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There's a reason Eldevin isn't very popular......

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#1 Kahleem


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Posted 14 December 2014 - 23:08

Not that Eldevin is bad. In fact ever since you implemented that new display driver it actually feels like a third person MMO now rather than an isometric game with a VERY BAD view angle.


However, at the end of it all there are a LOT of issues that are keeping Eldevin from taking off like a rocket.


Some of these major points include, but are not limited to, the following:


~~~~~~~[Critical Quality of Life Improvements]~~~~~~~

-GIVE PLAYERS A SEPARATE PATH OF PROGRESSION. QUESTING IS NOT THE "End All Be All". Quite frankly, questing is MORE boring than simply grinding on mobs. I HATE questing, as do all of my friends, and we'd PREFER to be able to grind on mobs. However, grinding is several times slower than questing....simply unacceptable. 


-Quest Status Indicators ~ There needs to be an on-screen current task window that tracks quests and the steps needed. Having to constantly open the quest book is annoying.


-/follow is buggy as hell and seems fickle when it wants to properly "Stick" to your target


-/follow doesn't work with mounts....again...why? This is critical for couples as some of us have children that we take turns dealing with while the other "Drives" us to our destination. (Critical!)


-There is no /assist command making it hard in large fights to concentrate on dangerous mobs.



~~~~~~~[General Gameplay Depth Suggestions]~~~~~~~

-Overhaul crafting so there aren't massive gaps between weapon types and armor. When i was trying to craft a sword I noticed the first one is around 5, but the next is like around 14 or 16?! What O_o. Also, crafted < Quested....why :(?



~~~~~~~[Class Suggestions]~~~~~~~

-Classes are overly generic, and could use some extra "fluff" skills like + to damage, + to attack speed, etc even if not a large boon. Having more to cast/maintain actually adds depth.


-A pet class would be very much appreciated (necromancer with a choice between 3 permanent weaker skeletons (which you can mix and match tank/caster/archer pets around with), or 1 large strong permanent pet of previous type described.



Thanks for reading!


#2 Otacon


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Posted 15 December 2014 - 00:41

You can skill your ranger to have a pet. It also looks pretty good and does enough dmg. Only Problem with it is that it sometimes when it gets snared it will never move again even if the sanre effect is Long gone. Can be solved by commanding it to follow.

#3 Jorlas



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Posted 15 December 2014 - 00:43




Nobody said you HAVE to do quests. Professions give exp for performing actions. I do most of my leveling through professions (it's very very slow).  Many others will grind monsters and dungeons, the exp per hour is about the same as questing.


Quest Status Indicators ~ There needs to be an on-screen current task window that tracks quests and the steps needed. Having to constantly open the quest book is annoying.


You can track quests by clicking on the purple arrow next to it in the quest log. Also every time you start a new quest you're given the option to track it.  You can only track one quest at a time right now.  Other mmo's require you to open the Quest book to choose which quests to track.


There is no /assist command making it hard in large fights to concentrate on dangerous mobs.


Relying on this command is just lazy gameplay.  They may add this in the future but for now actually learn to play the game, thanks.



-Overhaul crafting so there aren't massive gaps between weapon types and armor. When i was trying to craft a sword I noticed the first one is around 5, but the next is like around 14 or 16?! What O_o. Also, crafted < Quested....why sad.png?


Armor has generally good progression giving you an upgrade almost every level.  Weaponsmithing is afflicted by the many types of weapons symptom. A new upgrade every level would drastically bloat the crafting pool. So either you have every weapon type available with less constant upgrades or you have only a few with constant upgrades.


Classes are overly generic, and could use some extra "fluff" skills like + to damage, + to attack speed, etc even if not a large boon. .

I though the classes were pretty well defined.  There are many differences but current +damage, haste, crit are well not drastic so they tend to get overlooked.  This both makes players feel equal and promotes people to delve deeper into the trees.



Having more to cast/maintain actually adds depth


I'm just going to disagree with this. You say depth, I could just as easily say tedious.

#4 Jorlas



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Posted 15 December 2014 - 00:54

Why eldevin has a small playerbase. 


  • It's new. Just over a year old.  
  • It has bad graphics.
  • It's very grindy.  To appeal to the largest majority of player they need instant satisfaction and a lot of content to compensate for the rate at which people will complete content.  They don't have this so the game simply will not appeal to many. Content comes with time this may fix itself.
  • It has a small playerbase. A cache 22 on this one, you need more players to attract more players. Steam was a good step for them as more players means more attractive to new players.
  • The game is not pay 2 win.  Many players hate pay to win with a passion(myself included). However pay 2 win is good at promoting population as new players can drop money to equalize the field with older players.


Sure they could change all these things. However if they did they would likely alienate their current playerbase. Eldevin just wouldn't be the same game.

#5 ipwndyourmom


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Posted 15 December 2014 - 01:12

Well if this game has an auction house or guilds/clans/alliances/etc then the player base may increase. 

#6 Removed221770



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Posted 15 December 2014 - 01:49

Well if this game has an auction house or guilds/clans/alliances/etc then the player base may increase. 

Auction house would sure make trading easier- honestly I'm not going to lie wouldn't mind a Grand Exchange type of deal like RuneScape.


Guilds/Clans are already on there way. :)


As to the main post; Questing is not the only way to level up, not even the quickest way. Though in my opinion, questing is more fun to follow the story line, then to continuously click on pixels. As soon as you reach level 9, you can grind at dungeons and earn just as much, if not more experience then people questing.


I agree with the armor gap.


Disagree with all "class suggestions" with the exception of a necromancer type of skill idea. More developed then what you have here though. I'd love to see it, go beyond followers.. Maybe even a class of its own?


~ Thanks

#7 Spirit



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Posted 15 December 2014 - 02:13

Not that Eldevin is bad. In fact ever since you implemented that new display driver it actually feels like a third person MMO now rather than an isometric game with a VERY BAD view angle.


However, at the end of it all there are a LOT of issues that are keeping Eldevin from taking off like a rocket.


Some of these major points include, but are not limited to, the following:


