less-stressful texturing to max graphics on 4K without any problems, not to mention how much lag can affect performance on such a setting.

In Topic: I just spent about $60 on Steam which I could have used to...

29 November 2014 - 18:10

Longer duration is already cheaper. So not sure why it should be even cheaper


Supply and demand.




To be more specific, the supply is potentially unlimited. What matters is how much of it is sold, as that then funds the game and keeps the good legitimate. By altering the price of the good to be lower, you increase its demand - and since the supply is unlimited, any number of people can buy it up and give tons of money to the seller. Since the item is digital/virtual in nature, the only dictating factor in the success of this sale is whether the amount purchased by a much larger amount of buyers than usual ends up gaining more profit than the small amount of buyers that would pay for the service at normal price anyway.


This is the same philosophy when it comes to a yearly price being discounted per month overall compared to lower prices: it's incentive to generate as much money as possible over a duration by sacrificing a small amount of potential profit which could have been gained by keeping the same price-per-month but would have been less desirable by the consumers.


The same thing happens with Black Friday in the first place: companies sell their excess stock at much lower prices in order to get a large profit with the goods they generally did not sell well or well enough. But since Subscriptions are virtual and thus have an unlimited supply, a company could gain an even larger amount of money from that item than a company would by selling an item with limited supply (as once that supply runs out, they can't gain any more money from the binge).

In Topic: I just spent about $60 on Steam which I could have used to...

29 November 2014 - 16:08

No. I'm looking for a longer duration with a cheaper price.


The concept is that decreasing an item's price lets you sell it in bulk, ending up with more money overall because you sold more in that time. In order to get people to rush buying it in that time, the time must be severely limited (so one day per year).


To do this with a sub, it would make more sense to make the amount (half a year, a year, whatever) be one-time instead of recurring, that way people aren't afraid that the monthly charge will change to a higher amount.

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