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Member Since 03 Nov 2020
Offline Last Active Apr 14 2022 17:27

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In Topic: Loyalty Token Shop

16 September 2021 - 16:42

Another thing you could do which would be just as valid, would be to take the epic potions from the chests and make them available as loyalty items.

In Topic: Loyalty Token Shop

16 September 2021 - 16:35

With the loyalty tokens, if the pots do not provide buffs with equal to, or greater value than that I can get from a chest, then in my opinion they are worthless.
I have to spend money to get tokens, or hope for a daily, or log in forever to get the pots you are talking about. so they should have at least the equivalent level of an epic chest buff.

Chests can be got by grinding gold which is free and converting it into FSP, or grinding gear which is free and selling it for FSP. Both of which are far easier to do then grind possible dailies or log ins.
So, for chests to still have greater buff sets then the ones we have to pay for is a little insulting.

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