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Member Since 20 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active May 13 2016 14:55

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Unable to login to game

07 July 2015 - 08:53

Yeah I can't login into any of them they all say server offline, btw I'm using browser.

In Topic: Pure Talents (level 50 end of tree talent)

02 July 2015 - 08:23

Make it so whoever's not templar and wears a shield can't use their passive :).

In Topic: Rebalance End Game Loot/Quests

22 April 2015 - 18:04

My question is: are you decked out in infernal gear and great gems (product of 4 minute ICC runs)? If the answer is yes, why want a nerf now?


Edit: Sorry, what doom said.

In Topic: Downloading Checksum, Terminal Error Loaded Data

02 April 2015 - 17:29

Had to use the diagnostic tool to get unstuck, close this please.

In Topic: We mightve rezzed a dead npc in To3

04 February 2015 - 21:23

I think rezzing this guy keeps you in combat and thus unable to eat inside the dungeon.

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