~~~~~~~[Critical Quality of Life Improvements]~~~~~~~

-GIVE PLAYERS A SEPARATE PATH OF PROGRESSION. QUESTING IS NOT THE "End All Be All". Quite frankly, questing is MORE boring than simply grinding on mobs. I HATE questing, as do all of my friends, and we'd PREFER to be able to grind on mobs. However, grinding is several times slower than questing....simply unacceptable. 


-Quest Status Indicators ~ There needs to be an on-screen current task window that tracks quests and the steps needed. Having to constantly open the quest book is annoying.


-/follow is buggy as hell and seems fickle when it wants to properly "Stick" to your target


-/follow doesn't work with mounts....again...why? This is critical for couples as some of us have children that we take turns dealing with while the other "Drives" us to our destination. (Critical!)


-There is no /assist command making it hard in large fights to concentrate on dangerous mobs.



~~~~~~~[General Gameplay Depth Suggestions]~~~~~~~

-Overhaul crafting so there aren't massive gaps between weapon types and armor. When i was trying to craft a sword I noticed the first one is around 5, but the next is like around 14 or 16?! What O_o. Also, crafted < Quested....why :(?



~~~~~~~[Class Suggestions]~~~~~~~

-Classes are overly generic, and could use some extra "fluff" skills like + to damage, + to attack speed, etc even if not a large boon. Having more to cast/maintain actually adds depth.


-A pet class would be very much appreciated (necromancer with a choice between 3 permanent weaker skeletons (which you can mix and match tank/caster/archer pets around with), or 1 large strong permanent pet of previous type described.



Thanks for reading!



If I remember right, I saw players maxing to level 40 (the cap at the time) within less then a month of launch. If you're a low level, questing is the way to go (for money too) until you reach higher levels.


 And despite level 45 as max, it doesn't mean end game... there are tons of other things to do like obtaining fabled weapons from relics earned through doing the level 45 dungeon, and finding the perfect gems, and achievements and professions. :)


You also have to remember there are different quest marker colours and if you don't wish to do the side quests... then don't do those. The main storylines - "Eldevin Army" and "Arcane Sanctum" is best. :)


There is a questbook rework coming. You can track quests by clicking on the purple icon in your questbook. 


For the /assist command, I'm not sure but if you press the "E" shortcut key.. or if in your shortcut options... it should select the next target for you to attack without clicking on them. 


I still use the old camera renderer, because my laptop still can't handle the new renderer... and it's really not that terrible. It is a pain for finding resources when you can't see in front of you, but it doesn't bother me when you know where things are and stuff. 


Why would you want to follow mounts? Don't really understand. And yeah /follow isn't perfect.


For crafted items, I think they are going to look on improving it. Only the dungeon and heroic sets are really worth it, and for weapons... I mostly just use the ones from dungeons except for at level 30 - crafted is useful.


Rest seem just for training purposes but again... the exp rates really needs another look at too.


For bonuses for generic classes thing, I believe that's what gems and random roll stats are for. There are different tiers of gems, with perfect being hard to obtain... and you get gems like accuracy, crit, spell/melee/ or range attack power, healing power, defence, steal health on hit and so on. The random roll stats are mostly for hybrid weapons I believe.


