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Member Since 23 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 28 2015 04:31

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In Topic: My suggestion on reviving the Arena

14 April 2014 - 01:21

I understand why you would think that more moves would be better but trust me, the arena is already complicated enough as it is haha. More moves added wouldn't help make it any easier for newer players to try it out. 


There used to be a guide by Trackxyj (2nd in Arena wins, was first for a VERY long time) but for some reason when the cows started the new forum, his thread got lost in the process. I learned a lot from it even as a somewhat intermediate player. If I ever find the link to the google docs page, I'll be sure to post it in my bio. 

I actually feel that the opposite would be true volcom. By adding more arena moves it would make for a larger arrangement of combinations being used (assuming of coarse that the new moves were actually useful, unlike the poison and fire....). A larger arrangement of moves would mean that your moves can work specifically with a certain gear type rather than having a combat move set that can generically be used for several different gear sets. This would, in a sense, make it more likely for a novice to win an arena due to the increased variance of moves and gear customization, adding another level to the arena.

Nobody can blame "Epics" and "paying players" for arena wins, since the majority of epics are worse than the normal gear, and since legendary and crystalline items are at an all time low cost.. New moves could change the arena dynamics dramatically, unless of coarse you want to "dummy it down" by somehow making a player win by the roll of the dice. I feel that the customization of combat moves is what makes the arena stand apart from other "luck" based games... A good analogy would be slots vs. poker, whereas slots is 100% luck and poker is a combination of luck AND skill. This diversity is what keeps many of us interested in playing the arena and if it was any less diverse, I would not be playing the arena at all.

Currently, if you are using an attack/armor gear set then you are hoping your opponent is using a defensive gear set and you are also "hoping" that your opponent is not using an armor/damage set....etc.etc.etc.

What we need is a diversification of the combat moves so that it isn't so cut and dry, thereby reducing that "hope" (which is really just luck) of not being matched up with a certain player in a certain arena, and having it be more about having a good combination of combat moves, using moves that will enhance your specific gear type.

In reality, anybody could win any arena with a little luck (I've seen it happen when low level players enter an arena a couple hundred levels higher, and still win based on the above mentioned "hope"), or the classic deflect move that always seems to activate at just the right time, except when I am using it :).

I hope this makes sense.

In Topic: Titan Update and Bounty Board Feedback

27 March 2014 - 21:03

I know that I stopped taking bounties as soon as the 100 stams came into play for the Smasher Medal  I would bet many others did the same.

This is my point too. I also stopped for a very long time and have heard from a few others that did the same. This is the reason why this change is even being proposed. I even attempted to participate in a group that vowed not to re-bounty when they were cleared (a list of people). THIS is what we had to resort to just because I wanted my bounty medal without losing a bunch of levels. It was not very successful though, since the timing never seemed to work out just right. Once I regained faith in the players, I tried again to complete bounties and ALWAYS used 10 stamina (unless it was someone requesting delevel). That worked for a couple of months but then I got stung again....

I believe this is the whole reason for this proposed change.

In Topic: Titan Update and Bounty Board Feedback

27 March 2014 - 14:56

I usually have an optimistic view on things, but unfortunately, I cannot put one on the outlook that Grim has taken on this. 


The bounty board, in most ways, is a self-policing part of the game in terms of bounty hunters being bountied. Outside of the idea that bounties are to expire and someone is dropped 5 (which has happened even when there are 12+ hours left on bounties that I've seen). If you remove the expiration from the bounties, then it will go back to the olden days where usually if you clear with 10 stams, then you won't get bountied, unless you've made enemies (and they're looking for bounties on you). Outside of expiring bounties, if you clear someone with 10 stams and get bountied, then you make sure to throw 100s next time - it's not difficult and it gets the message across. There is no reason to adjust the community roadmap for this proposition on a part of the game that is dead because of lack of activity on the PVP side rather than "bounty hunters crying foul". 


As this is not on the roadmap, and you've made it very clear "we are sticking to the roadmap. if it's not on there, it won't get listened to." - then please stick to the roadmap and put this on the end if that's the case. Put this one in the pocket and let it be voted on next time.

I wish it was that simple. The problem is, certain guilds have more involved players than others. Some guilds are happy to participate in a de-level party and can easily gather the required players to do so in a timely manner. Other guilds would rather stay out of it. If I was dishonorably deleveld, my choice is to 100 stam them or just leave it be. If I do a retaliatory 100 stam attack, then you can bet another delevel party is in store for me. If I place everybody that participated in my delevel on the BB, you can bet they will be 10 stamina cleared by their own friends that are eagerly awaiting, getting MY reward money and only losing a fraction of the same xp that I lost. FAR from retaliation.


So I ask you this, how can a person get their retaliation after being deleveled?

In Topic: Titan Update and Bounty Board Feedback

27 March 2014 - 02:37

You still remembering that y0da's case everytime?
We explained the reason was not only the bounty about to expire, but the trash talk. Happened only one time, and we had 2 bounties on him, and done a delevel only on one, the second one was not even placed.
The answer for that kind of (as you say) "abuse" is to make impossible to place a bounty on the B Hunter?
How anyone will be placed on BB at first place? Only for those who do gold hits?
GvG = not bountyable
BB hits = ?not bountyable?
Ladder hits = ?not bountyable?

That will make the BB completelly DEAD. 

Not trying to bring this up again, but I must correct your statement.

1.The trash talk happened AFTER the threat that was made to me, so as a response.

2. Two bounties WERE placed, but the first one was cleared by a friend. The SECOND one was the unwarranted delevel party.

Please get your facts straight before posting. Thank you.

In Topic: Titan Update and Bounty Board Feedback

27 March 2014 - 02:31

Everyone should try bounty hunting, is not that bad, really, I NEVER got bountyed for doing 10stam clears, doesn`t matter if those guys are hardcore PvPers or just levellers.

It's very rare someone having problems with that

As 'rare' as it is, I was deleveled the first day that the smasher medal was released after attempting to 10 stam a bounty. I avoided the BB for over a year after that one instance. Then I had it happen to me again recently. I do not think there is justification to lose 5 levels just for clearing a bounty with 10 stamina hits. Most people that have posted here agree with that at the very least.

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