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Member Since 20 Feb 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 30 2015 11:56

Posts I've Made

In Topic: exalted in all 5 factions, but one achievement was not given

05 November 2014 - 23:45

ty man, well worth the time spent, even more now that the pp was boosted, too bad it was not boosted sooner, but meh

In Topic: Got kicked from game even though the Eldevin site wasn't open

27 October 2014 - 23:31

for me, every few days, it logs you out from both and you have to relog again, must have a auto cookie delete feature or something, but either way, just log on front page first, then game

In Topic: 2 plague quests

20 July 2014 - 16:58

ok, problem solved, it was staff, not sword, ty to shay, it was solved

In Topic: 2 plague quests

20 July 2014 - 16:50

i tried that, i killed him using the sword, but nothing worked

In Topic: Is Radiant gem glitched, or did mine bug on upgrade

04 July 2014 - 15:20

The gem is a radiant emerald that has caused the bug on my dps, it's on my fabled knife

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