Everyone has their own veiws on Eldevin... and I think the game has potential.  It's only been out for a year, but I expect to see even more things to come in the future. 


For a indie MMORPG... this has come a long ways. Still improvements to be made yes.

Edited by Spirit, 15 December 2014 - 02:16.

9izzGSr.png Feb. 27th 2015 - First level 45 :)




#8 Kahleem


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Posted 15 December 2014 - 03:48

If I remember right, I saw players maxing to level 40 (the cap at the time) within less then a month of launch. If you're a low level, questing is the way to go (for money too) until you reach higher levels.


 And despite level 45 as max, it doesn't mean end game... there are tons of other things to do like obtaining fabled weapons from relics earned through doing the level 45 dungeon, and finding the perfect gems, and achievements and professions. :)


You also have to remember there are different quest marker colours and if you don't wish to do the side quests... then don't do those. The main storylines - "Eldevin Army" and "Arcane Sanctum" is best. :)


There is a questbook rework coming. You can track quests by clicking on the purple icon in your questbook. 


For the /assist command, I'm not sure but if you press the "E" shortcut key.. or if in your shortcut options... it should select the next target for you to attack without clicking on them. 


I still use the old camera renderer, because my laptop still can't handle the new renderer... and it's really not that terrible. It is a pain for finding resources when you can't see in front of you, but it doesn't bother me when you know where things are and stuff. 


Why would you want to follow mounts? Don't really understand. And yeah /follow isn't perfect.


For crafted items, I think they are going to look on improving it. Only the dungeon and heroic sets are really worth it, and for weapons... I mostly just use the ones from dungeons except for at level 30 - crafted is useful.


Rest seem just for training purposes but again... the exp rates really needs another look at too.


For bonuses for generic classes thing, I believe that's what gems and random roll stats are for. There are different tiers of gems, with perfect being hard to obtain... and you get gems like accuracy, crit, spell/melee/ or range attack power, healing power, defence, steal health on hit and so on. The random roll stats are mostly for hybrid weapons I believe.


Everyone has their own veiws on Eldevin... and I think the game has potential.  It's only been out for a year, but I expect to see even more things to come in the future. 


For a indie MMORPG... this has come a long ways. Still improvements to be made yes.


Yea, i was just pointing out a general list of needed improvements from my limited time playing. Currently, grinding is MUCH slower than questing because im grouped wif teh wife. It seems solo-kill experience is MUCH higher than group experience (why??), and greatly detracts from grouping as a whole.


Game is pretty rough to play atm, and im someone who adored UO, EQ, and DAOC heh. 

#9 Irradiated



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Posted 15 December 2014 - 04:45

Can't imagine not doing the quests.  The stories in the game are fantastic, you're missing a lot if you don't do the quests, and read the text.


That said, grinding done right is faster then questing at later levels, as you start getting the better talents (IMHO it just feels longer ph34r.png smile.png ).  A few hints based on my experience.  Others may have better ideas.


* Choose an AOE class.  I suggest warrior or ranger.  Since you are two, if you want to work together (see next point) a warrior and prophet also make an interesting team at level 26+.  ( Ranger starts getting AOE talents much earlier, but once you hit level 26, IMO, no class is better then warrior at quickly taking down groups of mobs.  Iif you don't mind using a lot of potions.)

* Grouping is effective if you take advantage to kill more mobs.  (I've been told that two players need to kill twice as many, 3 kills 3x, etc to fully offset the group penalty, haven't tested myself.)  If you're both primarily DPS it's usually best to concentrate on different mobs.  The group XP buff then becomes icing.

* Choose your mobs.  Some mobs can be killed faster then others.  Or may drop more loot.  The goblins in Adera (level 29/30 I believe) are a good example.  If either of you are skinning, then skinnable mobs make a good choice (of course).

* Look for opportunities to complete a quest 'by accident' as you grind.  At level 25, for example, take the reputation quest and grind the bears or clear the Cursed Tower.

* While your at it, take all quests.  Many have no prerequisites and involve grinding.  Do those, ignore the rest.  Might as well get all the free XP you can.

*  Try other activities.  Arena, PvP, TOC.

Edited by Irradiated, 15 December 2014 - 04:48.

Meleager, ranger

Tuor, templar (Inactive)

Deimos, mage

Thangbrand, warsin (Mostly on vacation)

Bart, ??? (bene trades)

#10 Kahleem


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Posted 15 December 2014 - 20:18

Can't imagine not doing the quests.  The stories in the game are fantastic, you're missing a lot if you don't do the quests, and read the text.


That said, grinding done right is faster then questing at later levels, as you start getting the better talents (IMHO it just feels longer ph34r.png smile.png ).  A few hints based on my experience.  Others may have better ideas.


* Choose an AOE class.  I suggest warrior or ranger.  Since you are two, if you want to work together (see next point) a warrior and prophet also make an interesting team at level 26+.  ( Ranger starts getting AOE talents much earlier, but once you hit level 26, IMO, no class is better then warrior at quickly taking down groups of mobs.  Iif you don't mind using a lot of potions.)

* Grouping is effective if you take advantage to kill more mobs.  (I've been told that two players need to kill twice as many, 3 kills 3x, etc to fully offset the group penalty, haven't tested myself.)  If you're both primarily DPS it's usually best to concentrate on different mobs.  The group XP buff then becomes icing.

* Choose your mobs.  Some mobs can be killed faster then others.  Or may drop more loot.  The goblins in Adera (level 29/30 I believe) are a good example.  If either of you are skinning, then skinnable mobs make a good choice (of course).

* Look for opportunities to complete a quest 'by accident' as you grind.  At level 25, for example, take the reputation quest and grind the bears or clear the Cursed Tower.

* While your at it, take all quests.  Many have no prerequisites and involve grinding.  Do those, ignore the rest.  Might as well get all the free XP you can.

*  Try other activities.  Arena, PvP, TOC.


Thanks for the advice, but as for questing it was never meant to be used in the way developers have started using them over the past several years.


Quests were meant to be this grandious thing that wasn't trivial to do, and actually required a lot of work. Then comes along WoW and literally spoon-feeds people experience with trivial tasks while calling them "Quests".


I'm not one for story because they don't belong in MMOs. (Character driven story, you can have as much Lore as you want so long as there isn't any "hard" story that makes you some super hero or some such nonsense). After all, MMOs are about YOUR journey, and not some pre-scripted one :).


This is probably why most people find quests boring. It's cool if YOU like them, but i've only met an extreme minority that actually enjoy doing them.


On top of that, currently anyways, questing is more of a chore to do because of the lack of quest management. 


With such a steep group experience detriment it detracts from grouping as a whole (games that do this normally don't do very well as grouping == social aspect, a major point to MMOs) we'll probably just let our subscriptions lapse and wait for major changes. Otherwise we'll be looking for a new home :(.


Just though I'd throw suggestions out there that seemed to scream "This needs fixing/etc!" so the game can become more popular. Right now, it's frustrating to say the least to play.


ps: Another suggestion would be to soften, or remove entirely, level requirements on dungeons. At level 7 I should be able to go into a level 10 dungeon if I so choose to do so. A group of 3+ level 7s would be able to do a level 10 dungeon, but are not allowed to due to trivial dungeon minimum requirements that simply do not make any sense. As it stands the gameplay just doesn't lend itself any challenge at all simply grinding on mobs the same level, or 1 below, our own currently.




Edited by Kahleem, 15 December 2014 - 20:19.

#11 Lucid



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Posted 16 December 2014 - 11:28


#12 Mongo



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Posted 16 December 2014 - 14:45

All the game needs is more boobs, then it will be fine.

Visit my shop! Mongo's Emporium for emotes, pets, vanity and more!

#13 d1rt


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Posted 16 December 2014 - 20:43

The game started to get too boring for me around level 22+


Its just too hard to find a group for anything, questing is really lame as most of it is "run back and forth 100 times".  Grinding mobs takes hours.  It really needs some sorta exp auto queue that groups people up and gives them an exp bonus for each person so it makes people want to team up.  (shop potion exp could come into affect after the group bonus total so that it makes buying exp pots totally worth it)


Or even exp daily quests in each town.  Like 3-4 quests that are easy and reset every day.  Like go kill monsters near the town.




My brother played the game and quit around level 3 because there was too many quests in which he didnt know what to do he said.  He felt he didnt have any direction, was confused and quit early.



The pvp is pretty fun even though this game seems elementary.  And I like it.  But im not sure if i can stick around to level 45 with how boring its getting.  Dont feel like hunting for another mmo though -_-

#14 Fizban



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Posted 16 December 2014 - 21:12

Started reading this topic then thought to myself 'why do peeps join this game then try to make it like another game' simple answer, go play another game, THIS IS ELDEVIN, not Runescape, nor WoW, but Eldevin :P

I can tolerate ignorance, but i cannot stand stupidity


the past can't be altered, the future can't be controlled, live for the here and now

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